Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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wtf didnt expect the baseball henley to sell out like that... was honestly sort of taking my time and it was gone by 11:01
honestly couldn't see myself paying $30.00 for a water bottle lol. but now i'm regretting passing. if anyone's in nyc or la, please proxy for your boy lol.
Does anyone know if the Academy actually were for sale?

The price said $0 but literally didn't see one for sale?
Now to pull the trigger on an Academy or not..

Wanted F1 and henley, didn't have the swiftness. Was assuming my girl's laptop would be faster than my phone. Too bad she installed a bunch of useless software and plugins. **** was mad slow. Should have stick with my phone. Money saved.
I called my bank and they told me its on supemes end as to why they wont accept my card. Is there anything I can do?
- The F-1 price was too much IMO, old me from years back would've bought it.
- Not shocked the Henley went, and once I saw Halftime guessing the same I knew it would be scooped super fast.
- The water bottle shocked me :lol:, but in demand accessories always sells out fast online. Much more will available in-store and probably restocked various times during spring.
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