:::[Official] San Francisco 49ers 2024 Season Thread [2-2 vs Cardinals 10/07 1:05PST]:::

Should UnicornHunter’s faithful card be revoked for his blasphemous Patrick Willis comments?

  • Yes permanently

    Votes: 31 79.5%
  • Yes temporarily

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • No

    Votes: 3 7.7%

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  • Poll closed .
-vance is far from slow -- his hands are the problem, not his speed.

-you have to continue to develop your young players. if you look at the roster, there's a young player at every single position. most of these guys are going into their second or third year. these guys HAVE to be given a chance to develop, especially with better coaches. where do you think boone came from? ian williams? etc etc

-not sure how you can form any sort of conclusion on our wide receivers when the QB cant get them the ball or the coaches arent utilizing them

-need a #1 QB before you can worry about a #1 WR

-players come and go. that's how the NFL works. you can only keep so many before someone will overpay one of your guys.

-who cares what the raiders, jaguars or dolphins did. you see the teams you just listed? teams that have been picking in the top 10 for the last decade, overpaying FAs and have remained garbage. check out what the preeminent teams in the NFL, like the packers, patriots, ravens, and steelers, are doing.

zero superbowl winners from the list
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"vance is slower than vernon"

okay, i stopped reading there. no point in discussing any further.

news flash: vernon is the fastest tight end in the history of the NFL. no **** vance is slower than vernon. so is every other tight end that has ever played in the NFL....
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"vance is slower than vernon"

okay, i stopped reading there. no point in discussing any further.

news flash: vernon is the fastest tight end in the history of the NFL. no **** vance is slower than vernon.
Travis Kelce is faster your point is invalid 
vernon ran a 4.3

travis kelce ran a 4.6

what the **** are you talking about? that's not even remotely close LMAO.
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is this guy trolling us?
I don't see how you consider it trolling, I pulled that quote from the NFL website. Vernon Davis is done, he wants 4-5 years but who's going to pay him that with his meager REC's, YD's and TD's the past two seasons? 
Regardless of what you say with Davis gone and done, and Anquan hitting free agency we are severely lacking in the receiver department and I don't think Smelter, Simpson, McDonald, Carrier, Celek, or Ellington are going to break out as stars to replace their contributions with or without Kaepernick. 
go watch some chip kelly film. kelly doesn't need a "#1" wide receiver; he needs multiple, competent wide receivers that can route routes, understand coverages, and stretch the both field vertically and horizontally. you're going to be in 11 personnel for majority of the game with chip, so you need multiple guys. he literally makes chicken salad out of chicken ****.
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go watch some chip kelly film. kelly doesn't need a "#1" wide receiver; he needs multiple, competent wide receivers that can route routes, understand coverages, and stretch the both field vertically and horizontally. he literally makes chicken salad out of chicken ****.
Well I really hope so for out sake...

and for the record I read your link and the discrepancy is that Vernon Davis was the fastest tight end IN OPEN SPACE this year while Travis Kelce was the fastest tight end in the league WITH THE BALL IN HIS HANDS, unsurprising as Vernon Davis seemingly never got the ball in his hands this year.
vernon would smoke kelce so bad in a race that the comparison is laughable. hell, vernon would smoke 90% of WRs. just end it there.

and i am not defending that bum. i was simply responding to the silly comment you posted above.
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vernon would smoke kelce so bad in a race that the comparison is laughable. hell, vernon would smoke 90% of WRs. just end it there.
Sure, Vernon would smoke him in a track race but not at catching a football and running down field which is what the 49ers need. Last I checked they're not a professional racing team. The stats stand, Travis Kelce ran faster after completing a reception on field than Vernon Davis did this season. Hell, Kelce almost ran as fast WITH the ball as VD did WITHOUT it! I mean seriously... speaking of watching film did you watch Vernon Davis the past two seasons? His contribution to the Broncos was laughable. 20 receptions in 9 games, what a power house! Almost as impressive as his 26 receptions in 14 games with the 49ers last season! 
Who the **** is this dude? :rofl:

Sound like the dudes on social media freaking out because we didnt throw a nearly a hundred mil to a decent at best FA

Who the **** is this dude?

