OFFICIAL: STEREO Presents: The Battle At The Berrics 2

May 24, 2003
Alright guys, it's already begun, who else is following? I'm dumb pumped about it! Fongstarr, hellahandsome, Verdykt, I see you!

This is the thread for discussion regarding the Battle. I'll put up the vids as they come in!

My money's on Torey Pudwill!

Week 1:
Chris Cole vs Mike Vallely
I thought the Mike V vs. Chris Cole match up was hilarious, but I was glad to see Cole advance. Mike V's Thunder Bird was sick as well

Also looks like you might get to see Pudwill vs. Jimmy Carlin this weekend as Carlin did the Text Yoself... today on the Berrics.
I forgot my picks, but i'm pretty sure I picked the chief to beat Busenitz. Does anyone how there doing the quadrants? is it just straight up and down theleft side, then to the right? I hope not cause I don't want to wait that long to see Torey skate. Or P-rod
All I want to see is a Jerry Hsu vs. Jason Dill battle. oh, and Mike Carroll vs. Rick Howard (old school plan b battle)
Nah, he rips though. That 180 huv late shuv he did a few weeks back on Butteryass Mondays blew my mind
I love watching Buttery @@% Mondays, because of Donovan and that shuv to late shuv section was ridiculous I watched that clip over about 10 times in a row,same with Weiger's inward heel.

I know Carlin said he played Torey in Skate, so hopefully they get that footage edited and up soon, but you never know cause from the last BATB it looked likeBilly Marks did all his Battles in one day.

I forgot my picks as well, but I believe I had Hsu, Cole, and Prod going pretty far.
Originally Posted by kylewatson3

Also looks like you might get to see Pudwill vs. Jimmy Carlin this weekend as Carlin did the Text Yoself... today on the Berrics.

They're also talking about that Volcom United Nations thing, knowing the Berrics, they might not run any of the Battle this weekend...

I've got Pudwill winning it all, though, against Lutzka. And off of that comment Steve made about Jerry trying to win it all, I got him going into thesemis.
I'm so pumped for those two matches!

Who was that young guy on Volcom who took all the SkateDice money? Kid was sick.
Presented by Stereo but there don't seem to be any Stereo riders in it.

With the exception of Mike V and Chief I'll be pulling for the old guys to win.
The only one I kinda recognized from Skate or Dice was David Gonzales, and I wasn't positive about him, until I watched the Volcom UN today. Honestly, Inever heard of most of the younger guys. It looks like it was Luan de Olivera who took all the cash from watching the UN
I stand corrected. Ben Gore is Stereo am but I guess in my old age it takes longer to follow all these younger kids now. Sorry.

Carlin v Pudwill up. Some sick tricks but not the result more people wanted. Either way Haslam could be a problem with his big bag of tricks.
Originally Posted by fugualarmclock

Carlin v Pudwill up. Some sick tricks but not the result more people wanted. Either way Haslam could be a problem with his big bag of tricks.
Haslam's gonna be real good, if he gets to set a few times, he'll definitely put letters up on Torey.

I thought Pudwill/Carlin match was pretty good. I'm waiting for a real battle though, where neither wants to lose,first few matches were too chummy.
Well, the Janoski / Ramondetta match was a bust, for me anyway...

Once it started I knew Peter was gonna kill him, I just thought Stefan coulda put a little more effort into that. Oh well, his shoe is still dope.
Ramondetta moved up several points after that demolishing. I think I rode one of his boards a while back before I even knew who he was because it was a 7.75especially since the Huf and Busenitz ones were either to skinny or too wide at the time. Hopefully Apples doesn't fall asleep at the wheel and let himselfget obliterated as well.

Not a fan of contest skaters but neither am I a fan of watching guys who usually kill it get destroyed.

At least Jim Bates, Nate Sherwood, Sheckler, Jereme Rodgers, Antwuan or TK aren't in it. (╬ ಠ益ಠ)

Appleyard v Gore and Getz v Crockett coming up this weekend.
Getz vs. Crockett is up and is easily the best match of the tourney so far. Lots of nice tricks and matching tricks as well.

Also, Janoski's 360 flips are so clean and smooth, but I expected a better showing out of him as well.
Was a super close game, Getz wasn't slacking and brought it with the double flips and pressure flips. Kinda want to learn switch varial flips now as muchas I don't have switch pop shove its at all.

Like how the guys throw in pressure flips every so often to try and mess with the kids but want to see some front foot impossibles, late flips/shove its orsome other weirdness from the dark days of big pants and tiny wheels.
Never knew there would be a official thread on NT.

Last week messed me up. I had Carlin and Janoski to win. I knew Crocket would win today but that was close. Getz switch stuff looked horrible.
Appleyard looked kinda whatevs but I guess the muscle memory kicked in even though some tricks looked super lazy.

Wow! Felix is still around? Milking it!

All the free stuff Berra gets and he can't wear a decent shirt? Or is this some kind of new terrible style I don't get either?
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