Jul 20, 2008
Surprised the movie buffs haven't beat me to this..... any who I think this movie will really compete with the Dark Knight as movie of the year for me.

If you are a Bond head like me then you can see that Daniel Craig and Martin Campbell ( Director ) have revamped this whole series and putting Craig at the topof the Bond list.

Just 2 days left, its probably crazy in IMAX!
I absolutely freaking loved Casino Royale. I cannot wait for Quantum of Solace.

Craig's Bond !%%%%!!!
Originally Posted by ii2cky

i didnt like it

dark knight on the other hand

was it wack?

i already read reviews an casino royale was just better everything, story, action etc.
Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Surprised the movie buffs haven't beat me to this..... any who I think this movie will really compete with the Dark Knight as movie of the year for me.

im not really a bond fanatic but but i have seen them all(if that makes any sense
) and i kinda do wanna see this low-key
Originally Posted by Pmighty

im not really a bond fanatic but but i have seen them all(if that makes any sense
) and i kinda do wanna see this low-key
what? does not compute....

I'm eager to see this tho. I need to rent Casino Royale and watch again. Think I might drink a martini before hand to get in the mood. I can't waittil christmas time when FX has the Bond marathons. Sean Connery
i dont care what ya'll say, bond is a G , therefore imma watch it

if u guys havent watched changeling, i suggest you get on it .... that movie is incredible & it happened right down my street
I think that this movie has no chance in competing against the Dark Knight. Come on dudes. Think about it. The Dark Knight...
Bond comes back every 2 years
isnt it already out on the net.....anywho....i dont think you can top casino royale....just like batman begins couldnt be topped.
I'm lookin forward to this one..Casino Royale was hott as hell..seein it prolly saturday night!
Ratboy90 wrote:
I think that this movie has no chance in competing against the Dark Knight. Come on dudes. Think about it. The Dark Knight...
Bond comes back every 2 years

I don't understand what you guys are talking about, yeah Dark Knight is a great movie and M.O.Y. right now but how can you write of other movies you haveyet to see. If you go to a movie with that pre judgement then you shouldn't have a say in M.O.Y. because your gonna be bias as hell.
they might've rushed this thing out going on the hype of Casino Royale. in either case I can't wait.

I like Craig better than Brosnan and I haven't seen too many older Bonds. I know Bond is supposed to be more suave and cunning but I like the "BatmanBegins" angle of Casino Royale where he was a shoot-first action hero. I suspect he'll get more and more polished as the movies go on.
infamousod wrote:
I know Bond is supposed to be more suave and cunning but I like the "Batman Begins" angle of Casino Royale where he was a shoot-first action hero. I suspect he'll get more and more polished as the movies go on.
Thats exactly what their going for, now we know why bond has women issues.
the action was cool at the beginning...

but overall the movie just left me feeling unsatisfied.

what the hell was up with those scratches on that broads back anyways?
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