Official September 2014 Pick Up Thread Vol. Fall is around the corner...

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Thanks I did go with the white laces, sneakermane hows it going fam ya u should get them when u can.
Nice pickups y'all
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Them BRONS! Damn I wish I got lucky on them...

On the other hand, just scooped Quai 1's and 9's today! Took me over a year to find and found em within a few days of each other DS! Il post my Quai 54 set when they arrive (1/5/9) So stoked!
Oh grabbed some cheech and chongs this week as well. Yeh no cops for a while now..:x
Picked these up today from my store manager. He had them stashed away for 24 years. He had worn them 1 time when he was a store manager at Champs Sports in the 90's and put them away and forgot about them. He saw me wearing my 2006 Grapes yesterday and said he had an original pair in his closet that he never got around to wearing.

So I asked him to bring them in and that I was interested in them. So he brought them to work today and I ended up getting them for only $40. Original box, laces and lace locks, even the black garbage bag wrapping inside the box.
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