Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

oh and if ayone can help me out on how to resize my pictures without ruining the quality. my pictures on my blog are looking kinda weak and i'm wondering if it's the way i'm resizing it, posting it, or is it that the way my blog host depicts it? i got some amazing pictures and i'm not putting them up because the current way i'm doing it now will not do it justice . thanks!

If you're using Photoshop CS3, when you hit Image Size, make sure on the bottom it's on Bicubic Sharper (for reduction), it should help.

I'm kind of mad right now, after going thru all of my pics, I'm realizing my SD500 took crispier pics than the SD700is. Damn Canon has to consolidate the amount of POS cameras they make.
Washington Heights
Okay so I recently replaced my old Rebel with an XTI.
Can someone please recommend me some good Lenses to buy,
I'm looking for anytype of lense,
I just want to get to know what's the best and what's nt.
aim - email - myspace -

I'm starting my own magazine soon and there's some wonderful stuff in here. If anyone would be interested in shooting for a music/fashion and style magazine please shoot me an email at [email protected].

My AIM is Pacman1523 if anyone wants to get at me on there.

Thanks guys.
James,Pavlovic,Hughes,Gooden,IIgauskas,Varejao,Marshall ,Da.Jones,Pollard,Snow,Wesley,Newble,Gibson,Brown​
^ be more specific on what uses and give a price range.
aim - email - myspace -
^ Well, they're completely different. One will give you a wider view and the other will let you take pictures from further away - and take better portraits - you get a shorter depth of field with a longer lens.

The shorter one has a bigger maximum aperture which is useful in dim environments though.

But, 18-35 isn't much of an advantage over the kit lens of most DSLR's - they're usually 18-55 - whereas a 70-300 will let you do things you can't do already.

Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.
^ That's an extremely different set of focal lengths you're working with there. It's almost like comparing apples and oranges...

If you're going to be shooting nightclubs (extremely low light), ditch the 70-300mm lens, as it will do you no good, especially if you're working with flash (that is, unless you turn up the ISO).

The wide angle lens, on the other hand, may just be as bad, but at least you cover a wider range.

I'd go looking for something in the 24 to 100mm focal range. And think about getting a diffuser for your flash.
So can somebody recommend me a decent forum for photography?
Something that'll be like this?

There's a thousand you's, there's only one of me​
I don't really like putting out unfinished bodies of work but I went on a road trip with my boys to Cleveland this past weekend and I'm kinda ehh about most of the images so not really going to do a whole lot with it...

so anyhow here is one of the few I liked I might put a up couple of others. Shooting in a car going about 90 mph with a blunt in one hand is wild hard... (I really wanted to photograph the "witness" poster thing but didnt get around to it.. oh well..).
So can somebody recommend me a decent forum for photography?
Something that'll be like this? is ok... helpful for trouble shooting problems, etc.. But alot of morons who for whatever reason answer questions, so you have to take everything with a grain of salt...
ATMOSfere love that first shot!

Although, you may consider straightening it along the horizon, and possibly cropping the bottom. Just my opinion though.

Also, you play badminton?
England till I die, England till I die, I know I am, I'm sure I am, England till I die!​
One of the kids in my friend's beginning b/w class that she's the TA for did a super live job processing my film and she taught them how to scan using it too, so just let photoshop merge it and did alittle dusting etc... needs alittle work but I spent about 15 minutes of my time all told so...


Shout out to the kid who processed my film I was honestly thinking you were probably going to @#%$ it up... but way good...

Edit: probably should resize it, but I'll do it tomorrow...

Edit #2: It's the Chicago skyline from my apartment building's like rooftop sundeck thing...
ebay should get a dslr so he could contribute more.

There's a thousand you's, there's only one of me​
^ I'm just lazy... :lol:

^But yeah with a DSLR I would certainly take more "snap shots" snap shots on film take a couple days turn around from shooting to on computer... Maybe I'll get a nikon d40x for christmas or something...
Just got some new glass on ebay which I'm looking forward to playing around with. There's a postal strike here though so I won't get it until at least the end of next week.

I'm going away for the weekend on the 12th too so I'd like it then - same place I took the pictures by firelight and this would be perfect for that.

It's a Nikon 50mm f1.8 manual lens - no autofocus, no metering, nothing. Should be interesting.


Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.
Just got some new glass on ebay which I'm looking forward to playing around with. There's a postal strike here though so I won't get it until at least the end of next week.

Last month's Popular Photography on bootleg digital cameras & glass on ebay. Beware homey, hope it's legit.
Washington Heights
It's a Nikon 50mm f1.8 manual lens - no autofocus, no metering, nothing. Should be interesting.
kdwallace :lol:

I'm pretty sure the internal light meter is in the body? so you still have metering... it's probably on the right looking into the body next to the mirror...
Edit: I just realized what you mean, you mean it wont auto set adjust based on the metering. i commend you then for having a non-lazy lens... thats great.
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