Man, a lot of people have problems with patent leather...

kind of makes me glad I'm not a huge 11 fan..
Man, a lot of people have problems with patent leather...

kind of makes me glad I'm not a huge 11 fan..
im usually very careful with my 11s. this has never happened before, until today. im just wondering if thats even fixable at all. nail polish remover didnt work, so im thinking its more than just a surface scratch.
How do i get this scratch off this guy's 11s? i tried painting over it, using nail polish remover, angelus finisher, cleaning it, lotion, and then i tried to iron it so its at least a little flat and not protruding from the PL. now its flat but the scuff is still visible. would WD40 work to fill in the scuff? 
Theres a bunch of videos on XIs in last few pages guys on fixing PL
i saw those and tried what they said to do, but to no avail. i really thought the nail polish remover would work, but it did nothing but cloud up the scuff even more. i even tried the hand sanitizer method, and also a mr clean magic eraser. no progress.  thats why i dont think its just a surface scuff. i may have scuffed the finish off. that spot is dull while the rest of the patent has the shiny sheen.

im not sure if i should use angelus high gloss acrylic finisher. dont wanna apply it and then find it it makes it worse, or doesnt work. im just hoping somebody here has experience this before and has a good solution.
I understand looks like smudge marks in the pics to me. How does it feel to the touch? Glossy finish worn off in those areas?
I understand looks like smudge marks in the pics to me. How does it feel to the touch? Glossy finish worn off in those areas?
i first thought it was a smudge too. then i tried all those methods and realized its worse
as for the feel of it, it feels dull, like rough. the rest of the patent feels smooth. thats why i think i scuffed it so hard, it took the gloss off.
This may sound unorthodox but try a clear shoe polish with a clean cloth and dab in water and polish over those areas and build the gloss back up. What I did for my military boots while in the service to give that glass/glossy shine. That will probably be your cheapest and less timely route if it works than having to strip the whole toes gloss finish and spray a gloss finisher on them
This may sound unorthodox but try a clear shoe polish with a clean cloth and dab in water and polish over those areas and build the gloss back up. What I did for my military boots while in the service to give that glass/glossy shine. That will probably be your cheapest and less timely route if it works than having to strip the whole toes gloss finish and spray a gloss finisher on them
if i dont have polish on hand, do you think angelus high gloss acrylic finisher would work? instead of stripping all the gloss, do u think simply applying 3 coats of the finisher to only the dull areas would bring that same gloss back and make it look uniform with the rest of the leather?
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The acrylic high gloss finisher will add a high gloss to leather. Since you've tried all other methods to no avail, I dont think it would hurt to try.
Hey everyone I'm going to start a restoration project on a pair of playoff 13's. The two main parts I'm going to be focusing on is the suede and the soles due to minor separation. Which kinda glue do y'all recommend I use for the soles and I've heard that baby oil can worsen the suede. Is there any truth to that? Thanx to everyone in advance
I have no idea where this stain came from. Its not a typical black scuff you can remove with nail polish remover. It seems as if something has faded onto the patent leather. Any suggestions ? I've tried magic eraser, soap & water.

Ever try rubbing alcohol? Just take a little bit on a qtip and try rubbing it out. If that doesn't work, maybe acetone? You can also try taking them to a shoe repair professional. That's probably the best idea.
so all the videos i watched said to use nail polis remover and it will come right off. i bought some, used a q-tip, and it did nothing. i think i may have scuffed off the finish of the patent?

anyone have any other suggestions?

Tried gently rubbing in mineral oil, nail polish remover (without acetone), toothpaste, petroleum jelly, shaving cream, or vegetable oil? Afterwards polish the patent leather with Pledge furniture polish.
Ever try rubbing alcohol? Just take a little bit on a qtip and try rubbing it out. If that doesn't work, maybe acetone? You can also try taking them to a shoe repair professional. That's probably the best idea.
The stain is under the clear coat. It's gotta be a defect 
Any one got any suggestions on how to paint the uppers of these 28s and 29s? I was thinking of using Meltonian spray paint.



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Hey everyone I'm going to start a restoration project on a pair of playoff 13's. The two main parts I'm going to be focusing on is the suede and the soles due to minor separation. Which kinda glue do y'all recommend I use for the soles and I've heard that baby oil can worsen the suede. Is there any truth to that? Thanx to everyone in advance
barge cement for soles
Hey guys 2 questions what can i use to clean the suede on my infrared 6's and what about getting the dirt of my jordan 12 taxies.

Thank You
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