MGM is going bonkers

remember chico when i PMed u when it was at 7.90 ...that lawsuit news scared me to get in and now it's at 11 almost!
Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Honestly guys, the stock market isn't a get rich quick method or something most people can make money in (unless they're super long term investors and even then last year proved it's not as simple as it seemed).

Only get into the stock market if you have money you wouldn't mind losing. EVERYONE loses in the beginning. You should also find this stuff interesting or you won't want to do the work. I'm currently posting from my phone. I'm on the way home. I got out of class at 9:20, did homework and research for tomorrow until 1. I'm gonna go to sleep and be up by 6 to watch futures and prepare for the open. I'm usually asleep by 2 and up before 6. I put in HOURS on research and I still believe I'm NOWHERE close to being good at trading. If you aren't prepared to put in the time and energy into this, it isn't for you. I don't believe this is a part time job or something you can halfass. In other industries you can make money being bad at your job. In this one, if you're not making money you're losing it and there's no base salary to fall back on.

This applies to long term investors as well. You can't hide bad investment choices behind indefinite timelines.

Bravo! You are not alone my friend. I put in hours for this stuff and I feel like I have gone nowhere

I wanted to quote this just so everyone understands how to use the stock market. I have been telling this to my friends since day 1. They see my gains (becasue I tell them), and automatically want to jump in and think I am going to give them my picks. I already have enough on my plate with just trading with MY money, let alone a friend that thinks this stuff is automatic 100% of the time.

i digress, but as a warning to everyone before/during/after you play the stock market, PLEASE READ THOSE 2 LINES I BOLDED AND QUOTED!

thats funny cause when i tell my friends what i make and what i think about the economy and what not they just laugh at me. oh wells
im so close into getting atvi. resistance at 12 but i think they can break it with the release of call of duty. oh teddy jam if you want mgm might as wellshort it imo.
smart move. lol. but yea if i had a margin account already set up i wouldve shorted it like on friday/monday.

my prediction in dlm was correct. now its time to rub it in my cousins face
Originally Posted by andycrazn

im so close into getting atvi. resistance at 12 but i think they can break it with the release of call of duty. oh teddy jam if you want mgm might as well short it imo.

Let me ask you a question, this applies to anyone really if they feel they're in the same position. I'm not sure what you're trading account islooking like but when you make trades, what's your expected rate of return? Also, what's the duration on them? I'm asking this because obviouslymany of you are trying to make the 25k needed to day trade. I was just wondering how that was progressing and what you guys were looking at doing in terms ofreaching that goal.
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by andycrazn

im so close into getting atvi. resistance at 12 but i think they can break it with the release of call of duty. oh teddy jam if you want mgm might as well short it imo.

Let me ask you a question, this applies to anyone really if they feel they're in the same position. I'm not sure what you're trading account is looking like but when you make trades, what's your expected rate of return? Also, what's the duration on them? I'm asking this because obviously many of you are trying to make the 25k needed to day trade. I was just wondering how that was progressing and what you guys were looking at doing in terms of reaching that goal.
im up like 6 percent in stocks. 13 percent in gold. gold= long for now. somethings didnt quite go right with one stock and thats why its at 6percent. damn settlement dates.
lol finally i found out whats those dudes that keep adding me on facebook do. they hype up the stock to the point where it just drives up the price. prettydamn effective. i mean look at biel
Originally Posted by andycrazn

lol finally i found out whats those dudes that keep adding me on facebook do. they hype up the stock to the point where it just drives up the price. pretty damn effective. i mean look at biel

pump and dumpers eh...

GS did awesome today. New 52 week high...
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by andycrazn

im so close into getting atvi. resistance at 12 but i think they can break it with the release of call of duty. oh teddy jam if you want mgm might as well short it imo.

Let me ask you a question, this applies to anyone really if they feel they're in the same position. I'm not sure what you're trading account is looking like but when you make trades, what's your expected rate of return? Also, what's the duration on them? I'm asking this because obviously many of you are trying to make the 25k needed to day trade. I was just wondering how that was progressing and what you guys were looking at doing in terms of reaching that goal.
im up like 6 percent in stocks. 13 percent in gold. gold= long for now. somethings didnt quite go right with one stock and thats why its at 6 percent. damn settlement dates.

i have doubled my total within the past 3 months. Only used penny stocks for the most part. Would hold anywhere from 2 days to 2 months. expected returnwould be around 30% for each stock, but I got lucky and had one do 600% right after I bought in.

I'm currently in another penny stock that I'm looking to get out around 2 cents, its at .005ish. Big news within the next 3 weeks. I have held thissince .002 and have sold out on a run at .007, then bought again around .0045.

Originally Posted by jordan23collecta

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by andycrazn

im so close into getting atvi. resistance at 12 but i think they can break it with the release of call of duty. oh teddy jam if you want mgm might as well short it imo.

Let me ask you a question, this applies to anyone really if they feel they're in the same position. I'm not sure what you're trading account is looking like but when you make trades, what's your expected rate of return? Also, what's the duration on them? I'm asking this because obviously many of you are trying to make the 25k needed to day trade. I was just wondering how that was progressing and what you guys were looking at doing in terms of reaching that goal.
im up like 6 percent in stocks. 13 percent in gold. gold= long for now. somethings didnt quite go right with one stock and thats why its at 6 percent. damn settlement dates.

i have doubled my total within the past 3 months. Only used penny stocks for the most part. Would hold anywhere from 2 days to 2 months. expected return would be around 30% for each stock, but I got lucky and had one do 600% right after I bought in.

I'm currently in another penny stock that I'm looking to get out around 2 cents, its at .005ish. Big news within the next 3 weeks. I have held this since .002 and have sold out on a run at .007, then bought again around .0045.

lucky. im still cautious on penny stocks thats why i dont like talking about it that much. i focus on small caps more.

Yes, they are very volatile, but if you can pick them before or during a run then its easy money...remember CBIS? i know lilchico does

btw, totally off topic, i absolutely LOVE your avy! L is that dude even though he dies

not a lot of folks in here from the original investing thread, but does anyone remember goldspring? that penny stock is absolute garbage, i hope no onehere invested in it.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

not a lot of folks in here from the original investing thread, but does anyone remember goldspring? that penny stock is absolute garbage, i hope no one here invested in it.
back when i was a noob. i got in before the pump. at that point i was thinking long term+ tax reasons made me hold. foolish decision on my part.

jordan23collector L probably got all that money from trading stocks on all the markets since dude couldnt sleep. did you read the story before death note?
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by finnns2003

not a lot of folks in here from the original investing thread, but does anyone remember goldspring? that penny stock is absolute garbage, i hope no one here invested in it.
back when i was a noob. i got in before the pump. at that point i was thinking long term+ tax reasons made me hold. foolish decision on my part.

jordan23collector L probably got all that money from trading stocks on all the markets since dude couldnt sleep. did you read the story before death note?

i put in $500 on them in the beginning...i think it's worth about $100 now.

it's just sitting in my portfolio, who knows....someday it might take off.
Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

Originally Posted by iEternalv

do you have any of this?

i made about a G profit on this. it was one of my friends "speculation" stock (not sure if i listed it a while back)...i only put a little bit inthose and hope they boom.
. good time to get in on dlm. maybe monday will be better but itsstill a good price. damn resistance at 5.25!
Originally Posted by teddy jam

LVS up a nice 5.5% today :pimp:
lucky! i shouldve went with my gut instinct and when it was at 6 twice. im still surprised mgm is performing the way it is
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