Official Supreme Thread F/W Season Done. Happy New Year!

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drums sold out in cart

Same. Now realizing I loaded quick to even be able to get them in cart.

I don’t see resale being much on the slippers, in hand pics were very disappointing imo.

Also idk if this has been mentioned yet, but looks like they restocked all sorts of bags (duffles, totes, backpacks, etc)
Site loaded 1101am. Carted xl Raiders hoodie, large shirt and hat. Got sold out on xl hoodie. Went back added large hoodie. Sold out on hat. Processed on large black hoodie and potee. 1105am check-out. Happy with my Raiders purchase. Off to SX to see if I can get hat and white potee and hoodie for the low. Just like my black JPG hoodie.
yea i slept big time on that black holographic cap

had no idea honestly was way to focused on slippers lol
the item I wanted restocked and I'm trying to resist

got a little weak and started looking at the lookbook to see if it is shown to see if I really wanted it but it's not

I've resisted so far :lol:
ended up passing on the raiders hat... not that i didnt want it... but i od on copping stuff the past few weeks :lol:
Does the warehouse number not really work anymore? I wanted to call to cancel an order because somehow an extra shirt got added to the cart but it’s just a recording telling you to fill out the contact form online and it eventually hangs up on you. Are there any other numbers to call them?
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