Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

^ that's a nice shot, I need to get dslr. I shoot something and lately it's weeks before it's printed let alone scanned unless I'm really on my grizzly about it... Not to mention shots like that at night on film I'd spend half a day correcting the color to get it to look right.

Depending on the subject and the project, I will crop the photo into a
square but I'm quite bias to the traditional rectangle picture.

Yeah, both the cameras I use the most my yashica 635 and my hassy 503cxi shot 6x6 so, no cropping. But I can def see the appeal of shooting the normal ratio.
I need Camera advice. Can someone call me? LOL.

No, seriously. 903-926-2370, Tim.

Here's my situation. My background is completely white, I'm using JTL Studio Systems 250 watt studio lamps, and I'm taking pictures of shoes & apparel for our website.

I'm sure the main thing is that I'm using a HP M307 6.0-18.0 mm 3.2 MP, but my backgrounds always come out grey.

I want to take this, (only edited to crop and resize)

And get it to this (brighten complete picture, several minutes of history brush, drop colors, enhance colors, and it's still not exactly where I'd like it to be)
6hh26g2.jpg - Brand New Design, Same Great ServiceCheck the Coupon Sticky to save yourself 25% OFF
JTL Studio Systems 250 watt studio lamps

Just reading this think off the cuff, why don't you use strobes? I was under the assumption the temp of light didnt matter with digital but maybe it does in terms of white balance. my guess and just a guess is that the temp of the lamps is not white light, hence why whites dont show up as white... strobes or flashes on the other hand are like 5500 k temp which is right there with white light, I wonder what the temp of those lamps is...

the first picture does strike me as warm, it might be that I'm looking at in on a computer screen but i think def some yellow maybe alittle orange color cast to it, which would basically affirm my idea that the lamps are putting out yellow light, hence making everything look warm and thus whites arent whites and the edited photo strikes me as cool white so I'd switch to strobes.. but I'd ask around before going out and buying strobes...

I'm sure the manual for the lamps states their temp. I gotta get something to eat but I'll look up some info on temp of light for you later...
thought before i go, but I'll be back later this afternoon with some info temp of light, is adjusting the white balance in the camera to counter whats occuring, because If you shot with film with lamps it would look terrible and require tons of color cast corrections so clearly the camera is trying to fix it but you might try helping it along, i.e. adjust the white balance to a more cool color, like a more light cyan or blue, but honestly i'd say you'd get the best results with strobes would be my guess just having thought about it for 10-15mins, but i'll get back to you...

HP M307 6.0-18.0 mm 3.2 MP

also that isnt helping the situation.

But if you even got like 3 flashes (flashes would work cause you're shooting something rather small, but strobes would be better but more $$$) and either a nikon or cannon you could use ttl cords or wireless and monitor all the balances of color and light and get quite good results...
^ Alright, back from lunch, I'll edit this message as I get more info should provide various solutions to your problem...

here is a link that explains what I was talking about in reference to color temperature.

just so we're on the same page this the camera you plan on getting? first and foremost, I'd just try it with your lamps it might have features that would allow you to correct something like that. I don't own or really use dslrs so I'm the wrong person about white balance and color correction on dslrs but I'm sure someone here with one can figure out or knows if you can...

In my own photography I use Nikon flashs (i own 4) and for me brand doesnt matter I just like Nikon and it's quality product and once you go with a brand you might as well stick with it. But I use them cause they're nice stuff not cause of their other features which require compatiblity. You on the other hand with dslr it makes sense that if you're going to pay for the features they should work. So I know Nikon stuff and how to lace it all together and get to work for a Nikon even though I shoot with a Yashica or Hassy, but I dont know if all the ttl and automatic stuff works from Nikon to Canon.

Twin_Lite Aside from this thing looks ridiculous cool it might help for what your doing.

First, I'd get the camera see if that won't solve your problem with its features the if it doesnt, but honestly for what you do though, I'd just get a strobe kit. I think it will solve your problem right then and there... flashes might be cheaper marginally but its alot more complicated then you probably want go or need.
Thanks solistik. Yeah there isnt much to shoot around me thats why i shoot what ever is around my house hahaha. Now that im in SF there is way more stuff to shoot. Yeah im using the 10.5mm. My favorite lens so far. Been using it a lot lately just to learn the lens inside and out.

Few more

Well I'd say the camera is something you should get considering what you have and what you do. But all you really need since you have all that stuff is strobe heads.. hold one min. I'll link you some good ones that arent too pricey...

Based on just browsing B&H it seems like just the heads are kinda pricey and you save alot by just buying the kit but all you really need is the heads and a power suppy. If the camera isnt fixing the problem with the lights you have I'd go to local camera store and look into buying strobe heads and a power supply for them...

Also just reading that link you sent I can immediately see based off stuff they say that whats happening is happening from the lights not being color correct w/ the temp. If it says its for a camcorder or especially if says for b/w then its not color correct temp because b/w obivously is only issue of contrast not color.. I'd return those lights if you can and get a strobe kit. or just buy strobe heads for the and ditch the lamps.

here are two strobe kits that would work significantly better than your current lamps and are cheap as far as strobes but clearly still not cheap.

Ring_Lite Here is another cheaper ring light. My guess that along with either your current setup or strobes, a ring light would be useful.

One last thing and then I gotta get some work done. I'd check ebay for used strobes and power supplies. I dont trust ebay for stuff like used lense where a tiny scratch you cant see in the pictures means alot whereas something like strobes as long as it works... And most of that kinda stuff sits around in some anal portrait photographers studio and is in perfect condition they just got the next best thing and have to get rid of the older stuff.
Some recent ones

England till I die, England till I die, I know I am, I'm sure I am, England till I die!​

same place you got you lamps and not too bad price wise and you can just buy the strobes seperately and power supply if you need one... also 5600k temp.

they have 200 to 1000 watt strobes...

but most strobes are going to be in that 5000k to 6000k range because if they werent no one would buy them, some places like b&h probably dont have it stated cause its assumed...

If you can find a bulb thats produces 5000k to 6000k that should work but I think they only come in strobes... but I don't actually know, I've just never heard or seen a lamp or light intended to do that for photography, people just use flashes or strobes..

I think Macros are cool... if done right.

Granted I've done a few flower macros in my life, but people think that
by taking macro flower pics it = instant photographer.

But I thought the last set of macros I did wasn't that bad. :smile:
smile.gif [email protected]
Can someone tell me how to do the light trails thing ? And if anyone can tell me how to make pictures more clearly using the canon sd630. Help would be appreciated.
Just reading this think off the cuff, why don't you use strobes? I was under the assumption the temp of light didnt matter with digital but maybe it does in terms of white balance. my guess and just a guess is that the temp of the lamps is not white light, hence why whites dont show up as white... strobes or flashes on the other hand are like 5500 k temp which is right there with white light, I wonder what the temp of those lamps is...


Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.

This is one of my favorite threads on NT and I always been a looker but I wanted to contribute - so I look through pics Ive taken and found these... Im not a photographer but I thought these look good...



I tried to play with them a little on PS (didnt modify the photo) to add a neat border - I went with the polaroid effect (and the second one I try to give it a feel of it bending or almost on a table).

Ill post more when I get some time - as I do have some other neat shots I get lucky and am able to capture.
You're right - white balance doesn't matter with digital. Like we've already said you could shoot in raw and then just change the white balance in photoshop but I would set it properly first.

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