Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

Which thread was it? :lol:
April 23 1848
Rebecca died of typhoid.

Stupid annoying punk got me banned.

Hey, if you'd like.. I can hit up my homie (good friends with an admin or two) to see what he can do about your banishment.. let me know through PM, nothing is promised though.

Which thread was it? :lol:

Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - Lasme - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Wright
Down with HDR or HRD or whatever the heck it's called. In an 'artistic'
aspect, I guess it's cool and interesting. But photos should never look like
paintings, paintings should like photos (well most paintings anyway). And
yeah, I haven't posted in this thread in a while due to the fact I haven't
really left my house for the longest. Not with my camera anyway, so I
guess I should start shooting and contribute to my favorite thread and one
of the few threads I actually view these days. But great job everyone and
you gots to appreciate all the love and information ebayologist has put in
this thread. Good looks fam'.

- - - - - - - - - -

On an unrelated note, Jimmy got banned?! Ha, that's crazy. You never
seemed the banishment type, didn't see that in you Jimmy?! Ha! ISS is
not the great anyway, it's cool and all don't get me wrong but I don't
know I get a weird vibe from that forum. If that makes any sense.. ha!
But I do love how they have a forum directed towards art itself and they
have more customizers which is one of the few things I still enjoy about
shoes these days. And now I'm just rambling, I should really be in bed.
Ha, goodbye.
Down with HDR or HRD or whatever the heck it's called. In an 'artistic' aspect, I guess it's cool and interesting. But photos should never look like paintings, paintings should like photos (well most paintings anyway). But great job everyone and you gots to appreciate all the love and information ebayologist has put in this thread. Good looks fam'.

Couldnt agree more about HDR, they look like Luminism oil paintings to me but whatever... what are you going to do. Also appreicate that, I like what the jewelry thread does going 30+ pages minus all the silly beef etc. thats what this is and its def a good look...

Stupid annoying punk got me banned.

On an unrelated note, Jimmy got banned?! Ha, that's crazy. You never seemed the banishment type, didn't see that in you Jimmy?!
heres mine......and used photoshop to sharpen and do the borders

UNLUCKY with the 13 on the toe
ebay or anyone who can help - Im a little confused about photoshop elements. I asked my brother who used to be a photographer, and he thought it was like an extension pack to photoshop. I think its like a simple cheaper version. Could someone let me know. Thanks.

Team Vintage Heat​
^ Its a cheaper version. I don't know the exact features of it, but I know it's its own program...

booduh, i was looking to buy a leica but my friend told me theres a panasonic with the exact same lens for way cheaper. Whats the difference between the Leica and Panasonic?

its the panasonic lx2
nearly identical.....i think it is actually identical. if ebayologist or someone else familiar with both could elaborate, would be helpful.

Edit: I looked it up out of curiosity and there is no difference between the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX2 and a Leica D-Lux 2. Infact they have exactly the same specs and compotents... Its just a rebadging of it... That being said, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1 was apparently the creation of a P&S with slr features and there is no Leica equivalent but now they apparently completely switched the branding over to Leica so the latest version the Leica D-Lux 3 is only available with Leica badges...

My guess is Panasonic has some kinda deal with Leica much like Sony has one with Carl Zeiss but in broader sense i.e. beyond just the lense...
Down with HDR or HRD or whatever the heck it's called. In an 'artistic'
aspect, I guess it's cool and interesting. But photos should never look like
paintings, paintings should like photos (well most paintings anyway). And
yeah, I haven't posted in this thread in a while due to the fact I haven't
really left my house for the longest. Not with my camera anyway, so I
guess I should start shooting and contribute to my favorite thread and one
of the few threads I actually view these days. But great job everyone and
you gots to appreciate all the love and information ebayologist has put in
this thread. Good looks fam'.
OG Member Since 2000, AIR JORDAN TWO3​
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
^ See but you're comparing the previous generation to the next...

