**Official Post Your Dog Thread**

My girl in heat right now too ... waiting for this 3 weeks to a month to pass already. Next heat she might get breed.


BTW, we were having a water balloon fight, thats why all the stuff on the floor.
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Sorry for your loss. Can't get caught slippin with smaller breeds.

For the vast majority of dogs fighting coyotes is like a man with fists fighting a convicted felon with a knife.
Usually multiple felons tho. Coyotes arent really about that heads up fade life.
They want to sleep you from behind while youre distracted.
Only less domesticated dogs bred for purpose that live the job they were born for have a chance, regardless of size.
Otherwise they run and start getting picked apart.

With all the food here in vancouvers suburbs these things are damn near german Shepard sized.
I stay with the bear spray and a sharpened ski pole when I walk my dogs
My girl texted me today saying she made a horrible life choice.

I just got off a 12 hour shift in the ER at noon and I started freaking out because I wasn't able to respond for a while...

I ask her what's up and she sends me these pictures

One of her friends rescued a beagle litter.... and she took one home.

We already have a lab and a golden at home...and we're both on med school rotations 

I'm a little mad because we talked about holding off on new dogs for a while...but this little guy is too damn cute.

I guess who could say no to new puppies in the home 
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RIP Chevy and espo
Condolences fellas

I was gone for the wknd and after reading your posts I found myself staring at my little guy a little longer than usual
Sorry for your loses guys..

Not going lie, I try to avoid this thread because I don't want to read stories like that.. Just reminds me of when one my buddies passed, still hurts
we lost a member of our family . he was about to be 9 . he had a tumor in his eye and had to have it removed he adapted well with it and was happy for about 6 months . this past month found out he had cancer was not eating started losing weight and we had to send him to doggie heaven . he was a gentle giant but an amazing guard dog . he still had that beautiful smile even in his last moments . RIP to my boy Benny you will be missed
derrtay derrtay your new pup has two homies protecting him/her at home now :smokin

PrisonerofDoom83 PrisonerofDoom83 sorry for your loss man. It pains me to see a dog in pain simply for the fact that they are innocent and just want friendship from us as owners.
My corgi sheds like no other. I used the furminator on his *** hair earlier and jeez. Will never neglect that oart of him again when grooming. Coudve made a stuffed bear with all the hair. :lol:

On another note, if yall have dogs that shed and have carpet, a rubber broom is your best friend.
we lost a member of our family . he was about to be 9 . he had a tumor in his eye and had to have it removed he adapted well with it and was happy for about 6 months . this past month found out he had cancer was not eating started losing weight and we had to send him to doggie heaven . he was a gentle giant but an amazing guard dog . he still had that beautiful smile even in his last moments . RIP to my boy Benny you will be missed
Keep your head up Big Turbo
Not a dog owner but i thought id share my recent experience with my nt canine fam. This past weekend i went out of town to visit my cousin and her newborn. I arrived at my aunts place and my cousin and the baby wouldnt be home for a few hours. My cuz has a mixed breed medium sized dog (didnt ask what breeds) and me fido are hanging and messing around to kill time. Dudes a pretty chill dog, didnt bark or make a peep the entire time. 2 hours pass and my cousin finally comes home with the baby and i immediately try and hold her. Fido does a total 180 on me and is barking and flashin the fangs at me, i was like wtf? My cousin then tells me he is super protective of the new baby and i was in awe, like man some humans wouldnt pour their Evian water on a burning person and yet this lil pip squeak was ready to bite my nuts off with no hesitation for his fam. Dogs are truly a mans best friend.
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Not a dog owner but i thought id share my recent experience with my nt canine fam. This past weekend i went out of town to visit my cousin and her newborn. I arrived at my aunts place and my cousin and the baby wouldnt be home for a few hours. My cuz has a mixed breed medium sized dog (didnt ask what breeds) and me fido are hanging and messing around to kill time. Dudes a pretty chill dog, didnt bark or make a peep the entire time. 2 hours pass and my cousin finally comes home with the baby and i immediately try and hold her. Fido does a total 180 on me and is barking and flashin the fangs at me, i was like wtf? My cousin then tells me he is super protective of the new baby and i was in awe, like man some humans wouldnt pour their Evian water on a burning person and yet this lil pip squeak was ready to bite my nuts off with no hesitation for his fam. Dogs are truly a mans best friend.

english staffordshire bull terriers used to be known as "nanny dogs" because they are very caring & protect the weak in the pack
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I pick up my pup in 2 weeks! Super excited to have her.

Ive been doing some research on diet and I think I want to try a raw diet for her. This would be my first attempt with raw food.

Any suggestions for how to start? I would preferably like to have some sort of guideline for best practices.

Here's a pic of her the breeder sent me this past weekend 
2 RAWW 2 RAWW great looking pup!

I feed both my frenchies raw. Me and my lady decided to go through reel raw for their food. it comes with prepackaged servings and a variety of meats. you can also choose between whole bone or ground in bone. you simply give them your dogs info (estimated adult weight) and the food shows up in either 2 weeks worth or a months worth. it's definitely made feeding them raw simple
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