Official TMNT thread, R.I.P to the OG Master Splinter

October 21, 2009 - In a move that brings a major franchise under the wing of a powerhouse company, Nickelodeon has acquired the global rights to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles from The Mirage Group and 4Kids Entertainment, Inc.

Nickelodeon has announced that they are now moving forward on development of a new CG-animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles television series, which will premiere in 2012. That same year, Paramount Pictures (which, like Nickelodeon, is part of Viacom) will release a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles feature film. As yet, it's not clear if the film will be all CGI, like the 2007 TMNT movie, or bring the Ninja Turtles back to live-action.

Nickelodeon has also acquired all merchandising rights to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and will continue to work with Playmates Toys, who have been the company behind the successful TMNT toys since the 1980s.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shares a comedic sensibility with the Nickelodeon DNA, with added layers of action and fantasy that have kept this property an evergreen favorite with multiple generations of audiences," said Cyma Zarghami, President, Nickelodeon/MTVN Kids and Family Group. "We are extremely happy to have the opportunity to be able to focus on this property and creatively re-introduce it to a new generation of kids."

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a property that maintains a very passionate global fan base, is rich with opportunity for a tentpole movie, and is exactly the right property for us to work together with Nickelodeon," said Adam Goodman, President, Paramount Pictures..

The recent animated Turtles series that wrapped up earlier this year will continue to to air on "TheCW4Kids" Saturday morning programming block on The CW network through Aug. 31, 2010.
def gonna pick up the movie star donny!!!!! Thats been my fav turtle toysince i was little. earlier this year i kept searching ebay for it and found it for 40 bucks
good thing i waited. Cant wait for it!
Originally Posted by DimondJ15


I was gonna post this last week but I wasn't happy with this news (to be honest)

In my opinion, this could be the end of having a "dark, more mature Ninja Turtles movie" based on the comic book

I really don't know if Nickelodeon will come out with a movie like that

Rest In Peace to the Ninja Turtles franchise
unless if they can proveme wrong in 2012
I also read that the network is looking to acquire the rights to the original 80's cartoon show and air it on their channel as well
To be honest.

I haven't really cared about Ninja Turtles since like 1993.

The TMNT CGI movie rekindled some interest but it wasn't enough.

And a sequel to the CGI movie been way overdue.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by DimondJ15


I was gonna post this last week but I wasn't happy with this news (to be honest)

In my opinion, this could be the end of having a "dark, more mature Ninja Turtles movie" based on the comic book

I really don't know if Nickelodeon will come out with a movie like that

Rest In Peace to the Ninja Turtles franchise
unless if they can prove me wrong in 2012

I agree with most of that... but i feel they could do a very good job with an animated series.. if they come with the same quality as a show like Avatar. Theseries that started in 2k3 (before they went to the future anyway) is what they should aim for.
yea, they could probably pull off a decent animated series

But before this buyout occured, the movie was in the early planning stages. Peter Laird (The creator and now former owner) was talking about rebooting thefranchise and have the movie be live action and similar in tone to the current batman franchise. But now since he's no longer the owner, Nickelodeon coulddo whatever they want.
So uhhhh, it's November. Whats good with those last 4 turtles?
Andplaymates is playing games. No demand outside the main guys? Please.
i'm going to make a trip to Toys R Us tomorrow, hopefully they'll have the new ones but i doubt it.
Originally Posted by gregbutler20

So uhhhh, it's November. Whats good with those last 4 turtles?
And playmates is playing games. No demand outside the main guys? Please.

that whole Nickelodeon buyout does have an effect on stuff like this but they will release it in time for the holidays
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