.: Official Paranormal/Alien/Unexplained Thread:. Vol.2

Ghosts & Aliens are non-existent!

^so u dont believe anythin unless u see it??

there are millions of stars, planets, galaxies out there and to think theres no other life form out there is just selfish
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

My brother has had two encounters with ghosts within in my family.
The first time was after my grandmother died. she passed away in the spring about 10 years ago. Later that fall one of my cousins was getting married. My brother was in college at the time and couldnt make it back for the wedding. My brother said we was in his room when he saw my grandmother standing at the foot of his bed. He said that she talked to him about the wedding, telling him things that only if you went to the wedding that you would know about. He was also told about some of the secrets about my cousins relationship with her husband that no one knew about except my grandmother and why she didnt like her husband. My brother told my mom about things about the wedding and she was shook that he knew and how he found out. And the things my brother was told about, like him being abusive, was confirmed when they split years later/

The most recent was about a year ago. My sister passed away from a 4 year battle of leukemia last spring. When the doctors said there was nothing they could do, she had to come to the facts that she was going to pass away. When she was ready to talk about it, she talked to my brother about his past experiences with the paranormal. It helped her comfort her to know there was something after life. About a week before she passed she was in the hospital with some of my family, she asked who brought a dog in. There was no dog but what she saw was my aunts dogs who passed away laying at the end of her bed almost there for protection. Later on that week she passed away. After everything was settled and we all went back home, my brother was in his bedroom when his phone went off. the phone said that my sister was calling. Number and caller ID popped up. He answered and all her heard was my sister say, "all i wanted to do was go to sleep". That connects to how she died because when she passed, she woke up and couldnt breathe as he lungs started to fill up. She rolled over and my dad rubbed her back as she passed away. Fitting what she said on the phone. So with those totally believe there is life beyond to what we see everyday.

I love crazy horror stories, none of this scares me until I see an actual ghost or an alien.

My aunt that lived in Mexico saw a ufo in the sky, she lived in a deserted place and this was back in 02.

UFOs are known to be spotted in deserted places and shes a really religious person that wouldnt lie about a thing so I believe her.
Much love and respect to you Retroballer...
Has anyone experienced ESP or connections between your family members?
My mom told me that when her mom died years ago (late 80's) she woke up at 2am (same time/day her mom died) as if she felt a sixth sense or whatever. When she talked to her 7 brothers and sisters about it later they said they ALL woke up at the same time and day my grandmother passed
Has anyone exprienced ESP among family members?
My mom said that when her mom died she woke up at 2am from like a sixth sense or whatever. When she told her brothers and sisters about waking up at the exact time and date her mom died, they ALL confessed to waking up at the exact same time as my grandma's passing
JayPesoz wrote:
Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by tizoni

Originally Posted by CaponeCartels

Originally Posted by tizoni

when i fall asleep there are sometimes where i wake upawake but i cannot move my body and my eyes are still shut, meanwhile im hearing whispers and in order for me to be able to move again i have to say a prayer.
anybody else experience this?

it all started like9 years ago when me and my fam stayed in a one berdroom apartment (i was 9) and i look over where my mom was sleeping and i see a shadow of a person on the wall right over her, while i look at the shadow i become completely paralized and i couldnt move
maybe i was just young and it was all in my head? but i remember in order to get into the parking area of the apartment complex you had to go through an alley, at night if you look into the alley youd see flashes ofred and whitelights floating around. i want to go back and check it out again...

Sounds alot like what you're experiencing.

hmmm ive experienced seeing shadowsin my room talking to me, being paralyzed and felt like i wasfloating on top of my bed like an alien obduction,,,
Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:
  • Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position
  • Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation
  • Increased stress
  • Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes
  • A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.
it all makes sense now!!!

thank you CaponeCartel, i always wondered if there was an explanation for all of this
Sleep paralysis is quite common, i don't get it as much as I used to thank goodness.

The emocon i put is because i get sleep paralysis all the time and what tizoni explained is almost exactly what i expierence with sleep paralysis.
I only get it when i take naps in the middle of the day on my futon in my basement when the room is completely pitch black. I sleep down there all the time cause i sleep so well in that room and im always tired after school. I take 2-3 hour naps everyday.
When i get it ive had times where there was a shadow to the left of me that i could see in my parephrials(sp?) and the shadow would have the voice of my mom and would whisper in my ear.
Then there was a time where my mom walked in and shook my leg telling me to do go upstairs and do something i cant remember. But when she shook my leg she went upstairs after and i couldnt move. I tried to yell but couldnt open my mouth which is when i started to panic. Eventually when i got up i thought it all actually happened but then i realized my mom wasnt even home.

As i type this im just realizing my mom is always involved.

Now though i get sleep paralysis so much i dont even panic cause i know its happening when its happening. Weird stuff.

It never really scares me but when I had it today, I was actually able to walk around and and could only barely open my eyes. Sort of like when the sun is hitting you in the face. crazy

I HATE SLEEP PARALYSIS, sometimes im afraid to sleep.

i hatehearing voicesand seeing figures in my roomor when ihave that lifted feeling off my bed like im being obducted.

what is up with my brain?! vvv
anyone get the feeling once in a while that theres someone else in the room that shouldnt be there?...it feels like you cant do @#$% and you feel trapped, but you just have to man up and just say @#$% it and get up. its a huge relief when you see that theres no ghost or anything, but until I do that I just hide under the covers scared as @#$%
I got a story. So back in 96 my dad who was in Astoria, Ny at the time, was told that his mother in the philippines became very ill from the cancer she had for months and of course he was really upset. He told me a few weeks later he went out for a cigarette on a hot summer night, he then felt this very cold chill but with no wind. When he went back inside my mom told him his family just called from the philippines to let him know that his mother passed away. He said he felt like it was her telling him goodbye. Never forget that story.
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