Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Yeah, I think most of you guys would be greatly helped both in learning composition and composing good photographs with that straight prime lens. Most fullymanual film SLR cameras come with that very lens as the kit lens. I don't shoot 35mm film anymore (shoot medium format now days) but I own a nikon SLR 35mmwith the 50mm kit and its perfectly sharp lens. I think the primes force you to understand composition even if its just at a more what's inherent ornatural kind of level.
I've been thinking about getting that 50mm for a while now, pretty sure I will now.

Go for it dude. Prime lens' are such a joy to use especially for portraits. Tack sharp, great for low light situations, and the bokeh is creamy. Check outsome stuff i took over the holidays. Mind you this is a 50mm f1.8 which is manual focus on a Nikon D40.



Originally Posted by M Eazy724

I've been thinking about getting that 50mm for a while now, pretty sure I will now.

Go for it dude. Prime lens' are such a joy to use especially for portraits. Tack sharp, great for low light situations, and the bokeh is creamy. Check out some stuff i took over the holidays. Mind you this is a 50mm f1.8 which is manual focus on a Nikon D40.
I never thought I would see the day someone on NT would a: use the term bokeh (like I know what it means but I never use the term myself) and b: callit creamy.
that just made my day...
damn those pictures are pretty crisp i didnt think you was using a $75 lens. will definitely cop

Hahah yea, someone made a funny comparison. They said it was like a big pharmaceutical company giving out free sample of their product and once you try it, you fall in love with it and buy more! This lens is dirt cheap, so why not get it? That's if you own a Canon, too bad for Nikon, jk.

BTW Chandler, hows the photo series going?
^Pretty good, the frames are on order for the Chicago shoots I've done so far. Need to order matte board and then take on the task off cutting the mattes.All those photographs are printed but a couple will be delayed because I'm not completely satisfied with the print quality of a couple. Got quite fewshoots some with some heads NT knows quite well in NYC. Things are coming along nicely. I'd say you can probably expect your framed print mid januaryprobably... maybe a late january if things get a little hectic.
I never thought I would see the day someone on NT would a: use the term bokeh (like I know what it means but I never use the term myself) and b: call it creamy. that just made my day...

Haha now that you mention it, it does sound funny! Keep the thread going guys.
Originally Posted by termanology27


C&C. :?

I have that same thing.

You actually make it look nice, haha.

My mom buys everything so it's hard for me to appreciate all of it until I see it in someone else's possession.
Tried taking some night shots without a tripod in a windy balcony... needless to say, this was one out of like 100 that came out decent. any tips?

^Buy a tripod... That's really all there is to it... I suppose you could raise the iso and/or open up the lens but you're going to have longer shutterspeeds with low light situations i.e. night. And pretty much if you a own an digital or film slr camera you should own a tripod even if its a cheap one.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

Originally Posted by M Eazy724

I've been thinking about getting that 50mm for a while now, pretty sure I will now.

Go for it dude. Prime lens' are such a joy to use especially for portraits. Tack sharp, great for low light situations, and the bokeh is creamy. Check out some stuff i took over the holidays. Mind you this is a 50mm f1.8 which is manual focus on a Nikon D40.
I never thought I would see the day someone on NT would a: use the term bokeh (like I know what it means but I never use the term myself) and b: call it creamy.
that just made my day...

Heh, finally someone else who uses the 50mm 1.8 on a D40 besides me. You must be really quick with the focus ring, as I find it difficult to catch candidsw/o AF.Pretty good shots nonetheless. Anyways,

Heh, finally someone else who uses the 50mm 1.8 on a D40 besides me. You must be really quick with the focus ring, as I find it difficult to catch candids w/o AF.Pretty good shots nonetheless. Anyways,

I've had mine a couple of months and it's just about practice - my first few were a little rough but they're getting better - 'candids' isdifficult though - especially at f/1.8 - the depth of field is so shallow that if they move even a little the picture isn't sharp.
Heh, finally someone else who uses the 50mm 1.8 on a D40 besides me. You must be really quick with the focus ring, as I find it difficult to catch candids w/o AF.Pretty good shots nonetheless. Anyways,

Nah dude. Most of the time, it takes me awhile to get the focus dot to steady. Makes me want to step up to the D80 already just so the prime will autofocus. Ingood lighting or outdoors during the daytime, the 50 is pretty easy to focus. Nice shot of the Z. Handheld or tripod?
I recently purchased a Canon G9 and don't know jack about cameras. I've stuck with the Powershot line ever since the first digital camera I boughtwhich was a S40 back in 2003, then a S70 back in 2005.

I'm looking to buy add on lenses for my G9 and I don't know where to look except ebay. Can someone please recommend a good site/auction for wide andfish eye lenses? I'm not really keen on buying Canon lenses because they can be pricey. What are some good but inexpensive brands I should look at?
I'm looking to buy add on lenses for my G9 and I don't know where to look except ebay. Can someone please recommend a good site/auction for wide and fish eye lenses? I'm not really keen on buying Canon lenses because they can be pricey. What are some good but inexpensive brands I should look at?

I don't think you can change lenses with the G9 bro. The best you can do is probably buy those converter accessories for tele or wide angle. You might wantto step up to a dslr (400d) if you want to have different lenses. You can go to the Canon Dzone stores in the malls in manila if you're here.
I said add on lenses, didn't I?


I already asked around. %@@* the stores here. Always overpriced.

SLRs aren't my thing even though I always :wow: @ the photos produced by them.
someone school me on DSLR real fast... ( i read couple pages on this thread but mostly are ppl posting pics and alotta "nice pics" comments )

im interestedin taking long trail shots, crazy clear shots, fast action pics

How are they over compact digi cam?
Whats the hype about?
Better pics?
Do i want one?

pls share!
Originally Posted by kingcrux31

I recently purchased a Canon G9 and don't know jack about cameras. I've stuck with the Powershot line ever since the first digital camera I bought which was a S40 back in 2003, then a S70 back in 2005.

I'm looking to buy add on lenses for my G9 and I don't know where to look except ebay. Can someone please recommend a good site/auction for wide and fish eye lenses? I'm not really keen on buying Canon lenses because they can be pricey. What are some good but inexpensive brands I should look at?
That camera just takes lens converters. Kind of like Mamiya C330 where you can mount various lenses on top of the hard mounted lens, you probablyhave no idea what Mamiya C330 is but nonetheless. You need this lens adapter to mount any lens converter.

and that allows you to mount

Both of which are alittle more than $100. So as far as I can there are couple other lenses you can mount that are similar in price but it doesn't quiteseem like you can just attach any canon lens to it...

And B&H is pretty much the move as far as places to buy camera equipment. You live in the Bay so I'm sure there has to be a legit non chain like goodcamera store but until you figure that out I'd go with B&H.

Just noticed they don't have that converter in stock. It's $25 just google it, when I did amazon seemed to have it. get there... or really wherever.

Btw, you still owe me $31 cents and a rightful victory for picking your son out in his Barry Bonds jersey doing some goofy dance.
Originally Posted by Amer2384

I have a Nikon D40, what would be a good lens to go buy so I don't have to use the starter one.

The starter lens isn't too bad if your just starting, like myself.

Some more night shots.



mad blurry.
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