Whatever the marker does pre market, just expect it to do the opposite once it

Been a interesting week.

End of July gonna be real interesting.
So I did some digging into LVGO....

As someone in the healthcare field who has worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings, the idea seems good on paper, but I don't think it's something that has real tangible value. It's not some kind of gamechanger. Even though diabetes management is daily, sending real time results are 95% of the time unnecessary. Patients test anywhere from once to upwards of six times a day, and to constantly send results when out of range is not efficient. This country does not have a universal EMR so most physicians won't know your every reading, nor would they need to know it. It's just completely unnecessary. Especially since most diabetic patients don't eat the exact same thing every day. You can just bring your glucometer to your monthly appointment and they'll be able to see all past readings. Patients exhibit clear symptoms when they are hypo or hyperglycemic and are usually counseled on what to do. Medication changes don't occur at an instant, they are all guideline based. Discussing non-pharmacological options (diet, exercise, meal plans, etc) is all already done at every visit to your endocrinologist.

Adherence is the #1 thing in most disease states and if LVGO can help with that then they're on the right track. Being certified by AADE is also a good look, but as a whole I just think their service is nice to have, but completely unnecessary.

I think they'll have much better overall success if they also get into other disease states (mental heath, etc).
Nice breakdown, thanks, I do wonder how AI/ML factor into the data monitoring because you're right it is excessive from a person to person standpoint.

Starting a small position in Disney. I know there’s a lot of noise in using market caps to compare companies, but it’s crazy to me that Netflix has a higher market cap than Disney. Even with Netflix having better content and more subscribers in the near term, it’s hard to imagine their (effectively) single revenue stream has more value than Disney+/Hulu, ESPN and Disney parks.
Main reason why I'm building a long term position.
I got caught up in the euphoria of the market as well. I might stop myself out of ZM if it takes out yesterday's lod and rebuy it when it looks stronger. Market is anemic right now which is good, honestly, buyers can step in peacefully, but I started in way too high. 260 breakeven, bleh.

Diamond hands right now. If I sell, I’m wiping out my gains for the month :lol: :frown:. Holding out hope Trump can pump this market back up by tomorrow.
Fastly is down almost 20% in the last week. Sheesh.
20% in a week but it ran from 40 to 105 in 20 days. I just need this to break the **** down already so I add at 65.50.
Diamond hands right now. If I sell, I’m wiping out my gains for the month :lol: :frown:. Holding out hope Trump can pump this market back up by tomorrow.
This guy Wall Street Bets
Arent we all a little ******ed? I'm diamond handing my October 150 SPY put. I learned a hard lesson not selling that off in March when it spiked to be worth over $1K. Now it's worth $38 :lol: WSB is all of us :nerd:
My hedges are gonna wind up going to zero :lol: But thankfully no other options plays. I lost enough money in April doing that :lol:
My hedges are gonna wind up going to zero :lol: But thankfully no other options plays. I lost enough money in April doing that :lol:
I'm still playing small single stock options but moving hedges into equity vehicles like SPXS or VIIX before it got delisted. No more options hedging until this market starts to make sense.
Thoughts on PTON price target $70?
I am bullish on this QTRs numbers being better than expected personally...
You can’t even order a peloton right now :lol: I was eying 59.15 for a bounce but I like it against that level.

added back very little fsly. Bleh.
You can’t even order a peloton right now :lol: I was eying 59.15 for a bounce but I like it against that level.

added back very little fsly. Bleh.
They're becoming the brand name of home workout. What Netflix is to streaming, and Tesla is to EVs, Peloton is to home workout. They're going to dominate the market as the roll out cheaper equipment and expand their streaming. I'm going be building into PTON at a pretty quick clip regardless of current price movements.
I've heard from numerous people who ordered one, they spring up sooner than the 'waitlist' entails. I like the recurring monthly, too...
They're becoming the brand name of home workout. What Netflix is to streaming, and Tesla is to EVs, Peloton is to home workout. They're going to dominate the market as the roll out cheaper equipment and expand their streaming. I'm going be building into PTON at a pretty quick clip regardless of current price movements.
I've heard from numerous people who ordered one, they spring up sooner than the 'waitlist' entails. I like the recurring monthly, too...
My wife had us get the Bowflex c6 bike instead for half the price but we’ll be downloading the app. They get a $1000 bike in addition to what they have, they’ll clean up for sure. I’ve been very intrigued I just can’t figure out what’s fair value for their potential growth. App wise there is such a long runway potentially, but how many people are willing to own a fitness bike? Americans are fat and lazy historically. But this is a strong cult stock, def like lulu was years ago.
My wife had us get the Bowflex c6 bike instead for half the price but we’ll be downloading the app. They get a $1000 bike in addition to what they have, they’ll clean up for sure. I’ve been very intrigued I just can’t figure out what’s fair value for their potential growth. App wise there is such a long runway potentially, but how many people are willing to own a fitness bike? Americans are fat and lazy historically. But this is a strong cult stock, def like lulu was years ago.
NEVER. BET. AGAINST. BECKY. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
My wife had us get the Bowflex c6 bike instead for half the price but we’ll be downloading the app. They get a $1000 bike in addition to what they have, they’ll clean up for sure. I’ve been very intrigued I just can’t figure out what’s fair value for their potential growth. App wise there is such a long runway potentially, but how many people are willing to own a fitness bike? Americans are fat and lazy historically. But this is a strong cult stock, def like lulu was years ago.

I'm totally with you and to be frank, we have a Nordictrack s15i because we were 1) turned off by a monthly fee for something we weren't even sure we'd like and 2) having to buy cycling shoes etc. I don't know that it's created the brand with the staying power that warrants a huge valuation long term, I just think these next two quarters are situated well for explosive growth.
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