Official SEPTEMBER 2012 Nike Outlet/Website/Store Update Thread - DO NOT MAKE REQUESTS

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For realz! This site is a must-have for any sneakerhead on a budget.
I know a lot of you new guys appreciate being spoon fed by cork and a couple others, but you guys don't know what you missed out on.

No disrespect to cork, but his "hustle" has ruined something that was once great. He took something that was unique to this site and exploited it for his own gains.

He does put in work tho. Can't say the same for the idiot that started the other blog and mooched off of here. 

It is what it is tho. Gone are the days of 25+ page updates. Carry on tho.
No gains for me sir. I actually started CORK so everybody would have a chance at copping shoes at a low price. Previously the "In Crowd" on here would hoard the info and split it between close friends....then pass the info on once stock was cleared. If you knew me then you wouldn't have made such a narrow minded remark.. I'm definitely for the community and that's why I will continue to post in here. I'm not trying to start anything with you just want to defend CORK and what I have built. I appreciate all the support and NIKETALK for being true for all these years.

P.S. The days of $39.99 Fire red 3's and DB 6's for $59.99 are well over...and I'm not the one to blame my man.
No gains for me sir. I actually started CORK so everybody would have a chance at copping shoes at a low price. Previously the "In Crowd" on here would hoard the info and split it between close friends....then pass the info on once stock was cleared. If you knew me then you wouldn't have made such a narrow minded remark.. I'm definitely for the community and that's why I will continue to post in here. I'm not trying to start anything with you just want to defend CORK and what I have built. I appreciate all the support and NIKETALK for being true for all these years.
P.S. The days of $39.99 Fire red 3's and DB 6's for $59.99 are well over...and I'm not the one to blame my man.

thanks for all of your hard work. I rememer back in the days you helped me out a quite a few times! appreciate it ! keep up the great work.
The thread started dying the moment that idiot made the nike outlet deals website and mooched all of his info from this thread.

Then it officially died when you followed suit.

Keeping doing you tho. :smokin
I don't see how what CORK is doing is anything but helping. On TOO many occasions I have found something I never thought I would have had the chance to get, and thats thanks to CORK. At the end of the day more people are getting the opportunity to Cop, and i'm all about that. Thanks again #TeamCORK
The amount of NTers Cork has helped out is probably way up there.

LOL @ some folks thinking that sharing is a BAD thing.

Keep doing ya thing Cork.
The more resources the better IMO.  I'm happy I have NT, Cork and other stuff to help me find the great deals.  I don't see how this is a bad thing.  Anyone with a half-wit and decent internet connection can do some basic research and find something they like at a desirable price.  We may not always be in time because there others out there with better connects, but we still have a fighting chance.
This is an interesting discussion, and I hope it doesn't get deleted.

I can see both sides. My recollection of the evolution of the Nike outlet culture goes basically like this.

1. Technology not really used. Everything local-ized
2. Some cats started developing connections and entire select outlet drop scene on lock by a handful of people - dudes coming with stuff like half size runs of b-grade Paris Dunks
3. The growth of this thread as a sort of attempt by the populous to take control of the scene from the few elite.
4. The "Animal Farm" moment. Cats form the "NTOC" and those who were for the people get some props and connects and begin hoarding.
5. Backlash, in-fighting and the departure of some key folks leads to a bit of a dead era
6. The free-for-all. Info is more sparse, but more spread out. This thread isn't the only hub of Nike outlet info

IMO, "Oldsole" was always on team public. Whether he posts here or on Cork, he's not hoarding info nearly as much as the previous generation of NT outlet cognoscenti. The era isn't the same though. You aren't going to get 59.99 Grape Vs anymore. At one time, the biggest concern in this thread was "lurkers." By setting up Cork, OldSole was doing the ultimate public move, in a way - he was saying information isn't something to be owned. Now, since anybody can join NT no fuss, no muss, the distinction between member and lurker is moot anyway.
Guys, lets not burn another bridge with a member that helps us in many ways. Oldsole was also that dude that posted that NT moved to new servers in order to help our brothers out in getting back to the REAL NT.
Oldsole posts info that would otherwise go unposted. There is a whole culture of guys that do what he does and shares not 1 ounce of info. He is the rogue one out of the group. Please dont take the time to bad talk someone that is actually helping.
so disppointed got my pair of size 10 olympic viis from NC
they charged more to ship than ever before
then shipped to a business so it was rerouted another day
then they literally flipped the box inside out and shipped it single box
then i look at the shoes and 1 midsole is almost unpainted with a red hue to it
so i call the store and a manager argues with me and says she can accomedate me by sending the shoes back for a return
never in my years have i had to go through this
Good to see this thread still alive, I'm bored at work, haven't visited Nike Retro frequently in quite some time.

This thread died because people did hoarde info, and started cliquing up, people shooting PM's talking about "if you want to join my clique/gang/blah blah" this is what you need to do. :smh:.

Don't need to save the money on b-grades that bad.

