Official Supreme Thread F/W Season Done. Happy New Year!

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Had a 4:45 slot and was still there till 9:10 before they cut us off. We have priority tomorrow though.
Any pics out there of the black Formula Crewneck?
(via discord)
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this is why i don't even mess with supreme's in store drops. i've bought one thing from the store in new york. everything else i've gotten from supreme has been from online going back to 2007.
im getting kinda blah vibes on this szn.
even my tan SS18 backpack is already ripped.
Is the quality on the Supreme bags terrible? I copped the black backpack last season at Fairfax and it felt like some terrible, Chinese-quality stuff.
can anyone confirm whether or not all colors of the overdye beanies have the tie dye/bleach effect look or is it just the pink and navy?
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