^^^ dammit, should've held out for the day, could've made another G. oh well, i have no idea where CBIS will be on monday, i don't know how toreally judge this stock, it will either drop hard or go up like crazy.
any1 wanna school me on stocks?

im just a teen lookin to make some bank off stocks

how do i buy and sell

if any1 could be kind enough to help me out i

appreciate it

ive followed one stock and i coulda made 10x my money

but i didn't know how to buy or sell stocks

so if any1 can just give me the basics

and school me on the stock market
Originally Posted by imahustla08

Getting in cbis @ .45 a good idea? Where do you guys see this tomorrow?

stock markets are closed for the weekend

but i will wait till monday to get in, if it dips then great, but if it goes up, i will get in it early enough in the day to where i can still make some $ onit

Been doing some t/a over the weekend for the up coming week. Let me break it down. We've hit major resistance on the S&P at 980. I expect next week tobe in the red. We've also formed a rising wedge formation, which is a bearish formation. It doesn't mean it's going to be bearish though. For thisrally to continue, we need a breakout above 980. Once that occurs, next MAJOR resistance would be near 1006. But if we have a pullback, I see support near915-920 on the rising wedge formation. If we happen to break through that, 870 is support. The thing that is throwing me off is that we've also formed aninverted head and shoulders, which is bullish. I guess we'll have to wait and see next week.

All IMO...
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Been doing some t/a over the weekend for the up coming week. Let me break it down. We've hit major resistance on the S&P at 980. I expect next week to be in the red. We've also formed a rising wedge formation, which is a bearish formation. It doesn't mean it's going to be bearish though. For this rally to continue, we need a breakout above 980. Once that occurs, next MAJOR resistance would be near 1006. But if we have a pullback, I see support near 915-920 on the rising wedge formation. If we happen to break through that, 870 is support. The thing that is throwing me off is that we've also formed an inverted head and shoulders, which is bullish. I guess we'll have to wait and see next week.

All IMO...

I tend to troll this thread since I'm strongly against giving out recommendations or my own opinion on stocks (because as a trader, I know when and why tomake moves in the markets and simply telling someone else to buy/sell a security at a given price isn't enough as market conditions change) but I must saythat right there is pretty much what I feel about the market.

To add to LiLcHiCo4LiFe's comments, I don't believe the inverted head and shoulders should mean much in the near term for the market. Although it maybe indicative of a new bull market (which I don't believe it is), this trend is exhausted and should pullback imo. Also short interests (the amount ofshort positions on stocks) have reached pretty low figures and I'm thinking it's due to the short squeeze that helped push the markets up. Shortsqueezes are one of the reasons this market has rallied so much this year, it's basically when the price of a stock goes up, and people with shortpositions close out their positions by buying shares back (to replace the shares they borrowed). This causes a rally like the ones we've been seeing tostretch further. With the amount of volume we've been seeing in the stock market, new short interest and profit taking could create a pullback to thelevels LiLcHiCo4LiFe referenced.

HOWEVER, no matter what me and LiLcHiCo4LiFe think, the market is what it is. You're plays should be based on where the stock market is going, not whereyou think it should be going.

I'll add to this later. It's Saturday night/Sunday morning and I'm slightly drunk/high and ready to pass out.
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

What ever happened to that 10k/oz of gold?

foolish (pun intended)
well the dow in gold ratio might go down to 1 and it has happened before.
Thanks for your input and elaborating on what I had to say kicksfiend. I believe you're right about the inverted head and shoulders not having muchsignificance on the rising wedge formation. All it means is the bulls are running out of steam IMO. I expect there to be a healthy pullback.

A pattern within a pattern. This week should be interesting.
Couple plays I'm watching tomorrow: LIZ and ARYX

Please do your own DD!

Inverse head and shoulders formation formed. See if it holds support above neckline and it'll possibly fill the gap near $4.

Looks to be consolidating, but indicators are turning bullish. Look for it to fill gap near 4.19.

Originally Posted by NikeVandal

any1 wanna school me on stocks?

im just a teen lookin to make some bank off stocks

how do i buy and sell

if any1 could be kind enough to help me out i

appreciate it

ive followed one stock and i coulda made 10x my money

but i didn't know how to buy or sell stocks

so if any1 can just give me the basics

and school me on the stock market

needa buy att stocks tomorrow
Originally Posted by NikeVandal

Originally Posted by NikeVandal

any1 wanna school me on stocks?

im just a teen lookin to make some bank off stocks

how do i buy and sell

if any1 could be kind enough to help me out i

appreciate it

ive followed one stock and i coulda made 10x my money

but i didn't know how to buy or sell stocks

so if any1 can just give me the basics

and school me on the stock market

needa buy att stocks tomorrow
4Chan is about to murk that sucker
Originally Posted by teddy jam

damn CBIS

awesome to all those that hold it! unfortunately i don't
word, i just want it to go down so i can buy it up.
iguess i should've only taken out my profits and let my orig buy in work it's way up.
my more "long term" plays:

PALM - should see ~20
MA (earning @ end of week) - should be @ 200+

ill see what else i can dig up.
Wow ppl that held onto CBIS since last Tuesday have a 1000% return! Anyone on here? Must be nice
Originally Posted by vjetti

Wow ppl that held onto CBIS since last Tuesday have a 1000% return! Anyone on here? Must be nice

I was in before that got in at .07 and got out at .075

at myself

Edit: got out at .075
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by vjetti

Wow ppl that held onto CBIS since last Tuesday have a 1000% return! Anyone on here? Must be nice

I was in before that got in at .07 and got out at 0.75

at myself

Don't get greedy...profit is profit. It is near impossible to buy in at the lowest point and sell at the highest. You can't do that no matter how goodyou're at t/a. I've also made a killing off CBIS since its run.

I'm back in today 30K shares @ .69 when it dipped.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by vjetti

Wow ppl that held onto CBIS since last Tuesday have a 1000% return! Anyone on here? Must be nice

I was in before that got in at .07 and got out at 0.75

at myself

Don't get greedy...profit is profit. It is near impossible to buy in at the lowest point and sell at the highest. You can't do that no matter how good you're at t/a. I've also made a killing off CBIS since its run.

I'm back in today 30K shares @ .69 when it dipped.
Actually I made a typo got out at .075 not .75 , I wish
it was .75 I would have no reason to complain. This was about 2 weeks ago
Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by vjetti

Wow ppl that held onto CBIS since last Tuesday have a 1000% return! Anyone on here? Must be nice

I was in before that got in at .07 and got out at 0.75

at myself

Don't get greedy...profit is profit. It is near impossible to buy in at the lowest point and sell at the highest. You can't do that no matter how good you're at t/a. I've also made a killing off CBIS since its run.

I'm back in today 30K shares @ .69 when it dipped.
Actually I made a typo got out at .075 not .75 , I wish
it was .75 I would have no reason to complain. This was about 2 weeks ago
lol, i was going to say...
lol @ VARI. my father works for the company...i wish he told me something, but then again it would be insider trading.
Originally Posted by iEternalv

lol @ VARI. my father works for the company...i wish he told me something, but then again it would be insider trading.
Oh please.
Originally Posted by iEternalv

lol @ VARI. my father works for the company...i wish he told me something, but then again it would be insider trading.
you know a lot of people don't you...
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