Official NY Knicks 2021 preseason


It really be your "own" :smh:
:lol: You should change your avy to troll the entire thread because you don't like his ****** trade posts. Anyone disagree you can always have a shootout.
Funny how my ****** trade proposals earlier for Dame are now being echoed by the same cats who roasted earlier. Gif boy included.
Reading comprehension not exactly a strength of yours, keko jones keko jones ? Point me in the direction where you see “1st”.
You're right, you didn't say 1st. However, the way you phrased it, it's like you said something that was not talked about before until now by everyone.

I"m certain that if you was getting clowned it was not because of a Dame trade, but instead ome of your outlandish rants and far fetch trades.

But carry on .... I don't want to get invited to a fist fight over this. Continue being a fake fan .....go glorify yourself as being about othet Knicks fans elsewhere ... we don't care!

PS Point me to the post about the trade everyone is echoing.
I feel good about picks later in the round with how well they’ve scouted lately and how clear it is what we need to look for. First time in a while going into a draft and thinking about complimentary pieces to add to something, and not just trying to catch lightning in a bottle.
What are you thoughts on what we'll be doing with it?
Just thinking we made the 4th seed with 2 rookies and a 20 year old and I think the franchise isn’t interested in taking another rookie that’s probably not going to be impactful off jump, they trying to be better than last season (we got lucky with IQ) I think we either try to trade into the lottery by packaging our picks or that pick is package for an established player in the League.
we should easily be able to move up into the lottery range if we package our two firsts which is where our focus should be imo
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