***Official Political Discussion Thread***

He is doubling down :rofl: :rofl:

Chuck, come get your mans winds
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U rookie rustie, da coal jawbs r here to stay. In fact, da coal industry gonna be boomin and catch me out there diddy boppin to da latte sippin libbie tears

SunDoobie don't fall for the bait

We gone over this debate and it's pretty much old news

its old news cuz Trump fixed it already, not cuz any of ya had did anything to convince to da contrary, don't get it twisted :lol:
Da Dapper Don been great b
I saved up 6 months of da savings for da health care and I got da hemi on layaway
Da rust belt is jumpin 8)
Yea he's usually weeks to months ahead with the scoops but it's always cool to see them being confirmed by major outlets after the fact :lol:,crazy just how on the money hes proven to be... :nerd:

You just know he has to have a great feeling of vindication every time a mainstream source picks up a story that he reported first :lol:

Especially after they were saying that he should be ignored

I'm still not a fan of Louise Mensch tho
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Let dude b.

He has clearly been in his feelings the past couple days.

He wants attention, so he is antagonizing trying to bait.
U rookie rustie, da coal jawbs r here to stay. In fact, da coal industry gonna be boomin and catch me out there diddy boppin to da latte sippin libbie tears


some of ya so lost regarding da uses of coal (like 70% steel on Earth is made with coal) that ya can post gifs exposing ya obliviousness of da matter and it won't bother me either way.
He wants attention, so he is antagonizing trying to bait.

you must got me confused with w/e ditzy broad u try to hump on b :lol:, i got better ish to do then bait hopeless liberals into redundant commentary :lol:

that's why Rico can rename this thread into da liberal thread, and ya can have ya lil sandbox of liberal space of unchallenged utopian fantastical progressivism.
Again, you guys are busy arguing with a self proclaimed sexual molester. Think about who you're wasting your time on

are we acting like da white house ain't been da slizzore house already? :lol:

all that tape did is to remind me to make sure i got cake at all times so i can pet [emoji]128049[/emoji] for a lonnnnnng time :pimp:

Dude spends 15 years in community college to sexually assault young women.
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^ Just in case the sexual assaulter edits his post

Dude uses the money he saves by living with his mom as hush $ for his sexual assault victims :x
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He outright said he makes sure he stays with money so that he can shut his victims up after he assaults them :x Damn rapist
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Just leave for the time being famb. Take time to chill a lil

Dudes not even getting personal and you still getting embarrassed
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I think he is referring to the second line, where you brag about sexual assault

Look down pa

if you heard da entire tape (cuz we all did) Trump said when you got money they let you do it

which consent last time i checked.

perhaps you should learn da ways of "da money and da power"

playing gotcha 7 months later & failing :lol:
Wouldn't you guys rather have constructive convos with an actual intelligent person? Dude should have been at the kiddie table but y'all insist on letting the little runt come distract the adults.
Getting banned from an internet forum is really going to upset me :rolleyes At least I'll return to my productive life instead of being the typical serial rapist living with his mom :x

This is his response to Bill Cosby raping women:

its a cultural relativism thing.

you're also drinking alcohol (a drug that impairs judgement) with a Man that's claimed already by his wife. Certain culturals around da world would see it and read it as implied that da woman patronizing a man in that setting is "asking for it".

women in this Country will tell you that, its also in da same category as accepting gifts from a man, expectations come attached to those.

alot of this stuff is unwritten rules men & women operated on for centuries, so i can see where some of ya don't see why ya contemporary logic don't square with da scenarios.
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