Official Photography Thread: Vol. ICan'tFindTheLastOne

oh dear. i have yet another question to ask you guys.
i hope i'm not being a pain.
but uhm, i have an Olympus Evolt E-500 w/ ext. flash.
i don't know if that matters, but basically: i would like to know how to take night shots like some that i've seen in here? Everytime i try to take night, doesn't work out so much. so i was wondering if it had something to do with flash settings, maybe the iso, etc etc?

thanks for any help, guys.
What's a sneaker boutique?
same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23​
^What kinda night shots are you refering to for starters and we'll go from there... Also how does it "not work out", like what kinda result are you getting?

i hope i'm not being a pain.

Like I think I said from the get go this post is about all things photography. If you got a question, ask it... I'll answer when I see it, or someone else will...
uhm, i don't know quite how to explain it. i guess i like the shots where the city is all lit up and it's night time. or just...idk, anything shot at night, i guess. gah, i'm no help. :lol:
What's a sneaker boutique?
same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23​
^ Well for starters flashes have an effective range most of which is relatively short, if you tell me what kind of external flash I can probably figure out what kinda range you have with it. But my guess is most of your pictures where you use a flash at night come out where the foreground is almost scorched with light and the background is complete underexposed... Flashes for the most part are used to supplement existing light and or create effects or highlight certain things. not really fill a foreground and background. So I'll just leave the external flash alone for cityscapes.

If you want to blur like traffic and lights like some people in this post do at night, long exposures what your looking for basically just an exposure maybe 2 seconds or more will give a significant blur of motion but things like buildings and whatnot should be realatively in focus and it allows for proper or reasonably proper exposure...

"Ebayologist's Solutions" (use any or all of the solutions. together)
1st use tripod (definately a must for night time photography)
2nd use the self timer
3rd if the subject doesnt move, i.e. buildings, nature... use a long exposure.
4th if you want to blur lights of traffic and moving things use a long exposure
5th again if your subject doesnt move close down the lense as much as you can i.e. high f-stop ex. f16 or f22 and just whatever the coresponding exposure is...
6th use as low an iso as you can. i.e. if you it means a longer exposure, and the subject doesnt move or you want to blur the subject than do that..
7th try going for exposures slightly longer that meter suggests or raise the f-stop a full stop based on what the camera says...

That's all I can think of off the top of my head...

Simply put if the subject doesnt move i.e. a building get as low an iso and close down the lense as much as you can. If that means your exposure is five minutes (probably wont be that much, but still)... well find something to do for five minutes and make sure no one bumps your camera...
Great thread.

Ebay---great tips. Appreciated

Here are some shots I took at Pearl harbor and the Waikiki Aquarium. Not much; still messing around with my new camera. Peace.

Virginia Beach......Slide On The Roof 2003
Nice night tonight so I've been out taking a few pictures.

Got this panorama that I'm pretty pleased with - from a spot that my Grandad painted the city from - my parents have the painting and I always liked it. There's a ripple in the clouds that I just noticed - nothing a little healing brush couldn't fix. Although I was in manual and had all the settings set the same for each pic the clouds were moving really fast so it screwed things up a little.


Then I've been messing around with Photomatix - the Photoshop HDR thing really sucks but I was quite pleased with this.


Shopping at The Leftorium since 1977.
^ Jeff Wall alot of the time does essentially what Photomatix is with film. One time in the photo computer lab at my school two grad students were going back forth about how digital and how it has a limited value range compared to film and one of those dude's keep on mentioning Photomatix like it was the equalizer... I don't know about that, but if it makes for better digital photos, then more power to those who shoot digital...

- It does do a beautiful job with exposure... an almost perfectly exposed shot. but it almost looks like two seperate images like one bellow layered on the one above. but either def. a nice shot...
what kind of kamera did you use to go underwater to take that pic??
UNLUCKY with the 13 on the toe
so, i finally stopped being lazy and picked a few photos to share with you guys. all of these are kind of old, cause i haven't gone out to shoot a lot lately. uhm, all are shot with an Olympus Evolt e-500.
btw, i do a lot of band photography, so i thought i'd throw in a few picks from a Vanna (favorite band) show. :lol:

there's a lot, so enjoy and i'd like some critiques too. :D

(not from Vanna. :lol:
What's a sneaker boutique?
same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23​

I think you should've shot it at another location. To me the background
kind of throws the subject off, so if you were possibly to the right more and
shooting at the door instead it would've looked a lot better. Basically
to the right more.

I actually like your second pic better. Wish you could've gotten more of a
panoramic shot. It would've been nice. I know its hard to crop that picture
but a little off the top and bottom would make the pic a little better in my

Like this. But then again I wish it was a little wider.

62r3uhj.jpg [email protected]
^ the flash is a nikon sb-600 speedlight, I'm 100% sure thats what it is... no clue about the lense...

i'd like some critiques too.
spaceman45 :lol:

5th image has composition and contrast issue much like image #2. The clear sky isn't helping you... Also personally I don't like the lamp post just poping up out of no where its incredibly akward.

6th is underexposed, too much sky... aside from you're shooting directly into direct sunlight... not a whole lot more to say beyond that about this image...

7th I love the bridge. My dad collects bridge pictures and paintings. So I can definately understand the appeal of bridge photography, but your harsh angle murders an otherwise great image.. you make the a potrait with base of the bridge at the bottom of the frame and its @#%$ money. instead you went ala myspace on us with the crazy angle...

The band photos, if I like the first one the best out of them all. But the flashs feel odd coming from below the camera... Also angle with crazy angles. If that's your move than more power to you. End of the day shoot how you like. But as someone who's formally taught photography and the bulk of my own work is portraiture, I like controlled compositions that frame the subject, where the subject falls with in its surrounds not envelopes. It's hard to explain without going to into alot of detail but I would say you crop to tight and the angles take away from your image...

Simply put wild angles don't make images more interesting they make it so the image is harder to visually understand...
Heard Nikon D80 don't even got changeable lenses.

True or False?

Edit: Appreciate the info ebayologist. :wink:
Heard Nikon D80 don't even got changeable lenses.

True or False?
April 23 1848
Rebecca died of typhoid.

Took the camera with me this morning to try shooting indoors in a gym

Question here: indoor gym is very poorly lit. Kids are moving fast. Using flash makes the whole background dark. How would i setup the camera to take clear action shots in this environment?



I woulda like this pic better if got my daughter's head in the frame.

ebay Auctions To Come​

Question here: indoor gym is very poorly lit. Kids are moving fast. Using flash makes the whole background dark. How would i setup the camera to take clear action shots in this environment?

AirJordans4Life :lol:
Also I like that image portrait rather than how you have it horizontal. (turn my laptop sideways to look at it and was like yeah, much better)
call me a nerd, but anyone up for starting up some sort of "photography" team or something?
What's a sneaker boutique?
same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23​
"Photography makes you see the world rather than just look at it."
"Photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event."
"Owning a D/SLR doesn't make you a photographer, it makes you a D/SLR owner"
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Cabarkapa - Davis - Ellis - Foyle
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - Lasme - O'Bryant - Pietrus - Powell - Wright
^ :lol:

nice, man.
i like the third one the best.

so, is anyone actually up for a TEAM PHOTOGRAPHY, or whatever?
What's a sneaker boutique?
same dude, different name. rip: spaceman23​
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