Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne




email: [email protected] AIM: justdonikes​
..I'm done posting pictures, for now. Most of the photos I've been posting
were shot with a point and shoot camera (either a Canon SD400 or a Sony
F707). As you can probably tell, they were my first shots I ever took. So
the composition, focus, post production, etc. might be a little whack. Just
figured I'd post because I'm bored and don't really have anything else to do
on a Tuesday night since I'm not enrolled in school nor employed (tragic, I
know). Anyway, everyone keep posting and if you want my input on photos
just ask. I'll try my best to give constructive criticism, but please bare with
me because I can be a jerk (I'm a very blunt person) and to be honest I
really don't have that much knowledge to share (I've only taken a high
school photography class and a 101 course at my community college).
And thanks for all the compliments, appreciated.
Looks like its picking up again, hopefully I'd have some stuff contribute in like a two weeks when I get back to Chicago and I get about 20+ rolls of both b/w and color processed and maybe abit of it scanned.

Def some nice stuff, few things that caught my eye:
probably my favorite pic of some the newer stuff, great long exposure, the sky being red makes it feel like its shot with daylight film. by far the best of those night shots perfect exposure, great focus. would be curious to know the f-stop/shutterspeed ?

Probably my favorite composition, but the pixel text (which I don't get but whatever) and harsh light throws bit off it for me...

Just a peice of advice you probably don't want to shoot with the sun that high in the sky makes for really harsh light/shadows. probably late afternoon is ideal with sunlight, but most photographers like semi cloudy to almost overcast days. clouds create natural light box/difuser for the sun so more even exposure, less lense flare/harsh light and shadows.
I saw F1 this weekend in Indianapolis. A good 3 1/2 drive from Chicago. It blew my mind away how amazing these machines were. I fell in love instantly. Heres some pics from qualifying. Ill post more from race day later.

Just been away for a few days and I'm getting the hang of my new Nikon D40.

Almost all of these pictures were taken at night - easiest to do it when my boys were in bed. All were taken with a tripod and all at ISO 200. I played around with the white balance on a few of them to make them more interesting IMO - but as they were all shot in RAW I changed a few of them when I got back.










Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.
Sorry, meant to put that - the first 5 - the harbour and the streetlight - are in Crail, the pink door is in St Monan's - a little way further West along the coast and the lighthouse is in Anstruther - along the coast again (between Crail and St Monan's). The trees are alongside Crail golf course - something like the 3rd oldest course in the world.

My parents have a holiday place in Crail so we were there for the weekend - it's about 10 miles from St Andrews. Scotland obviously.

I was hoping to take some interesting pictures but it was pretty grey all weekend - hardly saw a blue sky. It was warm enough but just dull.

Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.
Some of my favorites. Shot with a Rebel XT, stock 18-55mm zoom. My L Lens comes in today. I can't wait to start shooting with it.





Greeaaaat stuff, guys. Keep it up. I really like the advice some are giving...

Just a peice of advice you probably don't want to shoot with the sun that high in the sky makes for really harsh light/shadows. probably late afternoon is ideal with sunlight, but most photographers like semi cloudy to almost overcast days. clouds create natural light box/difuser for the sun so more even exposure, less lense flare/harsh light and shadows.
More money, more checks. I'm addicted to fresh
Six pairs of kicks is my definition of twelve steps.
i love this thread. i don't have any pictures to share right now, but i will soon. i remember the thread show your citys skyline and there was this one photo of seattle. does anyone have it? i think the photographer was in it to.
this comment was made on a mac
Yeah, I like shooting in the afternoon or when I'm under a shadow, such as a tree or something. But that's just me.

The idea of shooting the in afternoon is the shadows are more drawn out and rather than harsh/blunt and the light is obviously less harsh/bright. But shooting under a tree is probably not the best idea, you can do whatever you like and maybe you get results, but thats asking for under exposure. just strikes me asking for problems to shoot from dark into light... might get halo's, lense flares, etc.. maybe it works I've just never thought shooting from shadows into light was a good idea...

Something that I learned a long time ago is shoot for the shadows (i.e. meter in the shadow portion of the composition), develop for the highlights, it works the same in photoshop with digital. you can easily make lights less light and burn things in (unless you have like lense flare or its extreme) but you can't turn a dark area less dark because in your image there will be no information in the dark areas. often times there can be areas that appear white but will have sutle things you can burn in, but usually dark areas are pretty much dark. burn>dodging, not to say you can't dodge but it's much better to burn than dodge...
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