Panasonic DMC-LX2 does = Leica D-Lux 2 but doesn't = Leica D-Lux 3

See but the most up to date version is the Leica D-Lux 3 (that as added megapixels, a few other things, etc.) of which they don't make a panasonic equivalent... The Leica still may well cost more for the equivalent but thats probably because it's out of production, but the Leica D-Lux 3 cost more because its newer and has better specs/features...

At least thats what I think based on reading the specs and reviews.. I don't know maybe I'm wrong... either way. That Panasonic is solid deal, its a Leica with Panasonic badges.

Yeah tell me about it.

I am not one to get banned but this dude was talking reckless and I had to put
him in check. Other than that I only post in the WDYW and Photography
post. I rarely say anything at all but knowing ISS Mods/Admins they are
quick to ban someone. I am the nicest, coolest person ahhaha.

Oh well whatever.

As for HDRs. I guess its a love or hate thing. I think it just depends on
how its done. If its overly done like the two pics I did it looks eh.

But for some scenery pics as the other HDR pics I posted the first time I
think it looks very dope.

I was going to take some new pics with my new lens this weekend but
the stupid company sent me a Nikon lens instead of a Canon lens. :rolleyes
eyes.gif [email protected]
^ What company you order it from?

Cause B&H has been @#%$ @#%$ up hard for me. I ordered 20 rolls of kodak 120 800iso film for my next series of work that I've just be working out all the logistics on. So they shipped to the wrong zip code (like 5 miles away) then shipped back to NY and now they're charging me to ship it again. All because I didn't catch what was happening by checking the ups tracking everyday, ugh... It's taking forever and its incredibly @#%$ annoying....
How do you make pictures sharper and clearer using PS? Do you just use the sharpen tool and just cover the whole pictures or do you do other things ?
T R A N S F O R M E R S​
^ No, you're going to end up with noise... you can to a degree but not in the sense you're talking about.

Sharpness in reality is more an issue of how you shot it, i.e. pixel rates, lense, camera used, etc. But changing the contrast is probably what you mean, so the colors are sharper. thats under images/adjustments...

And by clearer you mean like dust or like less blured? because dust or dirt, etc use the masking tool. less blured again is more an issue of how you shoot it...
On photoshop how do I make everythin black n white n jus leave acouple things colored?
T R A N S F O R M E R S​

Team SK3 we dont miss posts... we got auto updates.​
^ I know how to do it in illustrator if you have that its live trace (it's under the object menu), I never really use the function but if you play around with live trace i'm sure it can't be that hard to figure out... But thats probably the most ideal way to do. Because essentially you're rendering a graphic from an image and Illustrator will render a vector based graphic so that would ideally be the way to do it.. But if you only have Photoshop, I'll look around in min...

Edit: Yeah, I just look around in Photoshop and no clue as how to do what you're talking about as I understand it in Photoshop... Based on what I think you want to do Illustrator will give a far better result anyways...

but the idea is there.Critique?
first photo is the better of the two. But I think the oddity of the subject superceeds the composition of the photograph. The subject is like damn thats crazy and the photograph is kinda like just ok, maybe kinda dull (not in the shiny sense). I know I always say I don't like skewed angles but perspective could be ideally employed here, maybe get closer and lower and shoot upward (remember alittle goes a long way). Personally I'd say its cropped too tight for the current composition, but I like the subject alot, quite the interesting sculpture, just not how its framed...
"Ebayologist's Solutions"
1. I would try employing perspective
or 2. Take like 5-10 steps back, maybe even more... your subject doesnt have to fill half the frame for people to get thats your subject...

second photo, is underexposed. I understand the logic to why it is. It's a silhouette landscape. I just don't agree with how underexposed it is. I think you'd still get the contrast you want but have interesting details that currently get left in the dark (literally).
"Ebayologist's Solutions"
1. Open up the lense i.e. lower the f-stop or Lengthen the shutter speed (not too much don't blur the photo, like if you're on a boat, no less than 1/125, maybe 1/60)
or 2. Raise the iso, thus allowing you to keep the lense closed down and maintain shutter speed.
Either only marginally change I think will do a lot for your photograph.
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