**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

I honesty don't understand the trouble with the hotel basement. Just post up in the corner next to the generator and blast the stalkers with a shotgun. Then when the bloater comes, keep chucking molotovs at him. Beat it on my first try and I just casually roamed around that floor looking for the keycard as if everything was cool.
I honesty don't understand the trouble with the hotel basement. Just post up in the corner next to the generator and blast the stalkers with a shotgun. Then when the bloater comes, keep chucking molotovs at him. Beat it on my first try and I just casually roamed around that floor looking for the keycard as if everything was cool.

On what difficulty?
This game is sooo good, but could have come out 5 years ago with the technology it uses. I dont understand why we have to pick between graphics and story... Im just frustrated with the **** riding that  a game may get because the companies havent put ANYTHING ELSE out! Its like comparing the Dollar to the Peso, but then doing the same comparison if money didnt have an intrinsic value, which is what the world is creating more and more of for us.
Just before the you enter the firefly hospital, and you are where all the infected are nearby the water.... Saw two bloaters an a bunch of clickers... Escaped that with the quickness. Only the second time I ran away from a fight... I barely had a enough supplies to kill one of the clickers.... but Two bloaters?
This game is sooo good, but could have come out 5 years ago with the technology it uses. I dont understand why we have to pick between graphics and story... Im just frustrated with the **** riding that  a game may get because the companies havent put ANYTHING ELSE out! Its like comparing the Dollar to the Peso, but then doing the same comparison if money didnt have an intrinsic value, which is what the world is creating more and more of for us.

whattttttt ?? lmaooo :lol:

Try playing on hard. Normal is a joke in comparison. Way more ammo and supplies on normal.

This game is sooo good, but could have come out 5 years ago with the technology it uses. I dont understand why we have to pick between graphics and story... Im just frustrated with the **** riding that  a game may get because the companies havent put ANYTHING ELSE out! Its like comparing the Dollar to the Peso, but then doing the same comparison if money didnt have an intrinsic value, which is what the world is creating more and more of for us.

So much wrong in this post. I don't know what more you want on 8 year old hardware.It may be a little rough in some areas, but show me another game with as much detail with basically no repeating assets. Each house, building, room is unique. If you can't appreciate the painstaking detail in this game that's on you.

And it takes time to make games. You can't just crap out games like this year after year.
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This game is sooo good, but could have come out 5 years ago with the technology it uses. I dont understand why we have to pick between graphics and story... Im just frustrated with the **** riding that  a game may get because the companies havent put ANYTHING ELSE out! Its like comparing the Dollar to the Peso, but then doing the same comparison if money didnt have an intrinsic value, which is what the world is creating more and more of for us.

:rofl: :rofl: Go play Call Of Duty and 2K homie. Naughty Dog has released two of the five highest rated games this Gen, and 4 great games in a 6 year period, get out of here
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This game is sooo good, but could have come out 5 years ago with the technology it uses. I dont understand why we have to pick between graphics and story... Im just frustrated with the **** riding that  a game may get because the companies havent put ANYTHING ELSE out! Its like comparing the Dollar to the Peso, but then doing the same comparison if money didnt have an intrinsic value, which is what the world is creating more and more of for us.

wtf? :x

i wish i can down rep
I honesty don't understand the trouble with the hotel basement. Just post up in the corner next to the generator and blast the stalkers with a shotgun. Then when the bloater comes, keep chucking molotovs at him. Beat it on my first try and I just casually roamed around that floor looking for the keycard as if everything was cool.
I'm playing on the hardest level, I just ran past everyone and didnt even get touched. Tried killing them at first and it just wast working. Not nearly enough ammo for that. Make one Shiv in case you get grabbed and run for dear life.
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Should I wait for the PS4 to release before purchasing a PS3 ~ at a discounted price? Or just get the PS3 now (along with this game?!)
I finally tried out the MP earlier and wow, I'm horrible at it :lol:

I only need the MP trophies to get platinum but damn, I dunno how I'm going to do it.
I finally tried out the MP earlier and wow, I'm horrible at it :lol:

I only need the MP trophies to get platinum but damn, I dunno how I'm going to do it.

Doesn't help that the matchmaking is completely broken. I'm sure you're getting put in games against high level players with more unlocks.

And now this

:smh::smh: :smh:
I finally tried out the MP earlier and wow, I'm horrible at it :lol:

I only need the MP trophies to get platinum but damn, I dunno how I'm going to do it.

As long as you plan out using your easy missions for 100% threats, all it is is a grind.
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Man, Survivor is no joke. I am about 80% done and I am really dreading the last chapter, as well as two more parts with bloaters. :x
I just finished this game about half an hour ago and it was worth every amazing review. This game is easily one of the 5 best games I have ever played if not the best. Just tremendous and its a bit sad that the experience is over but I enjoyed every minute of it.
Finished the game yesterday. Def in my top 3 of favorite ps3 games but the ending was terrible.

But before that this is one of the few games that made my jaw drop multiple times from the epicness.
So I've never played Uncharted 1, I've played a bit of 2, I own them both... now that I've finished this, should I go through the Uncharted series?
Finished the game a few days ago and it is amazing.

Ellie....hnnnnnnnggggggg. I then watched Juno and :x

But this is the best game I've played thus far. Going to try mp when a new neighbor comes in so I can "borrow" their wifi.

So I've never played Uncharted 1, I've played a bit of 2, I own them both... now that I've finished this, should I go through the Uncharted series?

Never played the first Uncharted, but Uncharted 2 is a great game. UC3 is nice too, but UC2 is still the best of the series.
So I've never played Uncharted 1, I've played a bit of 2, I own them both... now that I've finished this, should I go through the Uncharted series?
Uncharted 2 is my favorite PS3 game. I would def start with one though then move onto UC2.
Definitely check out the Uncharted series.

Play them through chronologically and you can really appreciate how Naughty Dog learned and built on what they could do.
Finished the game yesterday. Def in my top 3 of favorite ps3 games but the ending was terrible.

But before that this is one of the few games that made my jaw drop multiple times from the epicness.

Ending was absolutely perfect. What exactly did you not like about the ending and how would you have made a better ending?
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