This is just WILD to me.

I was just talking to my cousin about being at my crypto limit in good conscience. In reality, I have made more gains in crypto the last 15 days than I did in the 2020 stock market on a percentage basis. I should be all in at this point. I should also be in more stocks. But the thought of losing the money I worked so hard for just prevents me from not sitting on 80% cash. I have a house to purchase soon and three mouths to feed. If we experienced something like March and I were exposed, I put our futures in jeopardy. Just can't do it.

When I get over the house hump, I will probably be reckless as hell lol.
Yeah its just me at present so it's different. Also in the midst of purchasing a house as well. When I have a family I will likely need a cash balance somewhere
And here I am with 6 months of salary in the bank, because I heard someone say it on the radio back in the day.
To each their own but I just can't do it. If I ever really needed cash can draw on margin or just sell down my portfolio. There are few things that would require cash that I couldn't access in two days
I have like 95% of my money in my mutual funds
I’ve always kept up with the market and specific companies but only a couple of months ago I started actually putting money in them. Then the GameStop fiasco happened and I’ve been cracked out since :lol:

Kinda wanna take some profits from my MF to invest in single companies/play around with
one of the biggest things of having everything in the market even if you're single is the thought of losing your job and the market crashing simultaneously.

then you're ******, there's no lubrication unless your living with your parents
This is just WILD to me.

I was just talking to my cousin about being at my crypto limit in good conscience. In reality, I have made more gains in crypto the last 15 days than I did in the 2020 stock market on a percentage basis. I should be all in at this point. I should also be in more stocks. But the thought of losing the money I worked so hard for just prevents me from not sitting on 80% cash. I have a house to purchase soon and three mouths to feed. If we experienced something like March and I were exposed, I put our futures in jeopardy. Just can't do it.

When I get over the house hump, I will probably be reckless as hell lol.
Beware. The house hump is more like a rabbit hole. Once you’re past the buying phase you’ll go into furnishing and repairs. Make sure to draw the line between immediate necessities and eventual wants. That’ll help you stay on track with investment goals.

I’m right there with you. Had $200 worth of BTC turn to $300 in two weeks. We have 3 month emergency fund that I want to invest but not willing to risk. My girl actually seems ok with using some of it to buy BTC. I’m just not there yet. Having that straight cash helps me sleep better at night.
Don’t use emergency funds to invest. Just buy less. You can’t have the perspective needed to hold through drawdowns when it’s money you might need. Every great asset has had multiple 50% drawdowns. You need to be able to withstand those instances and having money you don’t need is the key to that. This market is unrealistically hot, this isn’t normal or the time to start pressing. Last year was. Be smart and patient and DCA regularly.
one of the biggest things of having everything in the market even if you're single is the thought of losing your job and the market crashing simultaneously.

then you're ****ed, there's no lubrication unless your living with your parents

You never lived through 08 or th 01-02 .com burst? I remember being 2 years in a job after uni along with others. Some folks bought a house, then get terminated in the fall. I still remember them saying "mannn, I just bought a house, how am I gonna pay for this now?" Mind you, it was el cheapo 200-300k houses. So it's not like they were buying houses beyond their means.

The scary thing is, if you have a young family where you still have to worry about your kids and spouse.
Seeing $RIOT at 50 makes me wanna off myself
**** was less than a dollar in March
Hell it was still $3.xx in November
Nah dont think like that. Cant get caught up on **** you missed or youll go crazy. Grine Grine told me bout SSPK a while back, it was like $12. I pump faked, its like $27 now :lol: :smh: 🤷‍♂️
I’ve seen every one of these stocks cross my screen at some point near their lows at the time, you can’t be in everything and you can’t beat yourself up over it. All you can do is reflect on why you passed and if it even made sense for you to own it. The only one I regret is FVRR at $60, again when it was a $5 billion market cap and again at $200 during the GameStop fiasco. But you learn and you try to avoid it again. If you try to own everything, you’ll have 100 stocks all up 100%+ but you’ll be up $50 because you had no size anywhere.
And here I am with 6 months of salary in the bank, because I heard someone say it on the radio back in the day.