Sound like the dudes on social media freaking out because we didnt throw a nearly a hundred mil to a decent at best FA
If signing talented players in free agency isn't the solution to replacing our rapidly depleting talent I would love to hear your solution. 
i know fans dont want to be patient and everyone wants instant gratification, but the only way you get anywhere in this league is with patience. pat, goldson, staley, frank, vernon and all the other guys we had a few years ago were not bought; they were grown over a long period of time. the seacocks werent the seacocks over night; it took them 3-4 years to turn into the LOB. if you evaluate the current roster, we have a young player or two that is going into their second of third year at every position except QB and ILB:

OT: Trent Brown

OG: Brandon Thomas, Marcus Martin 

TE: Blake Bell, Busta Anderson

RB: Carlos Hyde

WR: DeAndre Smelter

DL: Arik Armstead

OLB: Aaron Lynch, Eli Harold

S: Jimmie Ward, Jaquiski Tartt

CB: Dontae Johnson, Keith Reaser, Kenneth Acker

you have to give these guys a chance to develop and grow as players, especially into a new scheme. You simply cant just give up on a young player because they aren't producing immediately and go spend money on FAs. that's an unsustainable way of running a team in the NFL. this is why teams it's always the same teams drafting in the top 10 and splurging in FA that have sucked ******* for the last decade.

Most of the players available in free agency were players that were cultivated into legit NFL pros by other teams. For example, Malik Jackson was a 5th round player that just got cashed the **** out. FIFTH ROUNDER that didn't do **** his rookie season. Why allocate your resources on outside players when you've already got guys in the building that just need to go through the process that those free agents did?

the best way to go is to establish a system, a football philosophy and an identity. then you can identify talent that fits in that system(regardless of what round they're drafted -- a scheme player is a scheme player), and cultivate their development. that's what the preeminent teams do best. once you've got an established football philosophy in place, it's a lot easier to SUPPLEMENT your in-house talent with the free agency.


that's how its done and we're only at step 1.
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the best way to go is to establish a system, a football philosophy and an identity. then you can identify talent that fits in that system(regardless of what round they're drafted -- a scheme player is a scheme player), and cultivate their development. that's what the preeminent teams do best. once you've got an established football philosophy in place, it's a lot easier to SUPPLEMENT your in-house talent with the free agency.


that's how its done.
Except we went QB>>COACH this time, the whole reason Chip Kelly was hired was part of a plan to revive Kaepernick. Wasn't Kap supposed to be the perfect match for Kelly's offensive schemes? The QB Kelly was salivating for while he was in Philly destroying their franchise? Only now it seems Kaepernick wants nothing to do with Chip Kelly and his perfectly tailored schemes, so where does that leave us?
Except we went QB>>COACH this time, the whole reason Chip Kelly was hired was part of a plan to revive Kaepernick. Wasn't Kap supposed to be the perfect match for Kelly's offensive schemes? The QB Kelly was salivating for while he was in Philly destroying their franchise? Only now it seems Kaepernick wants nothing to do with Chip Kelly and his perfectly tailored schemes, so where does that leave us?
who told you this? Some guy in the NFL thread? 

the reason Chip was hired is because he was the best coach available. that's it. the hiring of chip was NEVER predicated on reviving Kaepernick. Kaepernick isn't even a fit for his offense. Chip's 2 most valued attributes in a quarterback are "repetitive accuracy and quick decision-making", both of which are huge weaknesses of Kaepernick. He was NEVER a fit.

We have no QB right now, but we might have one soon.
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who told you this?
It was pretty widely discussed by most major sports network analysts, bay area news stations, and other outlets at the hiring that reviving Kaepernick was the intention of hiring Kelly. I mean the NFL website literally ran an article with the title "CHIP KELLY COULD SAVE KAEPERNICK'S NFL CAREER". Kap had regressed during the attempt to transition him into more of a pocket passer, so what do you do to get your slumping QB back in gear? Hire a HC with an offensive scheme that isn't built around pocket passing. 

The fact that Chip Kelly was the best available HC is not saying much. 26-21 regular season and 0-1 in the playoffs. 
Chip's 2 most valued attributes in a quarterback are "repetitive accuracy and quick decision-making", both of which are huge weaknesses of Kaepernick. He was NEVER a fit.
Please, Chip Kelly is just talking typical NFL talk. I mean really, what HC DOESN'T want a QB who is repetitively accurate and makes quick decisions? Does Pete Carrol ask Russel Wilson to be inaccurate, slow, and indecisive? Of course not! Is Chip Kelly ALSO said Collin Kaepernick was a "really good quarterback" who he "looked forward to getting started working with". So I wouldn't take ANYTHING he says at face value. He's probably just waiting it out to see how Jed Dork and Treent Baalke can ruin the team more. 
If you want to jump off the deep end because DAY FREAKIN' ONE of free agency didn't go the way you'd hoped I'd hate to see how you react during OTAs or preseason.
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