Official Sons Of Anarchy Season 4 Thread: Season Finale Episode 14 "To Be - Act 2" (Tues 10 pm est)

I personally don't think the Juice issue will be that big but this season seems like it's one episode away from a huge 180 so you never know. Feel like this may be the season where a patch gets killed. Just my logic but you couldn't really see Sack and Hale getting killed. Maybe Jimmy and Stahl but I initially thought they'd save that for this season. I could def see the sheriff and the ADA and even Ronnie (
) getting axed. But it's the one that we won't see coming that's got me on the edge.
IMO these characters will be dead by seasons end

the new sheriff

the !+#*%$% black cop from the 1st ep of this season

the creepy dea dude

& Clay or Tara or both........

what happened to the guy who gemma bought digits/fingers for he hasnt been around since the 1st ep this season for about 2 minutes & since then hes been mia
IMO these characters will be dead by seasons end

the new sheriff

the !+#*%$% black cop from the 1st ep of this season

the creepy dea dude

& Clay or Tara or both........

what happened to the guy who gemma bought digits/fingers for he hasnt been around since the 1st ep this season for about 2 minutes & since then hes been mia
"Sons of Anarchy" is nothing if not an educational show. The title this week, "Dorylus," is another name for driver ants, also known as flesh-eating ants (also the reason I will never, ever, decide to eat dinner while watching this show ever again), and aside from a very graphic depiction of these hungry little guys at work, the name also evokes the slow erosion of SAMCRO. Last night focused almost exclusively on the club members and their politics (excluding, for the most part, too much on the Federal case front or the Fierce Women's Club, although they did have their moment), and ended with a very telling vote. Despite a lot of late campaigning, including Clay promising Bobby the keys to the kingdom - against Jax's wishes, by the way - the voters stuck to party lines. Clay, Tig, Jax, Opie, The New Guy Miles and Kozik versus Bobby, Piney, Juice, Happy and Chibs. I'll admit that the split surprised me. Jax thought that they would have Chibs, Happy and Juice, and expected Kozik and Opie to go the other way. But in the end it seemed less about the coke and more about loyalties. Tig, though hurt by Clay's exclusion, stuck by him, while Bobby, the secret heir, stood his ground. Juice voted against the drug running, and I have to suspect it's because he knows now that the law is looking very closely at the club.

One thing that really pleased me with "Dorylus" was the screen time given to members of the club other than Clay, Jax and Opie. We learn that Miles and Kozik are possibly living with Happy, or at least crashing there for awhile. And remember, kids: you should never play a game of pick-up basketball when you should be guarding an unsecured weapons cache that you owe to a major cartel!

Juice and Chibs get a few minor moments together before Juice is picked up by Roosevelt for the big reveal that Juice's secret past is … he's half black. Here's another lesson learned: apparently SAMCRO is more racist than we thought. Or are they? This is where I need some historical help, readers. SAMCRO have never supported white supremacist organizations, the big theme from Season 2. And even though Juice doesn't claim his black heritage, he does say he's Puerto Rican. Apparently SAMCRO has no issue with this … so are they only against black members? As for Happy (or "the man with ambiguous ethnicity" as a friend of mine calls him), his race is also not an issue. Though Roosevelt noted last week that "there aren't any brothers up on your wall here," it was shrugged off rather than given any sort of retort that would lead Roosevelt to his presumption that the club would strip Juice of his cut and his tat. Yet Juice seemed to fear the implications of revelation. So which is it?

There were a few other unsteady notes last night - Clay's odd violence against Gemma, for one. He's a desperate man who feels his power diminishing, but to lash out at Gemma like that, and in front of the other members? It felt off, even for Clay. And how far will it go to pushing Gemma out of his corner? Or is she too far gone? Also, though I understand the convenience of keeping Unser around (to give Gemma speeches, to notice little character moments like Roosevelt and his wife at the hospital), his scenes with Gemma really drag. And why would Gemma go to all of the trouble of covering her tracks if she was just going to show her hand about the love triangle past to Tara anyway?

