Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

man i love this team... i always have actually but this season i enjoy the winning... now i can actually wear my Knicks gear frequently and actually watch the end of games... previous years i would just watch the first half or skip the game entirely if we had a lottery season lol...

first time in a handful of years that I've watched a single game after game 20 or so....

similarly, the lack of "knicks gon knick" moments to close out games feels so incredibly foreign

Thibs is the ******* man. Love this team. Love RJ. Love IQ, Love Rose, and I even love frank and knox (**** it)

Just saw the schedule. We’re about to go on a 7 game win streak. Buckle up boys!

except for elfrid, i love the way thibs & coaching staff have been running these rotations lately. he's gotten to know the strengths of the players and timing their abilities well to fit the situation. and the players have been responding accordingly

first time in a handful of years that I've watched a single game after game 20 or so....

similarly, the lack of "knicks gon knick" moments to close out games feels so incredibly foreign

Thibs is the ****ing man. Love this team. Love RJ. Love IQ, Love Rose, and I even love frank and knox (**** it)

How I feel... normally I would be excited but worried when I'd catch the Knicks on national tv or NBA TV, but now? I actually WANT to watch them all the way through.

Feels good man
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