Official Real World Cancun Post

Muscle boy is taking L's.
I'd twist 3/4 of the chicks

Random thought while watching: why are there never any obese cast members?
aiah (sp?) and the other chick in the house she hooked up with are both

the chick that looks like rhianna ain't bad either. the only chick in the house that's busted in the black girl.

i also hate how the real world always has to have gay dudes going in. i know it's a double standard cause i don't o much mind when the girls hook up.
^ shallow. -_-

ayiiia is ugly and psychotic. I hope she leaves. Personally I think emilee is kinda cute, but jonna is the hottest one :] nh

Btw, Bronne is the sexiest guy on the show and the fact that he's hilarious and a clown adds to it. He's so
idk why he hasn't got anybooty other than that old ladies kiss.
I think joey is cute, his style and all, but his face not soo much. CJ is blaaahh.

I like this season, the cast are a bunch of hormonal young adults.
I saw Ayiiiaia, Emilee and the black chick (Jasmyne?) at a club in LA on Monday. I guess TV really does make you taller cause Ayaiaaia and Jasmyne werecertified midgets.
As if I don't deal with enough ridiculous, remedial !+$@ in real life, it's almost time to get the weekly dose on television.
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

As if I don't deal with enough ridiculous, remedial !+$@ in real life, it's almost time to get the weekly dose on television.

That's exactly what I think whenever I watch the Real World.

"I need a break from the drunken fights and unnecessary drama in my own life, time to watch MTV's version."
This broad is all over the place.

So she's a cutter now?
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

this dumb B seriously needs to just jump off the balcony

same ++%! i said

but joey is trying to hard on the send the %*#%% home crap
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

As if I don't deal with enough ridiculous, remedial !+$@ in real life, it's almost time to get the weekly dose on television.

That's exactly what I think whenever I watch the Real World.
I thought it was just me!
I saw the first two episodes, ithink, then i decided i couldn't stand it anymore.
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