The schism in SAMCRO is growing deeper with every passing season, and though I don't think the club will ever disband (how could it, when Kurt Sutter has three more seasons planned?) I think it will change a great deal, and possibly lose some members along the way. My current prediction is that Clay will be forced out by something or someone, but will still pull some strings, and that Jax will find a way to stay … with or without Tara.

Next Week: The guns come back blazing as SAMCRO transports their goods with Linc on their tail.

Musings and Miscellanea:

— Other lessons learned from "Dorylus": cartels have "strategic enforcement" divisions, and colonics really work!

— Poor Tig gets his feelings hurt so easily. But I loved the way Jax said with a sigh, "OK, Tiggy ..." when Tig demanded he ride with them.

— So Roosevelt's wife can't get pregnant … this will surely come back later in the season somehow?

— Kozik calling the neighborhood kid "LeBrown" and the kid calling him "my lemon-headed sucker" cracked me up.

— Clay was threatening people all over the place last night, including Piney (who looks to be close to death per next week's promo).

— Happy demands a clean kitchen!

— So now you know what to wish upon your worst enemies: a slow death by driver ants.

— Did anyone else catch that the two gun-dealing sons of Vera's were called Luther and Vandross?

— The "motorcycle cam" is new this season … I'm not sure I see its worth yet, but if we got an extended shot it would be pretty cool. "Ride along with the Sons!"

— So Tara really did think about leaving Jax and taking the kids with her? That probably wouldn't have ended well.

— Poor Gemma was dismissed as "just an Old Lady" by Jax and then assaulted by Clay with the words "you don't tell me what we do." She may be the mama bear of SAMCRO, but they have been sure to remove her teeth and claws with it comes to club matters. Racial issues are always in the conversation with SAMCRO, but never feminist ones. It's a shame!
"Sons of Anarchy" is nothing if not an educational show. The title this week, "Dorylus," is another name for driver ants, also known as flesh-eating ants (also the reason I will never, ever, decide to eat dinner while watching this show ever again), and aside from a very graphic depiction of these hungry little guys at work, the name also evokes the slow erosion of SAMCRO. Last night focused almost exclusively on the club members and their politics (excluding, for the most part, too much on the Federal case front or the Fierce Women's Club, although they did have their moment), and ended with a very telling vote. Despite a lot of late campaigning, including Clay promising Bobby the keys to the kingdom - against Jax's wishes, by the way - the voters stuck to party lines. Clay, Tig, Jax, Opie, The New Guy Miles and Kozik versus Bobby, Piney, Juice, Happy and Chibs. I'll admit that the split surprised me. Jax thought that they would have Chibs, Happy and Juice, and expected Kozik and Opie to go the other way. But in the end it seemed less about the coke and more about loyalties. Tig, though hurt by Clay's exclusion, stuck by him, while Bobby, the secret heir, stood his ground. Juice voted against the drug running, and I have to suspect it's because he knows now that the law is looking very closely at the club.

One thing that really pleased me with "Dorylus" was the screen time given to members of the club other than Clay, Jax and Opie. We learn that Miles and Kozik are possibly living with Happy, or at least crashing there for awhile. And remember, kids: you should never play a game of pick-up basketball when you should be guarding an unsecured weapons cache that you owe to a major cartel!

Juice and Chibs get a few minor moments together before Juice is picked up by Roosevelt for the big reveal that Juice's secret past is … he's half black. Here's another lesson learned: apparently SAMCRO is more racist than we thought. Or are they? This is where I need some historical help, readers. SAMCRO have never supported white supremacist organizations, the big theme from Season 2. And even though Juice doesn't claim his black heritage, he does say he's Puerto Rican. Apparently SAMCRO has no issue with this … so are they only against black members? As for Happy (or "the man with ambiguous ethnicity" as a friend of mine calls him), his race is also not an issue. Though Roosevelt noted last week that "there aren't any brothers up on your wall here," it was shrugged off rather than given any sort of retort that would lead Roosevelt to his presumption that the club would strip Juice of his cut and his tat. Yet Juice seemed to fear the implications of revelation. So which is it?

