Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

By mid season, staters should be IQ/RJ/Knox/Obi/Mitch. A 10 man rotation is tight & the starters play big minutes. These kids should be able to score 20+ each on any given night. Mitch every other week because you don’t really call plays for him yet. Still.

& still Knicks should aim to just miss the playoffs this year.

Iggy might not be here for long, but I think he’ll land on his feet pretty good in the league.

My son kinda look like one of the Disney’s Mighty Ducks TAS.
They’ll move to that starting lineup relatively quickly (no pun) once the losses start piling up. Hopefully it’s sooner than later.
I get why you start Payton. Political reasons.

but cmon son. I think everyone and they mama knows what the right choice was. Not even biased Knicks fan such as I . Pretty wide consensus as to who it should have been.

dont knkw why we re signed Payton. We dont really owe him anything either. Hes here on a 1 yr deal.

“earn your keep”
“Keep what you kill”

f outta here man.
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