***OFFICIAL SEPTEMBER WDYWT THREAD VOL. That new semester feel.***

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Everybody who contributes a picture is vain/shallow/materialistic enough to sit there and take the time to snap these pics thinking that other people care about what they rock.  That being said I don't understand why someone would floss some pens on a kick/fit thread but if anything his kick/fit contributions have added more to the thread than his pens have taken away.  Let that boy cook.

I have no yearn to indulge in my personal life. Lets get back to the fits. :pimp:
Everyone has their own opinion, which I can respect....But the whole purpose is to keep this thread moving and contribute, if you don't contribute then what you have to say is irrelevant because you're holding things up. You're like that one car at the light, that even when the light is green you're backing traffic up because you're texting on your phone and not paying attention. We have enough of those cats on here who bash on whatever, or believe their "opinions" are the end all, say all... Keep in mind that we're all grown men on here, as men any problems should be addressed maturely.

Without blatantly trying to disrespect one another.
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@Springan82 smoking Entourage 8's, after seeing yours, definitely going to search for a pair. Keep it up
lol, hey man, I'm going to help you out so from this point forward you don't make that mistake again.

The correct term is, "To each his own."

Live and learn.
dictionary please. NTers dumber than I thought.
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This dude sprigan just kilt it with the turbulances.....DAMN....very underated shoe...3m and patent leather.
Dope espos too.
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