Official Supreme Thread FW20 Done. Sale? Perhaps.

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I wanna see someone swag that TRENCH

just not gonna be me
how much is it? ill try and get it. not really my style but its hard. I think im just gonna hit accessories tomorrow. really wanna hold out for TNF, i have never been able to get one and ef you see kay paying resell. got a lot of questions but have no clue where to begin.
i’ve heard people getting shipping.

we talking canceled from restock? :nerd:


Jacket is flames man . But can’t justify the price . Think I’ll get more wears out of the Denim jacket

And I pray to God the pants don’t fit me like that
If the pants fit anything like recent seasons sweatpants then they will. ****s are gigantic :lol:
Canceled from restock. But if they getting shipping, then cancellations are ducktales.
thats what im aiming for. Bots are going to try to cart the bogo and the trucker jacket first.
Makes us three of us. I do want that non-bogo crew, but I want it in the Natural cw. The most impossible cw to cop on Sup it seems.
Hey we're part of the fashion community. Do we get some of that funds to help pay resale for the covid t? :D
:lol: you know some of this stuff this week gonna sit so good luck to raising funds for the fashion community. Not gonna be like Covid-19 money.
Still haven’t seen tracking for red cup (fri restock).. been lookin for clear restock, but they few n far between vs red.

I’m hoping ashtray/decks are possible, but not holding my breath the way this seasons been.
:lol: you know some of this stuff this week gonna sit so good luck to raising funds for the fashion community. Not gonna be like Covid-19 money.
I have mixed feelings about this one. I think Vogue was really, really late to the game on COVID and now they're trying to big man their way into some positive PR with this fund. It's still a good cause, but it shouldn't obscure Vogue's inaction or lack of early leadership on the subject.
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