Official Real World Cancun Post

Sep 28, 2008
I hope it's better than last season.

Real World 22 Cancun - MTV Shows
Last season was too god awful. It looked like they were trying to hard to push the envelope by casting a ******, a gay guy, and a metro Mormon . Hope this oneis good.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i don't even remember last season...was that the one with Greg?
Brooklyn. One of the worst by far.

I'm surprised they made this with all of the stuff going on in Mexico. I know they stayed close to the tourist areas.
Stopped watching that show after the old school miami I think.

The cast is just a bunch of uninteresting good looking people....or maybe I'm just getting old.
is last season the one where they was playin around with peoples food and tried to blame it on the gay kid?!? and everyone got all bent out of shape andyelling/crying..... cuz that 5hit was the wackest ever!!!! and the only episode i watched from it...
Originally Posted by Lazy B

mytmouse76 wrote:
i don't even remember last season...was that the one with Greg?
Brooklyn. One of the worst by far.

I'm surprised they made this with all of the stuff going on in Mexico. I know they stayed close to the tourist areas.

i forgot all about that was so boring...that season shouldjust be erased as if it never happened...

dudes played pranks and argued with girls all season...did anyone get any that wasn't a significant other?
Wow i just saw the commercial for this joint and it looks SUPER BORING. MTV stay killing the good shows. The only good shows left on MTV are True Life andRWvsRR
the commercial doesn't even make me wanna watch it this season... MTV has def lost it's touch when it comes to Real World...
Greg was one of the funnest cast members that they've had in a LONG time... peasants...
These shows need some bonafide %$@@#@ and crazy $%% dudes that don't like each other.

I wanted to break this simpin' dudes face in two from that season with Greg. Son with the dreads who bagged that bad chick from another season.
I'm kinda getting tired of this show. Its too predictable. Girl with boyfriend, gay guy, bi girl, ethnic person and a few more wild cards. The gay guydeals with issues with acceptance, girl with boyfriend cheats on him and the rest is history. I just get tired of the people in relationships going and thenscrewing up and then acting all innocent like they didn't know what time it was. AH! Lol.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I'm kinda getting tired of this show. Its too predictable. Girl with boyfriend, gay guy, bi girl, ethnic person and a few more wild cards. The gay guy deals with issues with acceptance, girl with boyfriend cheats on him and the rest is history. I just get tired of the people in relationships going and then screwing up and then acting all innocent like they didn't know what time it was. AH! Lol.

Yeah they need to stop trying so hard to bring "interesting" people in the show. Just because you are bisexual or some rare mix of ethnicitiesdoesn't make you interesting. It's your personality, interests, character, etc. that does it.
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