[| -- Official Ricky Ross "Deeper Than Rap" Album Thread: Drops April 21st -- |]

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

if O'Riley made a gangsta record and sounded good would y'all support that?
what are you talkin about?

If I need to explain it you probably wont get it anyways.

And yes it is Deeper Than Rap. He's rubbing in y'all faces and y'all dont even see it.
Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

if O'Riley made a gangsta record and sounded good would y'all support that?
what are you talkin about?
If I need to explain it you probably wont get it anyways.

And yes it is Deeper Than Rap. He's rubbing in y'all faces and y'all dont even see it.

Your really funny. If you hold Ross to a higher level of legitimacy then you clearly practice double standards. Especially since 50 is a snitch.

The fact that you tried to compare a black man, even if he didn't live this life he portrays, has at least been affected by it in somehow or someway due towhere he comes from, to Bill O'Reilly just shows how much your reaching.

Do I believe Ross is some huge drug lord? Obviously not, but it's not like the #%! he raps about is THAT far fetched.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

if O'Riley made a gangsta record and sounded good would y'all support that?
what are you talkin about?
If I need to explain it you probably wont get it anyways.

And yes it is Deeper Than Rap. He's rubbing in y'all faces and y'all dont even see it.
rubbin it in our faces? u act like he pulled a fast one on the industry or somethin... only idiots believed him from the get go... dude said the real noreaga owes him a 100 favors!

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Honestly it aint solely about him lying, but more so his behavior. If anything came out of the whole CO situation is that ross is a *%%#@. How you show a man a pic of himself and he dances around the question like by him saying "bawse'" 10 times is going to make me completely forget he never answered it. That tells me he takes rap fans for fools. If he was a co, whatever, more power to him, I could care less, but dont treat me like an idiot and act like that aint you when it's clear that it is.

The NWA comparison don't go with ross. I dont remember anyone showing Cube pics of him in a cap and gown or Dre being asked about that album cover and either of them denying it. They manned up. And plus what NWA along with 2 live Crew did for rap and music in general will eclipse any of that.

As far as Big's mom, you think she knows everything her son did? Does your mom know everything you've done especially when it comes to crime. Guaranteed his mom knows half of what he did and wont accept the other half because no mom wants to admit they're child could do that........especially if he's dead.

Back to ross, I aint gonna front the disc aint bad. The beats are cool and it's got a cool vibe to it but I cant listen to this fool speak for too long before smh. I feel that if we let this !%#$ go, it'll open the floodgates for all sorts of lames to say whatever they what. "Yeah, but the music sounds good".......if O'Riley made a gangsta record and sounded good would y'all support that?
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

oh yea one more thing... yall hate on ross for his fictional raps but yall love anything eminem puts out... even if he raps wit an accent he doesnt talk with... even if he raps about being a serial killer... walking headless barking dogs... etc...

whats the difference b/n the 2??? fiction is fiction...
I asked this before and no one answered me I doubt they answer you either.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

oh yea one more thing... yall hate on ross for his fictional raps but yall love anything eminem puts out... even if he raps wit an accent he doesnt talk with... even if he raps about being a serial killer... walking headless barking dogs... etc...

whats the difference b/n the 2??? fiction is fiction...
because eminems are obviously not real. ross trys to sell his like it is really him.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Most people that do it have to do it to provide for themselves or their families.

If you're going to sell drugs, coke is where its at.
Coke connects can get you off of cases. weed can't do that for you, Heroin can't do that for you, pills cant do that for you.
with Coke you can get that John Forte pardon.
selling Coke (as long as you're not on the street) doesn't seem so bad (not that I'd consider it). sell in the right town, to the right people and things seem to solve themselves.
The only one that gets caught with coke are the transporters, or their bosses IF they snitch.

just from what I've seen.
Yall dudes so out of touch with reality

1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is
2. your connect isnt getting you out of nothing are you serious?
3. John Forte didnt pay his way out of prison he had a wack trial and a senator in NY who was owed a favor by Bush pardoned him to save money and embarassmentbecause had they appealed it would have been
5. The drug game is dead
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

Originally Posted by SEND ONE

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

if O'Riley made a gangsta record and sounded good would y'all support that?
what are you talkin about?
If I need to explain it you probably wont get it anyways.

And yes it is Deeper Than Rap. He's rubbing in y'all faces and y'all dont even see it.
rubbin it in our faces? u act like he pulled a fast one on the industry or somethin... only idiots believed him from the get go... dude said the real noreaga owes him a 100 favors!

That's just it, he did pull a fast one. This #%*$ dont even have to do with his music or what he says in it anymore. It's about how hehandles it. A man should act like a man. This dude is acting like a broad. Did I believe noreaga owed him any favors, no, even though in retrospect he couldhave been a co in the prison nore was being held in miami, but the #%*$ was entertaining. But like I said, nothing to do with music anymore. I'm notsupporting some dude who thinks I'm stupid enough to forget what he did by dancing around questions, just like he's doing now with the brooke pics. But I could see how some ppl especially up and coming rappers who've never done anything would support this dude. He pretty much opened up a lane fory'all to say whatever, wether y'all lived it or not.

And B Smooth, I aint comparing him to O'Riley. Alot of ppl are saying they dont care what he did as long as the musicis hot. My question for those who go by that isif someone like O'Riley who we know is nothing like that, all of a sudden made a gangsta/cokerecord, would y'all support that if it's hot?
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

oh yea one more thing... yall hate on ross for his fictional raps but yall love anything eminem puts out... even if he raps wit an accent he doesnt talk with... even if he raps about being a serial killer... walking headless barking dogs... etc...

whats the difference b/n the 2??? fiction is fiction...
The difference is Em aint trying to act like he really does that in real life.

