Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason

This almost hurts me to say but I kinda agree with Breen. We'd probably be getting more heat if that Philly fan didnt Philly fan last night. That's what this kind of stuff leads to though. The balding one sure thats funny but straight up unprompted disrespect nah I'll pass on that. Be creative atleast. This ain't utah paying good money to go to msg and disrespect athletes I know can't fight back ain't the move for me.
Soft **** right here ....

Must be a 2k kid ....

Get over it, this is nothing!
Aight I love that you feel that way, but can you discuss that somewhere that they care?

This the only fanbase who has to endure days of lecturing and criticism for a vulgar chant?

It’s all exaggerated because it’s New York, not because Knicks fans are worse than other fan bases. Stop giving that so much light, it’s over.

We over here lecturing one another now.:emoji_expressionless:
Yet you have Kyrie talking about, I hope they aren't racist.

Dudes come in here with the hot takes and BS espn narratives.

Acting like Artest and company didn't go to the stands to fight.
Cause there are three isolated incident on camera of players directly being disrespected by fans from last two nights. One of which is our former star. It's gonna be discussed and just saying well other teams fans do it as well ain't good enough imo. Seems like there are alot of new fans or people just going with the crowd. I was pumped last night too but there's still business to be taken care of. Celebrating in the streets after losing home court advantage is strange to me.
Maybe because you're.....

Let me stop ...

Fans went to the garden, saw a heck of a game, won a playoff game in years, the emotions were high and it's strange to you why they're happy and celebrating?

Bro you are strange 🤔
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Game was awesome. Good to see Randle contributing in other ways, Rose played amazing. Seems like Obi and Quickley don't have those rookie nerves in the playoffs...

I know playoffs just started, but would you guys keep Mitchell Robinson or trade him with some of our draft picks?
People watch ESPN. Hear a couple of people talk about the F Trae chants, which I don’t think do is good enough for all that energy, but whatever and come in here talking about OMG the NY fans are so unruly.

Even Lebron ***** *** was twitting nothing like MSG and its fan.

This dude claims to be a baller, that can beat people with one hand but never has play againat a hostile crowd????

People watch ESPN. Hear a couple of people talk about the F Trae chants, which I don’t think do is good enough for all that energy, but whatever and come in here talking about OMG the NY fans are so unruly.

Even Lebron ***** *** was twitting nothing like MSG and its fan.

This dude claims to be a baller, that can beat people with one hand but never has play againat a hostile crowd????

Man I've played in games that turned into all out brawls with crowds and parents involved before. Aau used to be wild years back. Never saw someone spit on a player.
randle finally driving to the basket and creating shot opportunities was the biggest thing for me last night

absolutely have to carry that into game 3
Man I've played in games that turned into all out brawls with crowds and parents involved before. Aau used to be wild years back. Never saw someone spit on a player.
Man ... you are drawing conclusions for all we know someone knocked a drink down .. someone was yelling to the point spit came out etc. Unless I have a picture from a fan spitting, I cant say someone did.

If they did, thats dispicable .... and if we are all associated with that then ....

All White People are racist
All Cops murder innocent Black Kids
Etc ....

Stop it!!!!!!
My issue with that incident is that everyone has their mind set on a certain thing when we’ve yet to hear from the ppl close to the situation.
I love it. This is trash talk at its finest. It’s clear as day who played ball in a hostile environment or in the hood before.

This is part of basketball. Great for Trae for actually embracing it too. Makes it much more fun.

No one here is condoning physical disrespect or racism, what the crowd at MSG is doing is nowhere near that.
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