There were a few other unsteady notes last night - Clay's odd violence against Gemma, for one. He's a desperate man who feels his power diminishing, but to lash out at Gemma like that, and in front of the other members? It felt off, even for Clay. And how far will it go to pushing Gemma out of his corner? Or is she too far gone? Also, though I understand the convenience of keeping Unser around (to give Gemma speeches, to notice little character moments like Roosevelt and his wife at the hospital), his scenes with Gemma really drag. And why would Gemma go to all of the trouble of covering her tracks if she was just going to show her hand about the love triangle past to Tara anyway?

The schism in SAMCRO is growing deeper with every passing season, and though I don't think the club will ever disband (how could it, when Kurt Sutter has three more seasons planned?) I think it will change a great deal, and possibly lose some members along the way. My current prediction is that Clay will be forced out by something or someone, but will still pull some strings, and that Jax will find a way to stay … with or without Tara.

Next Week: The guns come back blazing as SAMCRO transports their goods with Linc on their tail.

Musings and Miscellanea:

— Other lessons learned from "Dorylus": cartels have "strategic enforcement" divisions, and colonics really work!

— Poor Tig gets his feelings hurt so easily. But I loved the way Jax said with a sigh, "OK, Tiggy ..." when Tig demanded he ride with them.

— So Roosevelt's wife can't get pregnant … this will surely come back later in the season somehow?

— Kozik calling the neighborhood kid "LeBrown" and the kid calling him "my lemon-headed sucker" cracked me up.

— Clay was threatening people all over the place last night, including Piney (who looks to be close to death per next week's promo).

— Happy demands a clean kitchen!

— So now you know what to wish upon your worst enemies: a slow death by driver ants.

— Did anyone else catch that the two gun-dealing sons of Vera's were called Luther and Vandross?

— The "motorcycle cam" is new this season … I'm not sure I see its worth yet, but if we got an extended shot it would be pretty cool. "Ride along with the Sons!"

— So Tara really did think about leaving Jax and taking the kids with her? That probably wouldn't have ended well.

— Poor Gemma was dismissed as "just an Old Lady" by Jax and then assaulted by Clay with the words "you don't tell me what we do." She may be the mama bear of SAMCRO, but they have been sure to remove her teeth and claws with it comes to club matters. Racial issues are always in the conversation with SAMCRO, but never feminist ones. It's a shame!
Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

It hurts my soul to see the club slowly dying in front of my eyes... everyone has formed little clicks @@!% is crazy
It'll probably be like when the nwo split up into 2 factions.  

I also don't see what the big deal with Juice being part black.  Didn't he always say he was Puerto Rican?

I thought Happy was half black as well or mixed with something.
Originally Posted by BishopStrongBow

It hurts my soul to see the club slowly dying in front of my eyes... everyone has formed little clicks @@!% is crazy
It'll probably be like when the nwo split up into 2 factions.  

I also don't see what the big deal with Juice being part black.  Didn't he always say he was Puerto Rican?

I thought Happy was half black as well or mixed with something.
^ she knew what she was doing the way she was walking. had bobby eye ballin her up and down when they got off the truck 
^ she knew what she was doing the way she was walking. had bobby eye ballin her up and down when they got off the truck 
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

new sheriff can't get his wife preggo, I wonder why they showed that scene
Something is definitely going to happen where Tara helps or hurts their chances with that because of the Sons.  
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

new sheriff can't get his wife preggo, I wonder why they showed that scene
Something is definitely going to happen where Tara helps or hurts their chances with that because of the Sons.  
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

new sheriff can't get his wife preggo, I wonder why they showed that scene
Something is definitely going to happen where Tara helps or hurts their chances with that because of the Sons.  
Couldnt agree more. Theyre gonna strike some kinda deal down the road to let SAMCRO off in exchange for helping out his wifey.
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

new sheriff can't get his wife preggo, I wonder why they showed that scene
Something is definitely going to happen where Tara helps or hurts their chances with that because of the Sons.  
Couldnt agree more. Theyre gonna strike some kinda deal down the road to let SAMCRO off in exchange for helping out his wifey.
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