1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is

If you say so buddy.
i aint really like his first 2 albums...
Really? You aint !$$+@+% with P.O.M.? This album does have a real laid back vibe to it and it's cool especially to smoke to, but I'dtake P.O.M. over it.
There's no way we can really know if Ross sold coke or not .

If he talking about pushing ALL this white in Miami , why hasn't ANYBODY in Miami (real heavyweights) said anything ?

There has to be someone else other than 50 .
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Most people that do it have to do it to provide for themselves or their families.

If you're going to sell drugs, coke is where its at.
Coke connects can get you off of cases. weed can't do that for you, Heroin can't do that for you, pills cant do that for you.
with Coke you can get that John Forte pardon.
selling Coke (as long as you're not on the street) doesn't seem so bad (not that I'd consider it). sell in the right town, to the right people and things seem to solve themselves.
The only one that gets caught with coke are the transporters, or their bosses IF they snitch.

just from what I've seen.
Yall dudes so out of touch with reality

1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is

5. The drug game is dead

Oh the irony.......yea, you sound real in touch with reality.......
Rick Ross lied. Therefore he didn't keep it real. That's a pillar in hip-hop. Keep it real.

This is what happens when you don't keep it real:


Rick Ross is scheduled to do an autograph signing at the Midtown Best Buy tonight at 7pm. These happen every week, with lines of varying length. But today's… today's was special. Here's the timeline:





2PM: This report came in from the street:
There is a guy outside the Best Buy cajoling/begging people to go to the signing. No joke.

2:15PM: A flyer is handed out:


"2 CDs Max Per Person." $@%*!





What's that in the distance? Is that someone in line?!?!?


Rick Ross will always love you, Rick Ross.


When I took this picture, I was asked, "Hey, you wanna meet Rick Ross?" like it was free comedy.



Note the little cardboard cutout, all alone. Having the #1 album ain't what it used to be, huh?



We sent our man Jayson down for recon (and to pose with the empty barricades). He asked a street teamer where the line was, and he responded, "Oh, I think people are just circling the block because there's so much to see around here." OF COURSE!



The two guys are street teamers, but the three girls are real. YAY!


What's up, Hot 97?

And finally, 6PM:


There you have it. That's what flyers, Hot 97 promos and a huge promotional push'll get you. Congratulations!

They coulda got a better response with the flyer promoting a rapping corrections officer.
Originally Posted by cartune

1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is

Weed will NEVER be 'where it's at'
There's no way we can really know if Ross sold coke or not .

If he talking about pushing ALL this white in Miami , why hasn't ANYBODY in Miami (real heavyweights) said anything ?

There has to be someone else other than 50 .
Better belive Ross was hittin' _'s w a lil' hush money.

Plus he had backing from _'s like Class, so wasn't nobody about to come sideways at him

I mean really, you think that if he didn't have some real _'s behind him, he woulda been able to get away w/ that Boobie's Boys %%@* like he did?Hail naw.
My question for those who go by that isif someone like O'Riley who we know is nothing like that, all of a sudden made a gangsta/coke record, would y'all support that if it's hot?
I'm sayin though...isn't the arguement usually...even if he didn't live that life, coming from the environment he came from, he hasthe right to rap about it. I've heard that plenty of other times.

I mean according to the people who grew up with Jay, he wasn't no big time hustler either, which is why people like Jay-Z and Ross became artists. It'salmost like movies 'based on true events'....
_'s have vouched for jay though.

Saying he wasn't on no Pablo Escobar **%%, but he did move work.

No one has said that about Ross.
cartune wrote:
1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is
you crazy....only time weed was really where it was, wasbefore the crack/coke era.....once crack and coke became popular the money was always there and till this day it still is....weed will provide youjordan/clothes money unless you moving pounds and 9 times outta 10 dudes aint moving it like that....i look at dudes who sell weed as people wasting their timeif they're moving less then 1/2 pound....then they hit me with the lame excuse "I sell weed to smoke free..."
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

cartune wrote:
1. Coke isnt where its at right now. Weed is
you crazy....only time weed was really where it was, was before the crack/coke era.....once crack and coke became popular the money was always there and till this day it still is....weed will provide you jordan/clothes money unless you moving pounds and 9 times outta 10 dudes aint moving it like that....i look at dudes who sell weed as people wasting their time if they're moving less then 1/2 pound....then they hit me with the lame excuse "I sell weed to smoke free..."

Maybe yall dont understand what im talking about. Im speaking on right now Dudes is shipping weed by the kis to Bama, Georgia and Texas. What doyou think the drug war in mexico is about? weed foo Its a recession aint nobody got no white and those who do taxing its a drought out here its been a drought.Dont let Gucci mane fool you. I thought this was a known fact tho
^My man, just stop.

Weed will never overtake coke as thee !$@% to sell. You think the cartels in Mexico make most of their bank off of kush?
Go back to watching CartoonNetwork, my dude.
Why lil kids talking about work like they really done it. Anyways, Rapping is Art form of story telling. The stories don't have to be true. Is Al Pacino areal G? No, he gets paid to act like one. Same thing goes with some rappers. The better the stories they spit the more they sell. Not all rappers spit 100%truth, they always add stuff on to get the, "wow" did he really do that? At the end of the day they just trying to sell records. It doesn'tmatter if Rick Ross lived the life he raps about, as long as its good music it will sell.
people who are moving weed by the lbs are making money......those who are not...are not making money

and most people i know who are moving weed somewhat heavy is doing it on the side because selling dope is their main money maker
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