Shoe cleaning gurus:

What can I use to clean white canvas (Like on Chucks, Vans)?

Is bleach too strong? Should I throw them in the washer?

hey denverairforce- i don't think it matters what the detergent type is. but i would use liquid just to be safe. powder may stick to the shoes ifthere's any residue of it left in the washer.
air kalo- just try to do a straight wash on them in the washer. don't add the bleach unless it doesn't come out after the first wash. then add bleach.or you might be able to use rit whitner for them also. clean them first and then try out the rit. i think it would be safe enough for canvas. if you do decideto use bleach, just a little bit. don't want to weaken the canvas and then have it rip on you when you wear them.
with barkeeper's friend on concord xi's, would the liquid or powder be the best to use? (o yea and j671 i got ya beat. $76 shipped for ogconcords
also what would be the best to use on cleaning the white midsole? barkeeper's friend on that too? cuz soap and water's not fully doing it.
And for seaglow, does the elixer work better than just regular seaglow?
Thanks for the input. I found the info on how to use the Barkeeper's Friend. It would probably be helpful to put this into the original post, so I copiedand pasted the quote about how to use it for anybody else that wants it.

Originally Posted by chernabog915

I apologize. Somewhere in the 3 or 4 times this has been copied and pasted from the original, the Barkeeper's Friend mix has been lost. It is roughly 2/3 water and 1/3 Barkeeper, not by cup, just regular measurement. I tend to keep it about the consistency of milk, maybe a little thicker, and use a hard bristle toothbrush to clean them. Just get a small coffee cup, and mix it in there, stir it up, and use the toothbrush to apply it. Scrub it out, then use HOT water to wash the brush out with, and then brush out the area you just hit with Barkeeper's Friend. Do this a few times. The BKF dries to a dusty white film, and takes a little work to get out completely.
Aight I do have another question. On my mocha 3's I'm considering repainting the midsoles. They aren't terrible yet, but soon they will need somework. To remove the paint before repainting on the midsoles since it's plastic instead of leather... will it come off just by using acetone? Or will i needto sand or scratch it off, then use the acetone to finish off the paint removal?
^acetone should work with removing the paint for the mocha's. you can sand it, but depending on the condition of the shoes, the acetone is the safest andeasiest one to use. for my mocha's i sanded them first and then finish with acetone. most of my paint on the midsoles was already chipped off so it waseasier to sand.
For you guys who've used Angelus paint
What is the consistency of the paint (can it be sprayed or is it thick/pasty) and what is the medium? (oil, water, etc.) Thanks
I unds'ed my Military Is today (the white, wheat ones) and this dude freakin stepped on them, i was soooooooooo heated, but didnt touch him up or nothing.

Im pretty sure the materials called nubuck, but now theres black lines all across it and they dont just rub off and I heard waters bad for them. My mom wastellin me to just use a hard brush that took some off but it lightened the area, and just wasnt working.

How can I get this out??? and do you know if the nubuck 12s would be having the same problem?
hey i got a pair of 11 low the grey and yellow and i wanted to know how to clean the elephant print and the the suede material ur post only talk about the midthnx
angelus paint- not really thick or thin. it's the right consistency. i think it could be sprayed on if you have an air brush. as far as medium, i thinkit's more water based.
military i's- yeah like andfattoo said, use the suede/nubuck cleaner. if the area still looks light after cleaning, you might have to do the baby oil trickto touch it up.
grey and yellow low xi's- suede/nubuck foam or cleaner will work for the suede and the elephant material.
Last night I cleaned the white mesh on my concord 11s with soap and water.

I let it dry all night and I wake up today and mesh is a bit yellow on some parts....
Anyone have any idea on why this could have happened?


Also if I try to clean these again but with RIT will the yellowing of the mesh go away?

Another thing, I recently noticed the patent leather is detaching a bit from the midsole, can Shoe Goo be used for this? Or any other recommendations?


Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
hey, I couldnt find the suede/nubuck cleaner on the first page and search doesnt work on my pc, can I get it at footlocker or where?
^ yeah, you can get at footlocker, footaction, champ's, finishline, etc. they should all carry this. go with the foam. it works better imo. download thefriends and family coupon in the outlet section in nike retro to get 30% off the cleaner. should save a couple of bucks for you.
^^rafool, the yellow should come out with the rit. just follow the instructions and you should see results. you can use barkeeper's also. it's yourchoice. as far as the pl separation, either shoo goo or epoxy glue. i would go with the epoxy glue just because of the location that your gluing. as far as theyellowing happending, i don't know. maybe it was just really deep and the soap and water wasn't able to get it out.
Hey, i just got some VVVVNDS OG Playoffs and i was just confirming that touching up with angelus paint on the slightly yellow parts are the best way to goright?
Originally Posted by pimpjobu

^^rafool, the yellow should come out with the rit. just follow the instructions and you should see results. you can use barkeeper's also. it's your choice. as far as the pl separation, either shoo goo or epoxy glue. i would go with the epoxy glue just because of the location that your gluing. as far as the yellowing happending, i don't know. maybe it was just really deep and the soap and water wasn't able to get it out.
Thanks for the help man.
for the og playoffs- yeah the best thing to do is the retouch with the angelus andfattoo. the yellowing on the white part is probably from oxidization fromsitting around for such a long time frame.
og black cements- we're talking about the iii's, right? simple shoe cleaner that's bought in footlocker, footaction, etc. it's safe enough forthe leather and the elephant print.
Not jordan related but I'm trying to restore a couple AF1s. The first ones are royal canvas mids. I'm thinking of tossin them in the washer in a pillowcase.

Another pair are white/navy 20th aniv. Hi's, with these I need help on the stitching. What can I use for them. I heard white tooth paste does well but howdo I do it?

I also just copped some zen grey XI lows i'm going to sea glow and post pics. Hopefully I do it right
can some one help e and tell me exactly what i have to do and get to repaint the mid soles on my harbor 3s thanks in advance
I have a pair of foamposite that was originally white but it's turning yellow. Is there a way to clean it that get it back to white? thanks!
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