Official September 2014 WDYWT Thread Vol. Start Pulling out those hoodies...

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only on nt would people see a problem with wearing the same shoe I love you guys :lol:
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^Looks like the same shorts too, or nah?

Not sure if directed at my pic but i figured someone might think that.
But if so, or nah. First pic grey joggers with yeezy tips cut to make shorts, second regular sweat shorts, third regular sweat shorts. Not uncommon to have multiple items of similar clothing, in fact I stick to mostly black and white tees. Not technically the same shirt, see what im getting at? Keep it basic guys, the kicks make the outfit.
Some past few wears



Kd7 lifestyles looking good up there, ^shoes are most def the main focus of an outfit, but a clean fit is the other half of the equation. I guess if you picking one or the other, the shoes win.
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