Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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That's all folks
Stuffed the headband on my gortex fitted and I'm finally happy with the fit. Also got my quilted satin parka in today. I don't expect to need another jacket for the season, this sucker is a little too warm for the warm winters we get here. If I get 3 chances to wear it this year I'll be happy.
glad the box logos are releasing next week. have class at 11:00 tomorrow and i gotta do a presentation so I def couldnt be late.
If I get any offers I'll have to tell them that I can't start until next Friday or that I have a prior commitment that can't be missed on Thursday next week. I haven't been this bad about anything in a long time.
glad the box logos are releasing next week. have class at 11:00 tomorrow and i gotta do a presentation so I def couldnt be late.
In the middle of my presentation I would have brought up something of why I needed to bring my phone out order in 30 seconds while still presenting. Then place it back in my pocket.

No lie
Blanket is def dropping tomorrow.
On the Faribault site that type of blanket (pattern,etc) runs $255.00-$375.00
It ain't gonna be cheap.
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