I enjoyed it. the story wasn't as good as the one in Casino Royale, but the action scenes we entertaining. Casino Royale 10/10. Quantum of Solace 8/10.
notoriousPAT wrote:
it was good, but MOY? please, calm down, kid

I never get made over people's response or opinions but did your dumb !#% didn't see the ? at the end of my statement...... KID!
Originally Posted by Pmighty

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Surprised the movie buffs haven't beat me to this..... any who I think this movie will really compete with the Dark Knight as movie of the year for me.
I saw it last night as well...
It was alright, I expected a bit more out of the film.

The plot was boring at times.
I'm hesitant to watch it. I haven't seen Casino Royale, so I don't want to be too lost. Not to mention all the mixed reviews its getting. But Imight just suck it up and go.
movie was a bit boring aside from the action scenes... nearly fell asleep 3 times. the leading chick is mad hot though
Originally Posted by visualmusiC

I'm hesitant to watch it. I haven't seen Casino Royale, so I don't want to be too lost. Not to mention all the mixed reviews its getting. But I might just suck it up and go.
watch casino royale first. i didn't and i was lost for a lot of the movie.

Watched it tonight and left with a
face. Good movie but nothingcompared to Casino Royale. Not Craig Daniels fault at all, he is still top 3 Bonds EVER. It was just not a well written script. Plus the fact that itdidn't have that scary bad guy image in it like all the other Bond flicks, Still well worth checking out.

And to the people who fell asleep on this, I ask 1 question..... HOW? It had a chase scene every other act which was its downfall.
Originally Posted by Just0

I watched The Man With The Golden Gun tonight on T.V.

After watching that and seeing the direction the new bond movies are going makes me wonder

It's like they are forgetting what made bond movies good. Gadgets, hilarious characters like Jaws and Sheriff J.W. Pepper, the women.... They need to bring Q back.. and the humourous side of bond needs to come back..

this new stuff is way to bourne identity-esque...
That's what's good about the new ones. They're still pretty outlandish, but they brought things back down to earth. No more invisiblecars, jetpacks, laserbeam watches, etc. Die Another Day was the culmination of all of that, and it may have been the worst Bond ever. It was so ridiculous itwas like a comedy. They pretty much all follow a formula, but at least now they're interesting and slightly plausible. For a while they were starting to beborderline Sci-Fi.

I give the new one 8/10. It was good. Main complaint from me is there seemed to be an "America's evil and incompetent" undertone every time theCIA was in a scene.

Spoiler [+]
Anyone else notice the Goldfinger homage when the redhead was covered in oil and left on the bed?
saw it today and i must say fields was really hot. so was the other chick. and the dbs... other than that, this film wasn't as good as casino royale.still, entertaining. i'll be anticipating the next bond film
Originally Posted by JMaddness2345129

Spoiler [+]
Anyone else notice the Goldfinger homage when the redhead was covered in oil and left on the bed?
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

Bond's suit game is on point. The last scene with the peacoat...
yeah, people i saw the movie with agreed. very well tailored suits and coats. definitely noted when i finally ante up for a more upscale wardrobe(suits wise)
Originally Posted by JMaddness2345129

I give the new one 8/10. It was good. Main complaint from me is there seemed to be an "America's evil and incompetent" undertone every time the CIA was in a scene.
Right on time with this whole change theme going on with governments right now lol
I went in expecting a mediocre action film and thats exactly what I got, thats how bond films have been lately, so Im not complaining
the new bond guys is straight though, if they can concrentrate at least 2 years between every bond film, they can put a little mor eeffort and make bettermovies

but its about the $$$ anyway
The fact that she is the first Bond girl from a post-Soviet State received mixed reactions in the post-Soviet countries. The Saint-Petersburg based Communist group KPLO has accused her of "moral and intellectual betrayal" in starring in a film about the "enemy of the Soviet people" (meaning James Bond),[sup][10][/sup] but the mayor of Berdyansk has suggested naming a street after her[sup][11][/sup] and she met Ukraine's First Lady Kateryna Yushchenko in President Yushchenko's family country house.[sup][12][/sup][sup][13][/sup]
I enjoyed it, Bond girl was extremely sexy.

Not better than Casino Royale but still worth watching.
When the mistress was being raped by the general in the end, did they flash her "downstairs" or was she just wearing flesh color underwear?
i was very disappointed with this movie. The first "sequel"was a failure. In epic proportions. The plot was very drawn out and dull. I almost fell asleep, and that almost never happens in a bond movie for me.
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