Official Toronto - Outlet and Store report

What kind of list? Like guaranteed pair?
From what I was told it is a list so they can get back in line in the same order as they came from earlier in the day. Honestly this lining up stuff has already been overboard now a pre list so they can get back in line. Smh.

@kobeoverbron doesn't the stores open at that time?
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They'll hand out tickets by 7 and open at 8. That's what they said on the phone.

Who knows man. What they tell each person is always going to be different. They told my friend that tickets will be handed out at 4:30am, take it with a grain of salt...

Personally Im looking forward to that Capsule sale online that starts after midnight. :smile:
Hit or miss. Dufferin mall is expecting line to start around 1am
Thx for the info
Regarding to the ghost chairs and the line up that already started, this is just Fked up. There's no way to line up this early for a GR... ppl just get a life and go to work instead of reselling ****. I guess I have to either go earlier or just buy from the website SMH.
So are they watching these chairs from a distance ? I wanna know the rule on this ghost chair foolishness ? Like can I go ahead of a chair that nobody is sitting inn?

You will probably get in **** by some kids and u wont be able to get in the line LOL
What a joke,   did an individual put all those chairs out,  or was it footlocker?
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What a joke,   did an individual put all those chairs out,  or was it footlocker?
^ you can't be serious with that question... why would footlocker set up some chairs? LOL so camper's can have a seat because it's hard enough standing in the cold??

the chairs belong to a bunch of wasteman's who have no life and nothing better to do.
^ you can't be serious with that question... why would footlocker set up some chairs? LOL so camper's can have a seat because it's hard enough standing in the cold??

the chairs belong to a bunch of wasteman's who have no life and nothing better to do.
I wouldn't put it past that HoH to put out chairs for people...
Lool I cringe at the thought of lining up outside in the cold for SHOES

If I strike out online, it aint the end of the world. Resellers aint gettin my money either
amen, brother.

just wait for the ebay resellers to flood the market, and you can get any pair you want closer to retail.
Thx for the info
Regarding to the ghost chairs and the line up that already started, this is just Fked up. There's no way to line up this early for a GR... ppl just get a life and go to work instead of reselling ****. I guess I have to either go earlier or just buy from the website SMH.
 AGREED....Lets line up in the cold to make $50

Unless you're working at Mc Donlads or delivering Scarborough Mirror there's no real money to be made reselling a GR **Look back at the losers that bought Sport Blue 6s to resell**
Some ok BF deals on the Foot locker website.

Aformentioned KD VI's at $100, Precision Timing/Away 2, Splatter/Energy

Adidas Pure Boost at $99 - Battle Pack, Pure Grey -- Are these good for running? Are they ugly? SEARCH: KEYWORD SEARCH#sku-4209230

Some other stuff here and there, mostly in larger sizes.

Canada's Way of Wade connect(lol) has everything on clearance. These are pretty nice shoes, and they're pretty damn cheap. If I strike out on some stuff I'm targeting, I'll probably end up with a pair.

Anyone heard anything about Livestock's sale? 
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