Knock on wood, but one scenario is if ever u get laid off, you get your exit package from your company (usually 1 month salary per every year you were with them). Then, you have your unemployment insurance - which is 60 percent of your previous gross, for the next year.

If you go beyond that, start selling your equities and withdraw from your tax free savings accounts. I think its roth in the states.
I'd be interested to hear from folks who are anti-crypto and how/if they view incorporating these new assets. Canada just approved a BTC ETF and with major companies adding crypto options, it seems they are here to stay.
I'm about 2-3% cash and everything else is invested
I keep just enough cash around to pay for things
Like antidope antidope said, not too many situations I need instant cash for
Don't really keep around paper money either. Most things are paid for by card.
Our 1 year emergency savings is just straight cash earning damn near zilch w/ Synchrony. But given its purpose, we're fine with it. I need to know the cash value at that time and its as liquid as liquid can be. Thing about it is a house is you can't always plan on when you'll need it. The furnace busts you need to address it. Can't wait around too much to put a close order in and liquidate a position to pay for that. We're conservative about that sort of thing.

We just bought a house; so beyond the savings component above, we'll have a repair/upgrade budget also added.

Then what's left, free and clear to invest/trade.
Don’t use emergency funds to invest. Just buy less. You can’t have the perspective needed to hold through drawdowns when it’s money you might need. Every great asset has had multiple 50% drawdowns. You need to be able to withstand those instances and having money you don’t need is the key to that. This market is unrealistically hot, this isn’t normal or the time to start pressing. Last year was. Be smart and patient and DCA regularly.


you can’t be in everything

I would say the biggest thing that I learned many years ago was to not chase anything and that the news you hear about X stock returning 3x, 5x, 10x, is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. Just looking at last year, everyone talks about Tesla's returns but Overstock on a % basis was far greater (I think about 50x if you bought at the low and sold at the high). Or if you held any cannabis stocks like Hexo last year, that would have been a 5x+ return with this past surge. In general, most wealth building is not from chasing the next big thing but holding. You could be a millionaire with just a few thousand dollars in Tesla from the early days and ignoring the daily/weekly stock price movement. Same could be said with many other names that are big today.

The top funds out there don't even hold that many positions and have "amazing" years at 30-40% returns. To be fair, a 2/20 fee structure is pretty good if you're managing $1B+, you get $20M off the bat to cover operating costs!
I do both. I take my gains from my growth stocks and buy more dividend stocks.

the goal is to have dividends cover my living expenses, so dividend and growth investing go hand in hand to me.

what do you guys use for charting? I need something to make custom trend lines.

Would you mind sharing you positions and watchlist
And to my understanding they say trade view has the best charts I use Webull and TOS for charting

They both will let you draw lines to my understanding
My homie cant stop telling me crypto is the move. He went from 3k to 21k, started in November. Yesterday in a span of 24 hours went from 21k to 29k.
I would say the biggest thing that I learned many years ago was to not chase anything and that the news you hear about X stock returning 3x, 5x, 10x, is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. Just looking at last year, everyone talks about Tesla's returns but Overstock on a % basis was far greater (I think about 50x if you bought at the low and sold at the high). Or if you held any cannabis stocks like Hexo last year, that would have been a 5x+ return with this past surge. In general, most wealth building is not from chasing the next big thing but holding.

This is really the #1 thing I learned. There will be plenty of opportunities to get back in and get good % gains. This is really only for the good/great companies. I started so many positions early on, on great entries, but sold at the first 5% dip or 15% gain. If I held till now theyd all be up 50-200%. There were plenty of opportunities to jump back in as well. Long term holding is really the best strategy, but it takes some time to realize this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. Once you get the human emotional aspect out of it, you can sleep much easier at night and just keep adding during these red days. I can’t speak on the weed stocks, because that’s literally something I’d never hold, but for the great companies 100%.
Would you mind sharing you positions and watchlist

Sure. This is what I have in my active accounts, so nothing listed is included in my retirement accounts.

my grow to is a mix of undervalued and speculative and includes GS, JMIA, DKNG, FB, PINS, APPLE, UPS, CRM, TDOC.

My dividends are a mix of too. Some of these are risky and I’m ready to move if the div gets cut. T, MO, RTX, IRM, BGS, VZ and I’m looking into KMI.
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