Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Originally Posted by IMPORTKING

forgive him jenn, he is an iss'er turned nt'er like alot of others.

he has alot to get used to.

nice pics jenn.

you people really take this ISS/NT thing a little too serious.

Drama in this thread.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance? i think thats what we all do....i dont think it pays off when you as a photographer work for lets say a wedding agency....ive heard horrrrror stories about this. I personally wouldnt work for anyone but myself when it comes to photography.
No...I meant freelens sir

Photos taken with the lens detached from the camera but held in place and moved around to focus. This also lets extra light in sometimes causing light leaksand giving a vintage look and feel."

* Gives extra bokeh by shrinking the area in focus (apeture is 0)
* Allows for super macro shots
* Delicious light leaks
* Tilt-shift effects
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance? i think thats what we all do....i dont think it pays off when you as a photographer work for lets say a wedding agency....ive heard horrrrror stories about this. I personally wouldnt work for anyone but myself when it comes to photography.
freelensing is NOT freelancing, its a term used in photography by using a detached lens. edit* ^ homie above beat me to it.

and please dont jump from "oh you do nothing but document your life with your 3K camera" to "i've always admired your work."

im not even going to bother responding to you anymore because telling me to grow up made me laugh. especially when you're saying you didn't call me outbut you just had to drop my name in your last post when referring to making money. straightttt comedy.

i have nothing else to say.. other than yea, NT is a lot different than ISS.
Photography thread always has these lil arguments with NT/ISS.

who remembers ebayologist vs that mod from ISS?

son was going hard.

And elkin... NT is alot different from ISS. Completely different people, but you will soon realize that.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance? i think thats what we all do....i dont think it pays off when you as a photographer work for lets say a wedding agency....ive heard horrrrror stories about this. I personally wouldnt work for anyone but myself when it comes to photography.
No...I meant freelens sir

Photos taken with the lens detached from the camera but held in place and moved around to focus. This also lets extra light in sometimes causing light leaks and giving a vintage look and feel."

* Gives extra bokeh by shrinking the area in focus (apeture is 0)
* Allows for super macro shots
* Delicious light leaks
* Tilt-shift effects

seems cool, first time hearing of it even safe for your camera?....I wouldnt risk getting dust in my sensor.

anyway...that's the main criticism I've heard. Dust getting into the sensor...but it seems to be increasing in popularity so I don't know.
yea, i've heard the same, but i can't imagine it doing too much harm if you're doing it infrequently. also, dust can be cleaned. i love tilt-shifteffects!

And speaking of ISS Vs. NT, the ISS photo forum is insane, a thread for EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING! "sneaker photo thread" "bokeh thread""lens thread" "camera thread" "colors thread" "flash thread" "car photo thread"

on NT, we keeps it real. <3
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by Im Not You

So uhh...changing the subject. Anyone freelens?

you mean freelance? i think thats what we all do....i dont think it pays off when you as a photographer work for lets say a wedding agency....ive heard horrrrror stories about this. I personally wouldnt work for anyone but myself when it comes to photography.
freelensing is NOT freelancing, its a term used in photography by using a detached lens. edit* ^ homie above beat me to it.

and please dont jump from "oh you do nothing but document your life with your 3K camera" to "i've always admired your work."

im not even going to bother responding to you anymore because telling me to grow up made me laugh. especially when you're saying you didn't call me out but you just had to drop my name in your last post when referring to making money. straightttt comedy.

i have nothing else to say.. other than yea, NT is a lot different than ISS.

NT/ISS...blah blah blah...
I wonder why we never had this discussion on ISS, you been a member there for sometime now. and im grown man, im being honest and i will repeat that iveadmired your style, however judging from the character you've displayed here, you are not as mature as i thought you were. things i said.
-you are not a pro.
-you shoot for fun, you stated this on your flickr and your pictures show it.
this is not me taking a shot at you like you stated previously, i really dunno why you would take it that way, Im practically doing the same. Only reason ibrought up the fact that you shoot with a equipment worth 3K+, is to put into perspective that me spending 320$ on business cards, shouldnt be viewed asgetting jipped. at the end is personal preference and about how much your photography is worth to YOU. Is like me sitting here telling you, you jipped yourselfby spending 3k on a 5dmkii to simply run around shooting pictures of your friends and outtings to post on flickr or your blog.....ID BE WRONG WOULDNT I?...andthis would upset you, next time come corrrect or dont come at all. ps your homegirl spending 200$ for 1000 cards printed on plastic is DUCKTALES, till provenotherwise.
I don't get the NT/ISS beef either but I still hate ISS even though I have only been on there like figure on that. I guess it is just thenature of the beast on here.

And I have never heard of freelensing. That a new thing or has that been around a while? IT has a nice feel to it from the photos that I have googled. Itfeelds very 70's retro to me.
Originally Posted by DJ bana

yea, i've heard the same, but i can't imagine it doing too much harm if you're doing it infrequently. also, dust can be cleaned. i love tilt-shift effects!

And speaking of ISS Vs. NT, the ISS photo forum is insane, a thread for EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING! "sneaker photo thread" "bokeh thread" "lens thread" "camera thread" "colors thread" "flash thread" "car photo thread"

on NT, we keeps it real. <3

that is because the structure of iss is different and we have a whole section dedicated to this....dont see the problem in it. why are some of you soterritorial, its just a site for God's sake.

"we keep it real"
"this is a different species"
"go back to iss"
how ya sound?...Cmon SON!


why do i even waste my time....the only person to have an issue with me on here has to be an ISS'er aswell, goes to show.
Originally Posted by Im Not You


anyway...that's the main criticism I've heard. Dust getting into the sensor...but it seems to be increasing in popularity so I don't know.

I read up on the pool on flickr, definately a cool technique, its up to if its worth the risk. I rather experiment with
TVF - Through The Viewfinder

its pretty much shooting with a macrolense on a DSLR thru the viewfinder of a film can achieve some nice effects, then again you can also do thiswith Photoshop.
Originally Posted by tha23greatest

Bana in any of those images did you use a flash or anything?

The third one is
flash is ONLY used in number 4, the one with the red rectangle structure. the rest are just big aperture images, taken with my super duperexpensive lenses that i only use to document my outings
Originally Posted by DJ bana

Originally Posted by tha23greatest

Bana in any of those images did you use a flash or anything?

The third one is
flash is ONLY used in number 4, the one with the red rectangle structure. the rest are just big aperture images, taken with my super duper expensive lenses that i only use to document my outings

you really went back and edited your must be really used to dudes on here licking your balls.
here i was thinking NT had a more mature crowd.
omg dude, lighten up. take a #!$#%$! joke.

it wont kill you to giggle.

i thought this was over with, if you can't laugh about it now.. you clearly aren't over it.

dude is sitting over there pushing the refresh button, waiting to get a rise out of me. I dont care, never did. its not that serious... MOVE ON. laugh. its theinterwebzzzzzzz!!!

My apologies to all the other NT'ers, didnt mean to derail the thread for the last 2 pages.
Hey, what do you guys set the picture style on your camera to? Do you just leave it on default? I kind of made my own custom picture style, but I'mthinking about just leaving it neutral (default for Canon) and leaving the rest to PP. Info?
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