:::[Official TNF] San Francisco 49ers vs. Seattle Seahawks @ Candlestick 10/18:::

2 drops and someone tackling themselves in open field....what's up with the WRs today?

Beast mode....
should've gone for the first down instead of taking that shot, but I like the aggressiveness.

Unleash Russlemania.
Such a weak call on 3rd right there...and now look where that gets you...short field for the 9ers

Field position damnit!
Seahawks leaving a lot of points off the field, they are much better than this.
This D isn't playing with the same intensity that we have seen in the past. And we are getting no pressure on Wilson. :{
Tate has to come up with some of these catches man. Even with the DB draped over him, the ball hit him square in the chest.
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