Official Supreme Thread F/W Season Done. Happy New Year!

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Matter of fact, what am I saying... If your not the 1st #200 people stay home you wont' touch TNF

Helps me out if you no show to be honest!!

Less people means FCFS at the end of the day
I got 130pm after missing both bogo weeks :frown:. I got faith, especially since the weather is nice.
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I’m a pessimist and assuming an L tomorrow. So, if anyone wants to sell me a small Nuptse, send a DM. :)

Happy holidays, everyone!
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Merry xmas
Got #398 1:45 time slot for SF. Assuming I won’t get any north face lol really don’t even want go go 😂
Raining hard in LA right now... That's definitely gonna lessen the amount of people going down to Fairfax
I just thought I should share this because I bet there is somebody out there like me who has had the same issue.

So I was trying to cop the bogo t and I was using my laptop and my mobile. I had one email set up for checkout on pc and another for mobile. I managed to cop on my mobile and I screenshotted the order number, but when I checked back later the picture hadn’t saved. So I go into my main email account (the account I used on pc) and I have nothing from supreme.

A few days go by and I start to panic. Eventually my charges clear and then I get a message from UPS. I get my t and everything is fine, but I hated not knowing if my order was going to go through. I get home with the t and then I loaded my pc up for the first time since trying to cop the t (loaded it for something unrelated) and then I have a tab open on gmail and the gmail account I used for checkout on mobile is signed in and it has a confirmation email from Supreme from just a couple of hours after checking out!

So basically:
Tried to cop using pc and mobile

Had separate emails for pc and mobile checkouts

Get a W on mobile but I end up checking my regular email that I used for pc checkout for order confirmed just because I use that Email every day

Package arrives eventually and then I finally figured out that I needed to check the email that I used to checkout with on mobile.

Sounds dumb but it’s an easy mistake to make
loaded at 11 for me, added my size, went to checkout, sold out...

but yeah few minutes later they added more, unable to complete the purchase anyway, oh well
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