Thread suffered a slow death. Props to oldsole for his site, truly a person that doesn't have their own interest at hand and truly wants to help out the community.

Interesting to see Citadel finally get something. :lol:
Can anybody tell me if the Lebron 8 PS V3 version fits TTS or a little big or a little snug? I'm going to buy the Dunkman V3 version but dont want to get the wrong size, any help is appreciated. Thanks!

I wear 12 in every shoe ever... and with Lebrons I always have to buy 12.5 (if available) or 13
No gains for me sir. I actually started CORK so everybody would have a chance at copping shoes at a low price. Previously the "In Crowd" on here would hoard the info and split it between close friends....then pass the info on once stock was cleared. If you knew me then you wouldn't have made such a narrow minded remark.. I'm definitely for the community and that's why I will continue to post in here. I'm not trying to start anything with you just want to defend CORK and what I have built. I appreciate all the support and NIKETALK for being true for all these years.

P.S. The days of $39.99 Fire red 3's and DB 6's for $59.99 are well over...and I'm not the one to blame my man.

Keep doing your thing Cork.  You're without a doubt one of the best resources this community has.
OS - w/o you i wouldn't have been able to get my SC trainer IIs so cheap. haters gonna hate.

keep doing your thing man, i check cork many times a week man
The amount of NTers Cork has helped out is probably way up there.

LOL @ some folks thinking that sharing is a BAD thing.

Keep doing ya thing Cork.
The more resources the better IMO.  I'm happy I have NT, Cork and other stuff to help me find the great deals.  I don't see how this is a bad thing.  Anyone with a half-wit and decent internet connection can do some basic research and find something they like at a desirable price.  We may not always be in time because there others out there with better connects, but we still have a fighting chance.
I don't see how what CORK is doing is anything but helping. On TOO many occasions I have found something I never thought I would have had the chance to get, and thats thanks to CORK. At the end of the day more people are getting the opportunity to Cop, and i'm all about that. Thanks again #TeamCORK
OS - w/o you i wouldn't have been able to get my SC trainer IIs so cheap. haters gonna hate.

keep doing your thing man, i check cork many times a week man
You guys don't know what this thread use to be like, so please stop commenting. 

All you guys know is Cork.
It's all love everybody...Thanks for the kind words. I truly do this for the community / culture and overall sneakerheads. I can see where ohmygosher is coming from because before me there was no rogue source that would expose the unthinkable in such a cutthroat sneakergame. The fruits were plentiful at the outlets and untouched. No hard feelings this way I'll continue to post info on NT until the close it down.
I appreciate what cork does with this thread. Can't check this thread that often due to work schedule, but I DO appreciate what he and other members do with the info for us to know. But in all honesty, the b-grades aren't worth it anymore. If anyone has paid attention within the past year you will notice the price hikes for b-grades. Last year you were able to find b-grade Jordan's for $100, now they go for $130. This is worse than a-grades going from $150 to $160 in the same time frame. I'm not mad at anyone who is able to get them. But at the same time the consumers are giving Nike more reason to jack up the price since they sell so fast. Not trying to be negative, just stating the facts.
You guys don't know what this thread use to be like, so please stop commenting. 

All you guys know is Cork.

I gotta agree with ohmygosher on this one. this thread used to be golden for getting super steals. back in the day there used to be info about tons of stuff and lurkers/resellers wouldnt be as quick to grab everything up for themselves to flip for profit. just a few examples of things that used to come up: Day of the dead dunk sbs $49.99, paris dunk sbs $49.99, kobe 1s multiple colors $19.99, b-grade black/red XIs $119.99 (were available for phone order a few days after they popped up at stores), individual pairs from almost every one of the CDPs for $89.99, and hare 7s being at tons of outlets are just a few of the deals I can think of off the top of my head. I definitely appreciate what cork does as far as getting info out and all that for everything but now that every bit of info is available to people that dont view the NT outlet thread and they get email updates on everything its never going to be the same as before. Saying that though, nothing ever stays the same, stuff will always change but the days of the past with outlet steals and the old NT outlet threads are definitely missed.

You guys don't know what this thread use to be like, so please stop commenting. 

All you guys know is Cork.

this. just look at the bottom
411 members 502 guests..
I can see where your coming from. I also don't think that "guests" should be able to view a lot of NT especially this thread.
I had to create this new account after NT swapped again, so I'm not just completely new. The days of those steals and deals aren't over because of a few members wanting b grades or cause of cork. Those days have been gone long before. I already had a pair of VIIs, but I wanted a .5 sz smaller. If they're horrible looking I will list them for what I paid and be fine. If not then ill just keep them and be fine. Sure some people here are resellers. Some people wanna flip b grades for money. But don't assume that it's the majority of the NT FAM.
You guys have to understand that times change. People change.
The same guys that used to post the info have moved on from the outlet hobby and no one has bothered to replace them. Others are satified with letting Oldsole do the work.


its as simple as that.
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