Official October 2013 WDYWT Thread Vol. Trick or Treat

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i just stand out cuz i'm one of the few on here who's not scared to try new stuff, rock a new trend if i like it (there's plenty i pass on too, like pyrex, ugly givenchy, almost all supreme, leather pants, HBA, etc, etc... i have to genuinely like a new trend to mess with it), even when it's so new everyone else on here is still hating on it (only to follow suit much later)... first time i wore a denim jacket i got hated on in here hard, only for the same dudes wearing them a year or two later... first time i wore waxed denim in here (a pair made by supra i had b4 i ever saw kanye wear them) they got hated on, called leather pants, and now you see them in here frequently... first time i wore jogger pants in here last year it also got hated on, now it's rare to see a page go by without at least a couple posts wearing them...

i'm not scared to progress, even if i get hated on, but i also stay true to styles i've always liked (and i get hated on for that too, like for instance, i've popped the tongues on shoes my whole life, it was a skater thing when i was growing up, and i've caught so much hate for that over the years on here, but do you see any dambs given?)...

i'm really not making any "duck / kissy face"... that's just my face... perhaps i have natural blue steel... :lol: but i'm not making any apologies for that... i could give a F long as my chicks love me... :wink:

i really can't believe i typed all that the other night, but i was pretty tipsy, and just spoke my mind... it's only once or twice a year NT can get a argument out of me like that anymore, i usually ignore it.... reading back on it sober tho, i made a lot of good points about the lame and often hypocritical attitudes on here, but they obviously get brushed off as "you like to hear yourself talk", and used as fuel for more bashing of me...

it's all good. one thing y'all should know by now, i'm gonna keep doing what i like to do, regardless of hype, regardless of hate, regardless of the opinions of others... i may get lured into typing some words about it, but if i truly cared what people think of me i'd change everything up, go with the sheep, and keep it low key so i wouldn't get hated on... instead, i know full well that some of the stuff i like to wear is gonna bring hate on myself... i just don't give a F... life is way too short to base my opinions and taste on the opinions of others...
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Not 35, and I was on music forums for years b4 I started posting on NT, and on there, they all seem to have decent reading comprehension, and don't act like 2 or 3 paragraphs is too much to read. :shrug:
Son too much justification. All im sayin is u kinda embody a million things that old heads and athletes find a bit metro.
Keep doing you but you ARE making kissy faces and doing photoshoots with hyped items. You never really had to shoot above your feet anyway.
So can you write a couple paragraphs with detailed arguments, but then when I write a detailed rubuttle, it's chalked up to too much justification... OK...

You never really had to shoot above your feet anyway.

Wut? Guess that's the problem here, not everyone is just into sneakers. Plenty of people on here are into fashion and stuff too, post full fits, and wanna see full fits for inspiration, etc. Anyone can buy hot sneakers, but not everyone can dress with em.

Not everyone only buys shoes cuz of MJ or their fav athlete. MJ def got me into em, but I don't base everything on him (that dude can't dress to save his life)...
Drama got thick in this thread quickly...

Nice shoes all around none this less

Past few wears for me

2001 royals before golf couple days ago 

KD's yesterday

2012 Breds today
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