Don't mean to be a ****, but I hate seeing you guys say I'll just ride it out and be all helpless. Here's the lesson guys, you need to know how to protect yourselves. If you have long term positions you want to keep, learn how to hedge. If you're in stocks without a real plan, ask yourself why and determine your plan. Don't just get hopeful because one day, we'll be in major liquidation mode and you'll be stuck there waiting years for the turn around. Having said that, if I had the money, I'd probably nibble on some names here. Stocks like DIS, AAPL and TWTR intrigue me at these levels, as well as AGIO. Just sucks I don't have the capital free to do anything.

Curious to know what your intrigue around twitter is? I dont follow that sector to close but would love to hear your thoughts
Too valuable of a news source to not have long-term staying power. Management is completely inept so it'll probably be taken over eventually. Right now I like it sub-20 since it's pushing lows and will do two things: potentially double once management figures monetization out, or force management to admit defeat and be taken over.
I love Twitter....want to get some myself...def like it sub 20's

Their ability to monetize the platform is still in the infancy....better targeted ads, periscope implementation etc.

Periscope feeding into live broadcasts, there HAS to be a way for this to turn into sold out events being broadcast for $
CMG back up by nearly 6% ($428.37)

Anyone seeing them return to "ermagawd, Chipotle is mah life" August 2015 levels ($749) :nerd:??
CMG back up by nearly 6% ($428.37)

Anyone seeing them return to "ermagawd, Chipotle is mah life" August 2015 levels ($749)
Earnings might be a bloodbath. But I like their marketing team, I like them long term.
Seems like canadian companies earning a good chunk of their revenues outside their home country will be banking with the canadian dollar falling and falling.
Went long DGAZ 13.22 and short UGAZ 2.08 pre market. Looking good both up about 10% but plan to swing for a few days. Will see how it works out
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Eh I mean it's possible but like there really aren't any barriers to entry in that industry. If someone does, it'll be them buying the company for the name/brand--the familiarity the public has with it. Not an awful speculative idea, but I wouldn't back the truck up.
Some excellent buying opportunities are forming, if this is only a temporary correction and the bull market still has one final run in it...which I think it does.
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