Official Supreme Thread FW20 Done. Sale? Perhaps.

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If there’s one thing that’s for sure—COVID made copping stuff so much harder

I would have at least gotten picked for in store once or twice this season which would have given me better odds at hard to get stuff.

Bummed out I didn’t get Brazil’s so I’m going for the silk shirt.
That rayon is pretty nice tbh. I think Im gonna go after the black and white tee's because looks like getting multi carts or anything hyped isnt going to happen lol.
Going for the TAN pants, dunno if I should try for S or M. I’m a 32 on most jeans.
Going for the TAN pants, dunno if I should try for S or M. I’m a 32 on most jeans.

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EU was botted to oblivion. Every seller I have contacted on eBay has sent a bot screenshot confirmation rather than the manual checkout page. Depressing. Trying to decide whether £525 is a fair price for a small tan jacket.
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