Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

You gotta stick with the stock strap IMO. Either that or go with the hand strap (which is very comfortable btw)

The strap is like a badge of honor. It allows you to identify certain cameras from far away. Canon for instance: blk/grey = rebel series, blk/red = xxD seriesor 5D, blk/red w/red stripes = 1D series. Nikon has the model type on the actual strap. Kinda like the authentic stickers on MLB fitteds, gives it a sense ofauthenticity but isn't totally necessary to keep it on.

But that's just me. I know people who swap the strap for length issues or for a more comfortable option.

^Devanisgee, I actually have four clients/groups that I shoot for, three of which pay. This is not including the freelance stuff I do on the side. Not greatmoney, but it's easy money. Sometimes a few hundred, or sometimes just a few dollars.
%* how hard would it be, find a maker/supplier, get some dope designs and do some group orders

i know im not the only one thats not feeling the oem strap
I will boycott anything Gucci if there is a camera strap. I just can't get on this fake Gucci steez and the fact that Soulja Boy wears it like it's thelast piece of clothing ever erks the crap out of me.

I like the regular....stock straps or whatever but Canon needs to make some other ones. Every time I see Nikon straps, they look so much better imo.

The bastardization of gucci by soulja boy and the hordes of people using their stimulus check to buy it has deterred me from it
Originally Posted by I fLiPzKiCkZ I

You gotta stick with the stock strap IMO. Either that or go with the hand strap (which is very comfortable btw)

The strap is like a badge of honor. It allows you to identify certain cameras from far away. Canon for instance: blk/grey = rebel series, blk/red = xxD series or 5D, blk/red w/red stripes = 1D series. Nikon has the model type on the actual strap. Kinda like the authentic stickers on MLB fitteds, gives it a sense of authenticity but isn't totally necessary to keep it on.

But that's just me. I know people who swap the strap for length issues or for a more comfortable option.

^Devanisgee, I actually have four clients/groups that I shoot for, three of which pay. This is not including the freelance stuff I do on the side. Not great money, but it's easy money. Sometimes a few hundred, or sometimes just a few dollars.

i prefer the low key approach. keep em guessing =) you can figure out what they got by the lens usually (zebra or all black, red ring or gold ring)

i do a little freelance on the side. i wanna step it up to a decent side business
Originally Posted by verynecessary

Originally Posted by I fLiPzKiCkZ I

You gotta stick with the stock strap IMO. Either that or go with the hand strap (which is very comfortable btw)

The strap is like a badge of honor. It allows you to identify certain cameras from far away. Canon for instance: blk/grey = rebel series, blk/red = xxD series or 5D, blk/red w/red stripes = 1D series. Nikon has the model type on the actual strap. Kinda like the authentic stickers on MLB fitteds, gives it a sense of authenticity but isn't totally necessary to keep it on.

But that's just me. I know people who swap the strap for length issues or for a more comfortable option.

^Devanisgee, I actually have four clients/groups that I shoot for, three of which pay. This is not including the freelance stuff I do on the side. Not great money, but it's easy money. Sometimes a few hundred, or sometimes just a few dollars.

i prefer the low key approach. keep em guessing =) you can figure out what they got by the lens usually (zebra or all black, red ring or gold ring)

i do a little freelance on the side. i wanna step it up to a decent side business
The lens isn't a dead give away. I have friends with Rebels that have better lenses than I do (all L series), but I have 40D and only one L lens.The grey and gold rings usually mean higher quality EF-S lenses. Gold rings can mean a lot (Tokina, Sigma, Tamron, Canon, Nikon). With Nikon, all (except forvery few) lenses are black, making it harder to figure out the body.

Pretty much, if I see a >400mm lens, white or black, I will assume it's on a pro level body.


An old picture from about 2 years ago when I still had my Rebel.
Here's a few random shots i got from a family party today. Walked over to the freeway overpass to get some shots as well.




my friend took this picture of my car, it blew my mind, something about how he took 3 different pictures and put them all together
Here's my little brother. I don't like the background of this pic but I like how it came out. C&C?
lol... please no Gucci straps... tacky, IMO...

but neck straps aside, hand straps are a fantastic option... very useful and adds a bit of 'security' as well...
Went out for a quick Highlands trip again with my sister in law and my older boy.

Just took a few pictures.

Same castle as the last few times - I wish the tide had been in as it hides all the dirty brown seaweed.


Got a bit carried away playing with this one - I don't really like this style but I guess it's interesting.


New angle:


And actually paid to get inside the castle this time.

Damn...those castle pics are dope. Definitely like the non-HDR one over the HDR one. Sick my dude....
Originally Posted by VIXIV

Originally Posted by qksLvrtypeS

i do photography and the wifey does cakes


for a baby shower
Same person behind that shoe cake from a while back?

That must be some kind of special confectionery thing I'm not aware of. I can't ice a cake that smoothly. The last one I helped with looked like it was covered with blue stucco

what shoe cake? my gf never made a shoe cake .. yet...

so you must have the wrong person.





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