:::[Official] [SUPER BOWL XLVII] San Francisco 49ers. vs. Baltimore Ravens @ Mercedez-Benz Superdome

It's hard to blame Harbaugh for some of his playcalling (in the passing game, overall) when CK was out there missing simple high-low reads at times. Though some of the red-zone playcalling was ??????

And re: the lack of CK runs, the DE's/OLB's were very good in maintaining leverage on the ball and making CK have to give the ball on the zone read and not immediately crashing down on the RB all the time (for the most part). CK still got loose a couple of times and burned them when they got out of control

Shout to my dude Anquan for getting that ring.
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if you give flacco that money you gotta keep those receivers together.......Bolden made so many tough catches....jacoby and torrey stretches the field like hell w/ that speed......

if they go cheap on receivers in the future then ravens fans will be hating this decision by 2014

and I'm happy for my miami boys getting a ring.....damien berry, ed reed, and ray lewis 
......ray was getting on my nerves trying to be a 3am BET pastor but in the end what a good way to go out....
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Not trying to rustle your jimmies fam. I am happy for the ravens, i do live in ravens country. Its just a criticism of the NFL as a whole really. From a neutral fans standpoint the product the NFL put on last night left me feeling really impartial (other then beyonce lol which was awesome).

:lol: i'm just messing with you homey chill
Coming from a neutral (ish) fan this is my biggest problem with football in general. I don't know how you derive any sense of accomplishment from the win really.

They prep for 2 weeks work all season to get to that point.....and the game is decided basically on a blown call. I would say i wanted the ravens to win more then the 9ers but crabtree was held. It was blatant. Its hard for me to look at the game and not feel cheated. I walked away from the game feeling like welp the ravens won this one....good thing they got that call on fourth and goal. Not saying well the ravens won this one they crushed the other team and deserved it.

Between the power outage...and the bad officiating at the end....the game was ok. Sorry for being a downer. Congrads to bmore i guess the city was going crazy last night.
 49ers DB's were holding and DPI on Tory Smith the whole night. 
I don't know you can't nip pick every little call. You gotta let them play. And the ball landed 5 yards out of bounds it's not like it was a catchable ball
Some REAL questionable playcalling by Jim Harbaugh.

NO ONE can cover Vernon Davis. The fact they went away from him for such a long period of time is a head-scratcher.

Also, If Ngata is out of the game, RUN EVERYTHING UP THE GUT. Why not exploit that?

Where was the Kap run in the crunch? With Ngata out, he would have scored w/ ease. Give them the pistol look...SMH.

Crabtree was interfering and so was the DB. You can't call that, and I'm glad the refs didn't. They let the boys play ALL NIGHT. There were more than a few instances where PFs should have been issued, but they weren't. I though the refs were fair across the board.

Congrats to the Ravens. REAL happy that Ed Reed got his ring to cap his HOF career. He's the best I've EVER seen.
The most deserving team won.. Let it go

That no call is a poor excuse...

Why the **** was Culliver laughing after he got that flag...

He played like the demographic he doesnt want on his team last night

Just got in from being out in downtown Baltimore. It was crazy out there, I've never seen so many people so happy at once. People dancing in the streets, dudes hanging out car windows in 30 degree weather :lol:. Cops were mad cool too, pretty much anyone do whatever they wanted.

this! (except for the best day of my life part) :D :nthat: :tongue:
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Is Peyton still the broncos QB?

Do you have play in the playoffs to get to the Super Bowl?

Yea broncos ain't winnin it :lol:
We claimed to be a physical, ground and pound team all ******g year. Its 1st goal on the 7 and we run our 5'8 165 pound back on 1st down and throw the next 3. Bought into the hype and went away from being tough. Should 've given it to Frank 4 times. (Shout out to my boys, The U) If we had lost doing that I would be content. And even though Crabs was held slightly, I don't blame the refs for swallowing their whistle on that one. Culliver started the week out wrong with stupid comments and couldn't have ended it any worse. He along with Whitner and Rodgers got beat all ******g game. **** was embarrassing. 

Looks like there is something to saying you're an elite QB in the off season. Eli an Flacco did it the last two years and followed those comments up with super bowl mvps....
Don't be so sure... The AFC is still weakkkkkkk.
Minus the 70 yard hail mary blown coverage, the Broncos would've won that game. Shouldve won

Got the Broncos coming out of the AFC next year
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Ravens wouldn't even be IN the playoffs if Ray hadn't ran his *** off for that 1st down on 4th and 20-something.

The road to the SB is more difficult right now in the NFC.
Every single year, every Super Bowl it's the same story. Excuses, shoulda-woulda-coulda, blah blah. That's why I can't stand football sometimes because in all honesty the best team doesn't always win, but hey that's football, its America's favorite game. Have to live with it.
baltimore shouldn't have any problems getting back to the SB. Truth be told this should be there 2nd appearance in two years if Lee Evans didn't have the ball knocked out. They would have been in there.
baltimore shouldn't have any problems getting back to the SB. Truth be told this should be there 2nd appearance in two years if Lee Evans didn't have the ball knocked out. Cam Cameron and Flacco would have forced Quan the ball when he was abusing Julian Edleman all game. They would have been in there
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Lets see how well they do without Ray Lewis leadership. Flacco played like an Elite QB this postseason, but will he do the same once he gets paid, and in the regular season. They have their work cut out for them. They got hot at the right time like the Giants, like the Packers. They also play in a tough division with the improving Bengals and right now not so good Steelers but we all know the Steelers have crushed the Ravens for years until last season.
Every single year, every Super Bowl it's the same story. Excuses, shoulda-woulda-coulda, blah blah. That's why I can't stand football sometimes because in all honesty the best team doesn't always win, but hey that's football, its America's favorite game. Have to live with it.

Playing well enough to make playoffs then getting healthy and hot at the right time, and LUCK is keys to a Super Bowl win

A lot of people said the 49ers shouldve been at the Bowl last year if it wasnt for fumbled kick/punt returns. That was luck on the Giants side
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