Official Photoshop Dunk Designs!


My first custom so be gentle.
I play to win, whether during practice or a real game. And I will not let anything get in the way of me and my competitive enthusiasm to win.

-Michael Jordan


"We are dominant in the world because of our culture, We can control the way people think and talk and dance, and that is how I define power."
-spike lee
Gentry Humphrey is on probation
Team Disgruntled
lol if nike was smart they wud come on here and steal some colorways instead of releasing some of the trash they have.
good job u guys keep it up.

those bape and bape X kaws dunks is da bomb.shud be real life hyperstrikes.
hi everyone..i was wondering what website can i go to design dunks just like u try and get ideas and stuff.


"Does He know me? Do i know this guy..i dont know this guy..i might have said one word to this guy..i dont know this kid..and i think he overreacts to stuff..i mean i dont know him. i dont think about him. You know we go out there and we play and when we play during the season and we play each other. Thats It.I dont know this kid..i dont need to know this kid. i dont want to. And we go out there and play the game and leave it at that.Maybe he wasent Hugged enough as a kid. You know..i look at him a little bit, he gets a little insecure about something i dont know."
-Kobe Bryant on Raja Bell
nice dunks everybody!
"..find me on break by a 'No Smoking' sign with a blunt in my mouth.."

"I remember one time I was so blazed I stopped at a stop sign and waited for it to turn green." - anonymous NT'er

Member No. 90[/center]
trying to be in every page.



"We are dominant in the world because of our culture, We can control the way people think and talk and dance, and that is how I define power."
-spike lee
Gentry Humphrey is on probation
Team Disgruntled
JefferyJay23, cool colors but you have to step your splatter print up!
Here is a sample of speckle print i did. To color it just use the overlay mode. and to make the "dots" white, inverted (ctrl+i i think) then overlay. Hope this help. oh and in case you didnt know, use the colon stamp tool to paint it into the template. Happy designing. :D


edit* just save it regurlaly and open it in photoshop. there with the colon tool go to a spot, define the spot by pressing ctrl and click it. then just go to the layer and it should "copy" the speckle print to the area.
"We are dominant in the world because of our culture, We can control the way people think and talk and dance, and that is how I define power."
-spike lee
Gentry Humphrey is on probation
Team Disgruntled
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