Official Super Bowl XLVI Thread: New England Patriots vs New York Giants (Rematch) Feb 5th

IF only every NYer could feel how I feel right now. If you can feel this feeling
Brady was throwing behind some receivers late. Definitely not all on him but not his best game by any stretch. Gronk clearly hurt didn't help matters
That Corvette is clean.

And I see this SuperBowl brought some new Giants "fans" to this thread.

And don't drunk post DSK.
Props Giant fans, I hate you bastards but you guys had a great game. Congrats.
Just came across something and found it interesting. Who thinks the 12 man penalty late was intentional? Might as well throw an extra guy out there.
Phenomenal win for the Giants. I'm beyond happy they won twice in four years...

Nothing will ever top beating the "perfect" Pats in 08 but this one feels damn good after the season the Giants had. So nervous with the game coming down to Brady, but the Giants pulled it out.
Bob Kraft's reaction to that last play.

Dude has been through a lot the last year+
Originally Posted by Jay02

Just came across something and found it interesting. Who thinks the 12 man penalty late was intentional? Might as well throw an extra guy out there.

I was wondering that too.
 @ people who thought this was a weak Super Bowl
I really feel for Bob Kraft..dude was about to break down. 
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