Official Real World Cancun Post

Probably Matt's first girlfriend

2 months?! I thought it was 6 months at least.
good luck becoming a teacher with all you drunken outbursts floating around the tv world for the rest of your natural life hahaha
i always knew pat and his cousin did the stuff the did just to end up on tv

TRYING to make a name for canada
i need to go see Bronnie at the cell block sometime... surprised i've never seen him up here, although i can't say i goto that lame @%% bar ever.

You know CJ is going to be a challenge show lifer.

nah, he seems to shy for that stuff.

But speaking of that show - some of those girls are looking beat as hell in their old age.. time to stop putting them on these things if they can't atleast stay looking good. that was the only reason to watch the older ones.
i'm not sure I believe Jonna is still dating Pat...

i think she's saving face...

Jonna is tight...they puttin her all out there...
this Jonna chick is going to end up killing herself... you can see she hates herself for all the selfish, attention-%@%%% things she does.. but can't seemto stop doing.
wow... why are these douche bags getting MORE air time? $!$@, they couldn't be less talented or MORE lame.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

this Jonna chick is going to end up killing herself... you can see she hates herself for all the selfish, attention-%@%%% things she does.. but can't seem to stop doing.

word...all she can do is shake her head and try not to cry...
like, who the +++* did they or their manager have sex with that has gotten them this air time? such ++@#@## terrible music.
lol @ ayiia exposing jonna's lame *@+. and she cant evne dance. %$@ was she doing in that video. just standing around and playing patty cakes.
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